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in reply to: Ponder this….. #1071783
What a cool thread!
If it’s raining or cruddy out and you can’t get out doors, try some of these:
Paint a crazy picture! Everybody has talent!
Indulge in a hobby
Write some prose or poetry
Burn some CDs and make comp albums
Pick up a phone and call somebody you haven’t heard from in a dog’s agein reply to: Lack of Support #1071887YOur doc should speak to your H. This is hideous for you and I’m sorry this is happening.
Please nip this in the bud while you can; your youngster’s also getting caught in the cross fire. It’s definitely not a positive situation for her, either.
in reply to: I wonder if Bro has it, also…:( #1071978I told him to go get baseline levels — this was way back at the start of November when I was diagnosed. He wouldn’t listen to me then.
Makes you wonder; he’s had a ton of surgeries for whacked out knees, an elbow injury, a rotator cuff — but sit for a simple blood test he will not do.
in reply to: nightmares? #1072267About 3 days before my diagnosis was made, I had a whole night full of very bad dreams. And about a month ago, I had a slew of them (2 days after my dosage of methimazole was decreased).
in reply to: My Daughter’s Weight Gain #1072735Would Doctor advise us to go to the workouts after we are cured of this disease ? Will we be able to do the normal running ? All these are questions that I am asking to myself. Still without answers. Lets see. Keep posting what you know. Thanks Aravindh K Natarajan
I asked my doc if I could sign up for a gym and he told me to wait until my next visit with him; then he’d decide from there.
I am due back at the endo in 2 months. I was diagnosed start of November.
in reply to: I think my son has a thyroid problem #1072806Adult teeth pushing out baby teeth isn’t unusual. I knew a couple of kids who went through that.
You might want to keep an eye on the teeth, so to speak — make sure he’s brushing as usual and more or less keeping his mouth as clean as possible.
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I’ve also been feeling pretty down and I had a bad night: woke up about four times and had bad dreams.
in reply to: My Husband has Untreated Grave’s Disease #1072998Call the police and have them take your H. to the local ER.
I very much doubt he would argue with cops.
Your H has a gripload of problems — his vision may not even be adequate enough for him to entail driving a car. I’d hate to see him get into an accident where he or somebody else could be injured badly.
He could also go into thyroid storm or something else could happen to him while he is on the road.
If his vision has worsened it’s likely he will not fess up.
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072968Pretty much every hospital has a charity care department.
Call and ask and speak to the person.
Here is how my local hospital handles charity care:
All that’s required are copies of your last four paycheck stubs and that’s about it. They don’t even ask you what your assets are or even how much you earn per year.
After that, you’re issued a card that is good for a year; any hospital invoice you get you make a copy of the card, attach it to the invoice and then return the invoice to the billing office where it is sent.
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072961This is horrific.
It is hard to believe that we’re living in the year 2009.
in reply to: A Question and a comment #1073186An endo is key if you’ve got any type of disease state that involves the endocrine system. An endo is much more adept in this area.
My endo told me the bouts of insomnia I get during the night will go away.
My GP originally "diagnosed" my condition as "dehydration." That was not where it was at at all.
in reply to: Tips for eye strain ??? #1073272I think they also sell page sized maginfiers in craft stores, usually where the tapestry/embroidery supplies are.
in reply to: skin problems? #1073198Have you also seen a dermatologist about this? A trip to one is definitely in order.
Hope you feel better soon. Sorry about your skin troubles.
in reply to: I am writing to Tom Daschle… #1074705We’re *not getting him* anyway so it’s to no avail.
Right now, I have Cobra through my former company. $500 a month.
And here is the kicker: the company is not doing well financially. They have been floundering for quite awhile and it’s a tiny company (only 5 employees, including the 2 owners) to boot.
If they go under, there goes my Cobra.
And is it true that if you have a preexisting condition it is tough to get onto an individual plan you want to pay for yourself? We have a state omsbudsman that I wrote to when I was having trouble getting Cobra from the company (a whole other thread in itself) maybe he will know.
in reply to: Graves and weight gain, also alt treatment #1073469It’s positively weird how Graves manifests and rears its head.
My endo told me there was a pt of his whose only symptom was massive diarrhea.
There was another guy who lost 80 pounds out of nowhere. That was how he was diagnosed.
And I myself really saw no symptoms. I guess about a month before it hit, I noticed tightness in my thighs or I’d be stiff getting out of a chair, kind of like the stiffness you get if you’re riding in a car for 2 or 3 hours with no rest stops. And a week before, I’d wake up kind of hot and sweaty. I thought it was hot in the room and thought nothing of it.
When it finally hit, I had chills, dizziness upon rising and lying down and a heart rate of over 100. My doc originally said "This is dehydration. Go home; drink lots of fluids."
I went home, drank fluids. For four days. Heart rate stayed the same and when it hit 120 I took myself to the ER. When I got to ER, my heart rate was way over 170.
They kept me there a couple days; it was either Graves or a prolapsed valve. Guess which one it was.