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in reply to: Hysterectomy & Graves disease #1065957
Thank you Ski. I have been diagnosed with a Kidney stone. We are praying it passes but we’ll see. I soooooooo grateful to know it’s just a stone and now I can kick it’s butt!!!!
I have also found out some things about my reproductive organs as well and after the stone passes or I have it removed depending on if it passes or not I will have to figure out what is wrong with the other parts of me. Again I have to be a good mood because it surely could be worse! My fear is having a hysterectomy done and throwing off my remission so I am looking at every angle ,if it should come to this I want to be prepared. I’ve had 4 wonderful children so if me being sick means getting rid of the stuff in side then so be it. My only hesitation would be my thyroid, if that isn’t an issue then I would be fine with the whole thing. Although I am sure any dr. would find that odd, but then again they aren’t dealing with the average bear! LOLThanks–
in reply to: Hyper symptoms #1066051I have to say that when I had jaw and neck tension that would not go away it was due to stress. I remember going to a neurologist who did an MRI of my brain just in case and when I saw her she said that with all my kids and the stress it was affecting me in this way. I didn’t really believe her but did what she said anyway and I was amazed that it worked. She first said to get the kids out of my room (they were sleeping with me and I got no sleep). I started to get myself ready for bed at about 8:30pm and was in bed usually around 9pm because I had to wake up at about 6am. it’s not like that anymore but I do try to get 8 hours although the times are different now.
I was also clenching my jaw which was causing this major pain and after being able to sleep the right amount of hours the pain eventually went away. I was also under my dentist’s care as well. I took what they said with a grain of salt because to them any thing they can get you to do is money in their pocket lol.
This was 3 years ago, but more recently last year I again was unable to relax, not getting sleep makes everything stressful even if it’s not a bad stress. I was told by my dr. that I needed sleep again more than 8 hours due to the demands of being a mother with all these kids. She also gave me a sleep aide but I would recommend you speak with your dr. about that before doing it. I was pleased with taking the sleep aide, it taught me how to go to bed relaxed again and I only used it 4 times, it was such a pleasant feeling of being able to learn how to relax. You have to sit in bed before you take it so you don’t get over excited. GReat way to teach yourself to take a few minutes for yourself.
I don’t know if this is really thyroid related or more tension from stress or lack of proper sleep but I do hope that you get relief soon. ummmmm not to pry but my neurologist told me when I was going through this that when getting ready for bed and laying down to sleep, not to have sex. If sex is to happen its before trying to start getting ready for bed. She said because you are trying to "retrain" your body to relax before bed so you get a better nights sleep. With sex although it feels good it actually tenses muscles and keeps your brain "awake" and that is not what you want to do. Sorry if too much information but thought i’d throw that out there to let you know.
in reply to: Great news…I’m pregnant..nervous though #1065977I do understand your caution, we are here to share this joy now and throughout and we’ll be here Lord forbid if you need us for a sorrow.
for now we bask in the joy of what is today and I am sooooooooooooooo excited for you! If you don’t mind I would like to post a prayer request for you and your little one on another forum I go to. We have had a miracle once or twice there with little babies. So would like to have the prayer warriors on that forum cheer and pray for this little one!
keep us up to date but take it easy!!!!!
in reply to: what else can happen? #1065970I am so sorry that you had to go off the meds due to not being able to handle them.
I am not sure if the rash is due to meds or graves’ but if it is some eczema type irritation talk to the dr. about hydrocorizone and use petrolium jelly every time you wash hands (if on hands) and use a lotion called Curel anti itch defense it helps a lot.
Again not sure if this is your case but moisturizing properly is key when it comes to Graves’ disease related dryness. Talk with the dermalotogist as well but also know that some of them suck you so you keep coming back. Ask very direct questions like;
Is this from my Graves’
Will treating the dryness help?
How do I treat the dryness with over the counter stuff?Don’t let them throw all of the latest trial size things at you. Let us know and keep in touch… you sound upset and frustrated with not being able to stay on the ATD’s, we’re here even if all you want to do is vent!
in reply to: About to go off meds #1066038i am in a rush but look up tips and ticks , I bumped it up so it’s on this page. It’s about hair/skin…
I have been on PTU and was fine when going off of it. I had to watch out for triggers like pregnancy, viral infections because they can trigger me to go out of it.
Well my last "going out of remission" was back almost 3 years ago. yes when I dont feel well I get checked on top of every year in general with my regular check up.embrace this and yes you are graves disease patient you always will be. You will always have to be careful with things that might trigger you but it all becomes second nature. I make sure everyone washes their hands when entering my home, kids and adults. I wash down things I use to not usually pay attention to. It works out great because my house is cleaner and we are healthier. It’s nothing now to just wash my hands when I enter my home. Stay away from people who have a cold and ask your friends the courtesy of telling you before they come over if they have a cold. I would do that part anyway only because I have 4 kids and dont need them all sick.
YOu will do great!!! This is a great milestone for you. I am of the mind that if I go out of remission again i will surely take PTU again and start over. I am happy that I have gotten this far and will never let sadness fill me about having to fight this thing again. It is what it is and I’m all ready for it.
Keep up the great work!
in reply to: PLEASE HELP ASAP PLEASE #1066033Immodium will make you stop having the diarrehea which will stop the purpose of having diarreha in the first place. When you get a virus and it reacts through having diarrhea it is expelling the virus that way. The immodium will make it take longer for this virus to run it’s course. Drink plenty of clear liquids with the exception of Coke (cola), you may put it into a cup and take a spoon and take the bubbles out of it to make it flat and drink it. it helps calm the tummy. crackers if you wish to eat something but nothing major and NO dairy at all.
We usually use the BRAT diet (Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast) During a bout with a stomach virus. Don’t be surprised if you start to throw up. It really depends on the type of virus. It can last up to 14 days so please don’t kid yourself. STay in bed, relax and keep a bucket handy if you need it. Wash your hands every time you use the bathroom, wash the door knobs, toilet handles, light switches and anything else that is shared by someone else so you can try to control the others not getting it.
Sips of water, or sips of cola are best. Dont guzzle your drink of any kind.
Chicken soup is ok but sips of it.
applesauce is good but NO apple juice at all.
Once you are feeling better, you can a little toast and if that is ok then jelly on it BUT not before finding out if you can hold food down.
NO dairy at all
Nothing but clear liquid not even coffee.Rest rest rest is the best thing to get rid of this. The longer you dont rest the worse you will get and you will not get rid of it fast enough.
I can’t talk about the other stuff but I thought that I would give my two cents about the virus. I have had plenty of practice with those!!!! (4 kids!!)
in reply to: newby and questions about methimazole #1066070I am confused, are you trying a "natural" approach? I am known for being blunt so I will continue that route and say that I have never heard of a "natural" approach when it comes to something as serious as Graves’ disease. It is not a toy to be played with and Graves’ doesn’t care who you are it is not predujuce nor does it take favorites. (unfortuneatly lol).
In order to help it there are meds out there like you have heard (the meth and another called PTU(that is just the shortened name for it). Those are drugs that would be help you along with any other drug your dr. thinks might help in regards to your pulse rate or other issues that might happen while your thyroid is out of whack.
There are always sided effects to anything we put into our body "natural" or not we still get side effects and the benifits most of the time out weight the side effects so we have to trust to take them and pray and hope for the best. If that doesn’t work then we can try another drug and see if that works. Having a great attitude like you said "loving your way to health" is AWESOME to feel! You are on the right track and that and a good support system will get you very far!
I wrote down all of my symptoms before taking PTU. I was trying to get pregnant so went with the PTU not the Tapazole(meth). I then found all of the side effects that the PTU would or could give and wrote those down. As I had a side effect that was not my usual one I wrote it down or checked it off and when I was on the meds for a while I was able to check off some of the symptoms that I had prior to the PTU. I made it a joke and laughed in Graves’ disease’s face!!! I see you are on that path and think that is a great idea.
The best person to talk to about sided effects would be the pharmacy. Give them the name of the drug and the dose or just the name and they will be able to give you the most updated information.
good luck
in reply to: TSH levels always *out* #1066083HI and welcome. I have to address some things here, is it that you are having a problem getting to sleep? If you are dreaming, you are in a deep sleep. Which means you aren’t sleeping lightly. BUT you say that you have a child, ANY woman in a deep REM sleep or not WILL wake due to a child even moving. It’s just the way we are programmed. Some of us don’t do that but most of us do.
YOu say you have always been "out" , you need to find out what your lab work is and research this for yourself and talk to your dr. Honesty is the best, tell him that you feel you are just being told something and then patted on the butt and pushed aside. You want to really be listened to.
NOW for the big one….. You’re a mom!!!! Of course you are tired, of course you can’t sleep, that baby will keep you up for a long time to come and when you sleep through the night the first and wake up and realize that you slept through it, you’ll freak out thinknig something must be wrong and you didn’t hear him, you’ll rush to him to see if he is ok. yep being a mother is great! LOL
Breastfeeding is a HUGE culprit of not sleeping and feeling like a yoyo. Believe me I am not in the slightest saying that you feeling your thyriod is the problem is the wrong thing to think but I have Graves’ although in remission right now, and I have 4 kids and breastfed the last 3 and my thyroid was in check so I know the yoyo feeling when nursing. That on top of your levels not being in the right range is a lot to handle. You worry about the baby, so you are stressed from not sleeping, you feel like crap because you’re nursing and might not be drinking enough water and eating several small meals a day and you probably have a husband who works so he can’t help you at night. It can be overwhelming, this i know.
You getting sick. There are some tips that I tell others especially with graves’ and everyone with a newborn or any kids. Wash your hands, Wash wash wash!!!! Every single person that enters your home MUST wash their hands! No exceptions
Kids, adults doesn’t matter! When you come in from the store, wash your hands! When your dh comes home ..wash his hands! This really helps keep down the germs that you have enter your home. Freakently wash light switches, toilet handles, door knobs and sinks with a bleach solution. Even just soap and water will do fine. It really helps keep it down. Keep your hands away from your mouth AND your babies mouth. If you are out with the baby keep his hands away from your mouth as well, because if he touches something the germs will get into his and your mouth. Our bodies can be weak but we can try to keep the germs at bay by doing just simple things like washing our hands.When you get dry skin in the winter then keep some lotion next to sink so you can use that after washing hands.
I Don’t have hypo so I can’t help with the whole hypo and what meds are a better idea. But I hope that some things I’ve said have helped. If you need to chat in private just PM me. Nursing is a strain on any woman, it’s harder when you have a thyroid problem…so my PM box is open if you need to talk!
in reply to: Eye Floaters #1066306Baseballplayer6, I’m not sure if you are still having issues with dry skin but there are some things you can try to help it.
I listed some things Click on here for Tips
I also bumped it up so it is on the first page of this forum so others can see it.
bumping up for basebplyr6
in reply to: Side Effects From my antithyroid medication #1066114Your pharmacist would be a great tool during this time in your life. To be perfectly frank, your pharmacist would know more than your dr. Dr’s are there to treat you and know what they are giving you. Pharmacists are there to make sure that they know the most updated information on what you are taking.
Yes loss of taste does happen with both Tapazole and PTU. I took PTU. I learned how to spiff up my food with herbs and spices, instead of thinking how depressing it is or can be, think of it as redecorating your taste buds!
PTU takes disgusting, i hate it and it isn’t coated well enough and well its’ just gross! But it wont help to stomp our feet about it. I took it with milk to help. My dh thought the faces I made were funny so it was of some amusement at least for him. We truly tried to keep a smile on about this whole disease.
in reply to: Side Effects From my antithyroid medication #1066112(((((((((((bartlett)))))))))))))
Nothing is easy when it comes to graves’!
What thyroid medicine are you taking?in reply to: Graves disease in the funnies #1066131I am never to far from my multitool. I carry a knife with me at all times, it’s a pretty one but effective, i use to open things with. I also have a multitool that I carry with my almost always. If I touch a handle and it’s loose I fix it. THere is always something somewhere that needs fixing. (remember this part, it’ll get funny in a minute)
Well I have been one to say several times on this board in fact that finding the problem is the hardest thing, once we know what it is we can kick it’s butt!
Well my kids know about my thyroid and know that mommy hasn’t been sick in a very long time (remission for almost 3 years now). But they tell their friends that mama kicked Graves’ disease’s butt with a multitool and that is why she carries it all the time so if it comes back she can fix it.
in reply to: the long haul #1066220Antony, yes PM’s are fine!
I wanted to post this hear in case others need the info or the peptalk.
We have lives that we have to live regardless of our health issues. We do better in our health when we have human contact other than the kids and the every day to day life we lead. It’s hard sometimes to have that contact but we need it, our body and minds thrive on it. We are healthier when we reach out.
I have had 4 kids, there is nothing I am embarrassed about most of the time. I’ve had a kid in a store yell the F word and just looked and said I’ll have to go the soap isle and buy a good brand….just to ease the tension most people feel when hearing something like that from a kid and are wondering what the parent is going to do.
I’ve had a yelling contest just because I was cranky one day and my numbers were all screwed up and I didn’t realize it yet. Yes people will think you are crazy, they will think you are mean or a jerk. You can apologize and say you have thyroid issues you are working on and this is a reaction from it. Your friends should understand and if they don’t remind them this is a disease that will take time to heal.
You need all the support you can get, your wife can come on here and ask as many questions as she wishes. She can come on here to vent as well if she needs to. It’s not easy on the spouse either, they have to deal with our crankiness and outbreaks and it can get lonely for them as well because they have no one else who will understand.
Well we sure would understand because we are the cranky ones and can help her learn how to deal with you and help support you during this time. She must be out of mind thinking how nuts you are and you must be faking it. YES..dont be surprised if she feels that way.
Honesty is the best medicine and being a friend to your husband and or wife during this time is the only way to get through it. Being honest about your feelings and saying it gets it off your chest and then you move on so therefore there is no more resentment. BOTH of you fighting the disease if better than one of you trying to do it.
Have her help you research and get info that you need. If there is a drug that you were on, it is up to YOU and your DR to determine the pros and cons of the medicine. Yes it can be scary to take a drug to help you but that is up to you to decide and if you are healthy enough to take the medicine and are being monitored by your dr. and check before you take other drugs.
All drugs even aspirin have their pros and cons, if you take a tylonal you are taking a drug that can effect your liver so therefore that is a risk just like with everything else we take.
good luck
in reply to: recurring pretibial myxedema #1066505Please see your dr. asap regarding this. I know you say both feet are affected with swelling and it seems that it is PM again but there could be something else going on. Let you dr. see your feet/legs and determine if there is a nessesary sonogram to order to rule out a blood clot. Please, pretty please!