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in reply to: Probably Lyme… #1061571
went to have MRI done now it’s wait and see.
in reply to: symptomatic…"normal" TSH…??????? #1061509I agree with Kim. Get a physical from your general dr.
Are you running a fever?
Are you breasts soar, has the baby learned to suckle properly? If your breasts are soar and red, swollen, tender to the touch or hot anywhere please see your Gyn asap. Mastitis can be the culprit and not getting help for it will make you ill. (i know this for a fact. 4 kids, 3 were nursed and 3 times I has mastitis…not fun!).As long as you are taking care of your self which you know by now that eating to suppliment for your nursing is VERY important and drinking plenty of water is good.
Knowing that the baby will go through growth spurts around, weeks 3,6,8,12,and usually every two weeks slightly there after and every time that happens its a race to suckle more and longer to get your body to produce more.I was on meds prior to getting pregnant and stopped when I was about 3months pregnant. I was fine while pregnant. I will skip the other stuff.. bottom line is , I feel great when TSH is over 1.0 anything below that and I am not right at all. Regardless of how the other tests show.
I had a dr. refuse my treatment because my levels were fine and but my TSH was 0.4 and the range was 0.3-4.5 I was livid with him and said I’m .4 and feeling it why wont you help me!!! I wasn’t ladylike with my words lets just say that.
I would look at your lab work, get a copy or call the lab, sign the papers to have them mailed or faxed to you and get everything. look at the labwork and see where you were back then and where you are now.
personally I just did this with the lab, I got the paper, signed it and said ALL labwork from 2000-2009 and they sent it to me. I didn’t ask for 2010- till now because I have that.
good luck
Bumping and editing to add stuff.
in reply to: Just wondering……….. #1061554yes this happened to me when I active with Graves. I took notes on when it happened saw a pattern and did my chores around that!
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Some days were bad some were goodin reply to: Graves and Extreme Workouts #1061534I am familiar with the workout, it is an exercise that helps strengthen and tone muscles. In my opinion I don’t think it would have mattered. As it has been already said, remission is temporary. Symptoms and be harsh the first time or not and then harsh the 2nd time or not, each time can be different from the last.
The flu is what triggered my initial issues. I have been in remission for 4 years and have had the flu once since then and also general virus’ and I have not come out of remission. You just never know what it could be. I have had personal issues with my 16 yr old and it is very stressful but I am still in remission. It really just can come and go as it pleases. Sometimes we will never know what triggered it this time. The point is, is that you are out of remission and need to go on medicine to help you get better again. Working out is not an option, you can damage your heart and that is not what you want to do. I have not used the PX but heard it is great. Since you have it then you know once you are better you can go back to it and regain what you might loose. You have done this before, know that the medicine might help again. If it does not then go from there. Talk to your dr. about how you feel, vent on here if need too get it out!
I am in remission , I don’t worry when it will come out of remission, I just know one day it might and it so then I’ll deal with it. It is truly that simple for me, I’m a busy mom and can’t worry and if it does happen then oh well medicine again or something else if I choose.
Good luck
in reply to: Probably Lyme… #1061570Kim: yes it is and I have to crack up with that …sure does keep on giving!
Mom2pups, I have had 3 weeks of another antibiotic (equivalent to doxy) then 6 weeks later had 2 weeks of Doxy. THis was last year. THought it was good but then a couple of months later started feelig weird. Thought it was another kidney stone, thought it was my thyroid again, thought it was gastro related, thought it to be so many other things. Finally dr. said it can only be lyme or thyroid. Thyroid fine so now Neuro to check for lyme. And here I am.
I will say this… I understand how people get misdiagnosed. "This" feels like thyroid and just about any other tyypical thing. Foggy brain, memory issues, weight gain(since I have graves it’s the only abnormal thing), feeling of wanting to fall asleep right at this very moment, dizzy, pains throughout body, the list is long…. any one of these can be related to thyroid. Oh and pulse racing. If it wasn’t for the fact that I know for sure I have had lyme and i do a lot of research I’d say it was something else. Concentration stinks too…hmmmm not sure if i mentioned that already lol.
we’ll see what happens. Thanks for letting me vent here even though this isn’t thyroid related.
in reply to: Virus and then Graves Disease #1061582If I may ask… do you have Allergies that trigger asthma? What other meds are you on for your asthma?
I know I don’t have to say this but I can’t help it… Please make sure you bring a rescue inhaler where ever you go, keep one in the car and keep one on yourself at all times.
I wasn’t sure where you are from but anyone with or without asthma is having a real hard time with spring/late spring with allergies. Even people who are not allergic are getting breathing problems due to the amount of pollen. I do not have "asthma" but my allergies cause me have post nasal drip and thus goes into my lungs and poof asthma! It is only during allergy season and I dont take anything when it’s not allergy season.
Make SURE your pharmacy knows all of the medicines that you are on. Only use one pharmacy so that if there is an issue they will flag it. Also any information you need to know about your meds current or old, speak to your pharmacist about it, they are the most up to date people for that information. If something changes they will know.
4 kids…. I can’t be tired..not allowed till I have grandkids which wont be for a long time. But my promise is that I will spoil them all rotten…rotten to the core I say!!
in reply to: 17 years past RAI #1061618Sorry to hear about all of this for you…
Have you seen a Reproductive Endocrinologist(RE) for your miscarriages? I think you’re about 31 and I would assume that since you tried for babies that you are also married. It is not easy on a man or woman when a woman has a miscarriage and adding that you don’t know where it is coming from hurts even more.When I was Hyper I found out that my eggs were not a good quality for getting pregnant. Good quality in the sense of to be fertilized. I saw an RE and she tested me throughout different stages of my cycle and was able to help me get pregnant with my 2nd and 3rd children. (1st and 4th were without help)
I have never had a miscarriage but I think that you might be able to get some help through a GYN who deals with infertility or an RE who also does the same. Sometimes ins. companies wont allow you to see an RE so you might have to go to a GYN who specializes with it. It’s the same kind of dr. it just depends what their specialty is and what degrees they have. My RE was also a general Gyn as well.You should get your lab work and look at the ranges because your levels might be within range but might not be good for getting pregnant. An RE or Gyn will do tests to check on that.
On another note: Please do not blame your mom. Years ago Dr’s didn’t say to moms well your daughter has GD and this is the issue and this is what the options are and this this this…. They said she has this and this is what we are giong to do to treat it. Regardless of your mom working or not the dr. would still have said those things. It’s just how they spoke back then, 17 years ago doesn’t seem like a long time but Graves disease knowledge has come a long way and dr’s aren’t being allowed to get away with "just using RAI", most of them do give options now and it’s up to us to choose what we want. Some do use the RAI and like you their levels have been fine. But clearly your body is having other effects as well and that needs to be addressed.
I would speak to your general dr. or gyn and ask them about getting tested for other issues like low estrogen or to high estrogen. If during your cycle after you ovulate your body isn’t producing enough Progesterone your body will miscarry. It is sad but true…these are things that they should look for. I remember being tested on days; 3,5,7,14,16,18,21,27 30… yes I was poked and prodded but it was worth it. Even if I hadn’t gotten pregnant at least I knew the reason.
They will probably ask your dh for blood work too and other things he might not like but to be honest he should be checked as well in case there are issues with him too.Good luck
in reply to: Virus and then Graves Disease #1061579Thank you for letting me know… I was a vet tech back when you went to work there and just learned as you go. It was only 20 years ago and I’m only 37. Yep, right out of high school. It was fun, there were ups and downs and well I learned a lot. Glad to see the dogs are on a good plan. Make sure they are not "watching" the tv. I know it sounds silly but it can cause seizures.
I have 4 kids and have had my fair share of virus’. I use to be very afraid of getting a cold, I had a few after coming off of the meds and even had Rota Virus and of course was kicked out of remission and had to go back on meds. It blew donuts, I was so upset! But after having a few virus’ and even the Flu and not coming out of remission, I realize that it is what it is. I opted for not doing the RAI because the meds were working for me. I was amazed to see it help so fast, I am one of the lucky ones.
If I come out of remission I would do meds again and see if I am lucky again, if i’m not then I’ll sort that out when or if the time comes. I do not worry about it at all. I know my body and my symptoms and so does my husband.
I do have a rule in the house , everyone washes their hands when they come in. When I was quite sick, I use to make everyone do it but now it’s just us and the kids who do it. It doesn’t matter if we were at the store or the school, they must wash their hands. It helps keep down the germs, there is nothing like a mom taking care of 4 sick kids and then getting their cold on top of that!
One year when my 4th was just a baby, I had all the kids sick straight for 6months. Some at the same time, one would get better and another would get it or get something else.
This went on from November 06′ through April 07′. finally I said no more people in my home, I opened all my windows, washed everything with bleach, opened my doors and let the air come in and that was the end of this nonsense with the colds. I couldn’t take not sleeping anymore and this surely did the trick.I still wash all things that people tend to touch when the kids are sick, like the door knobs and light switches and toilet handles…just to keep germs down. It’s more so so I help prevent colds than it is preventing me from coming out of remission, it’s not something I think of often. I know I have Graves but it’s in remission, i wont worry till it’s time to again if need be.
STay well ! Hugs those pups!
in reply to: Virus and then Graves Disease #1061574I am sorry to hear about this. My graves was also triggered by a virus.
This might seem odd but I’d like to talk about your dogs. You say they have seizures and that you have meds for them. My concern is, have you found the root cause to their seizures?
Are they the same litter? If not it is odd they both have seizures.
Have the dr. given you a clear diagnosis for BOTH dogs as to why this is happening?
Is the medicine they are on proper for their types of seizures?I ask because a dog on an anti seizure medicine should not be having issues of seizures. Anti meds help prevent them so I am unclear as to why they might still be having them.
Sorry, I’m an old vet tech..cant help wanting to know.
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in reply to: Is it possible I’m in remission? #1061614I AM in remission, I am not taking medicine at all and have maintained good levels for 4 years now. THAT IS remission.
You are experiencing something but it is not remission. This might be a reaction to the drug but ONLY your dr. can determine that. Not us and not you. Changing your dose might make you start at ground zero around and you don’t want to do that. What you are experiencing is not your body saying hey i’m good stop the treatment, it’s saying call your dr. you have some questions.
You do not have to wait to see the dr. in order to get answers. Call them and tell them what is going on, they might say come in sooner or we’ll squeeze you in monday.
in reply to: Giving birth with treated Graves #1061776Deblitz welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy! are you on meds for Graves and are your levels stable? Your Ob should know so if they do not please let them know you had or have graves disease and what medicine you took or if you did RAI or surgery and if you are on synthroid or the like at this point.
The Ob might ask that you also see an Endo while you are pregnant just to make sure.
in reply to: Meds and problems #1061718I agree with ski.
Keeping track of my symptoms led me to realizing that my headaches were from PMS. My diarrhea was also associated with my menstrual cycle. Had you asked me about it I’d have said what are you nuts, but having kept track of everything I figured it out.
About 7-10 days before I got my period my dh said Oh baby, you poor thing you have pms lets order chinese food(i love chinese food). This has gone on for a very long time. I also couldn’t smell certain things that normally would be fine it would give me an instant headache and then or course the regular headache that comes right on time… this is all during PMS time.Well now I know how to help it along the way and know that my illnesses are from that and also during my ovulation time things change and again different symptoms come and I have been able to deal with those.
I have come to learn over the years and just recently in the last few days that there are so many things that our bodies have to go through even without thyroid issues that if you were to ask me if PMS was real I’d have said no and this wasn’t that. But in fact it is and well it effects everyone differently.
Like guys don’t get a period but their hormones change as well and women don’t think about that. They think their husbands or boyfriends are being mean/nasty or wimpy and it has a lot to do with their hormones as well. So if you ever here that "he has his period" laugh about it but know it has some truth to it. It’s more like "his hormones are fluctuating" lol.
If you had said to me that I am lacking in vitamins and that is the only cause of my issues as of the other day I’d have laughed and today I think wow this might be it and Vit D issues can be serious. You learn something new everyday.
I think you need to speak with your dr and ask him to do a work up on you and make sure your complete blood count is doing well and what your hormone levels are. It wont hurt to see where your levels are.
Do you exercise? I didn’t up until today. I’ve been putting it off and putting it off and well today is the day I started.
My entire body has been in pain and achy for so long that I figured it would make it worse. Well it doesn’t, it makes it better. I feel better today, still tired but I was able to get my back bent a little more today than I have for a while.Feel better and know that you are the keeper of you, so make sure the dr. "hears" your voice.
in reply to: We’ll see update 5/24 Thyroid concern… #1061888Dr. called me yesterday said my Lyme titer was better and is currently showing that I do not have active lyme. Of course it does show that I did but I’m very glad that it is not active at this point. The "bands" that showed I was positive last year are fewer now so very happy with that.
She said my Vitamin D is on the low side and wants me to take suppliments and be serious about it. She said this could be the reason for all of my issues. I never thought that I would be deficient in "d".
She said my Thyroid Peroxidase AB and my Thyroglobulin AB was also fine and because "you do have graves disease and naturally you would have antibodies even if it was from years ago".
I need to know if this is true?
I looked at my old records and the only antibody test I ever had was right after my initial diagnosis and that was:
Thyrogolbulin AB (range: < 2 Iu/mL) and mine at the time was 25Thyroglobulin AB (range: < 2 Iu/mL) as of 5/20/11 is 32
Peroxidase is currently 86 (range: < 2 Iu/mL)So my question is: I’ve been in remission 4 years with no medicine at all, I have an intact thyroid. Why would it show antibodies, do the antibodies we develop never go away?
If they never go away does that mean it will always show even when my TSH,T3,T4 are fine?Also, very interesting… I am white, pale skin, the dr. said that I have this lacy pattern on my arms. If you look at the part of my arms where the veins are you can see a lacy pattern, it’s more noticeable when it’s a bit cold. The dr. said that this was due to having an autoimmune disease.
Has anyone ever heard of this?I ask because my kids also have this pattern. Not all of my kids are pale white like I am but at least 3 out of the 4 have it. If anyone has heard of this please fill me in. lol
Crazy is so underrated…ya know it CAN BE cool !
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Good to hear from you and I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. I have some info but not sure how it will help except show you a similar situation BUT without the graves involved.
My ex husband was having issues with his eyes when we were married. Around 1995 he came home from the dr. and said he needed glasses and he got them. I was dumbfounded. I wear glasses, needed them for years before finally getting a pair at age 14. Ex never needed them or so it seemed, he said once he got them his eyes seemed to be better and no more headaches.
I left him shortly after that but several years ago he was telling me that he had gotten new glasses and something about prisms in his glasses and then finally the dr’s said that he had strabismis and he was born with it. He never knew he had it and swore he didn’t have any issues with this eyes.
He had the surgery and he seems to be ok now.
The point is I remember him complaining every once in a while about headaches adn stuff but he never associated it with his eyes.Ex does not have Graves disease or any thyroid related disease and never has. This was just strabismis. He had shingles about 10 years ago and I am not sure if this is what triggered the strabismis or not but thought I would add that as well for you to know.
Something usually Triggers graves disease well maybe your graves disease triggered the strabismis. I’m not an expert and I know there are serveral who have graves and strabismis but my ex never had graves so maybe it’s a "trigger" thing.
I hope this helps