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in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068766
I have lost a few pounds in the last couple of weeks.
I’ve finally gotten moving — tonight was my first salsa lesson and for the last few weeks, I’ve been working on the exterior of the house — I started by washing the siding and then the siding’s being painted.
Just the front of the house — the rest of it will have to wait.
The paint is kind of a tint — I’d call it a very soft light yellow, a bit more yellow than an almond color. The front door is a russet red.
I’ve felt pretty good throughout — all I’m down to now is sore muscles from working on the house.
The job is about 90% of the way done — we hope to finish it by the end of next week since it’s getting kind of cold.
Now I can display my Halloween decorations.
in reply to: Anyone else with muscle pain #1068000Hiya — sorry you’re having such a bad time.
Yep, muscle pain is common. I had it for quite awhile — I was dx nearly a year ago and only in the past week and a half (my levels are normal) is the muscle weakness and pain going away.
You might also ask your doc if there’s any way he or she can sign you up for physical therapy. I’d hate to see you get a muscle injury. Good luck.
in reply to: Any suggestions- Graves’ child behavior #1068040She is not too young for somewhat of a date planner.
They sell date planners for students — it helps to write down the homework assigments and to "plan ahead" when assignments, projects and what have you are due in the future.
Get one of those large dry erasable calendars, too, to record what is due when and to what teacher — and perhaps you can open the bribe window a bit.” title=”Smile” /> Give her a small allowance contingent upon timely completion of homework and other school related assignments.” title=”Smile” />
Hope this helps. GL.
I hated homework, too, at age 8 so somebody like me can see where this is at with your youngster. (same thing in my house — an argument nightly to get me to finish up homework and such)
in reply to: Gutted and fed up :( #1068489Would a speech therapist alleviate your problem somewhat? Ask about getting on board to see one — it could probably help you immensely. Get a consultation, even if you think the therapist won’t help.
in reply to: Would you switch docs? #1068525This current doc doesn’t even have email. Dude, move into at least the 80s on this one, eh?
I have no idea how people who work hack this delays while waiting nonsense. What are you expected to do — take a half personal day when you have an endo appointment? I’ll bet that goes over real big with management.
His office doesn’t even have one waiting room — there is another one down the hall — and when you think he’s ready to see you, they call you and go "Can you wait in here, please" and in that waiting room is another group of people! You’re stuck in another waiting queue at that point.
As it is he is *a bit* of a distance from me — he is about 6 miles from here but his office is situated in an area where there is positively no onstreet parking at all whatsoever. I take a bus and a subway to get there or I leave my car in a muni parking lot and take a light rail train from there to get to his office. Metered parking there is limited to about 3 hours tops — travel time to the office from that lot takes about 30 minutes.
This same endo never asked me "Did you go back to work yet" when I was first diagnosed — like I said, I never encroached the topic of being medically cleared to go back to work, being I was laid off anyway, and still am.
At my last appointment, he spent all of 15 minutes with me. And I waited how long for him to see me for that little bit of time. And I also felt like I got the bum’s rush.
The endo with the no appts until January is about a 20 minute drive from here by car. I indeed think I’ll call there tomorrow and see what’s what. Waiting all this time for an appointment — plus having to hound his office staff for info I should have had a week ago tops — is annoying indeed.
When I first started to see him, he was fine with staying on track and keeping on sched with his appointments — this waiting and waiting mess only began back in May.
in reply to: Would you switch docs? #1068522Thanks for your help.
I got the run around again today. "This is the first I am hearing about it…I’ll remind the office manager again…." Gah.
If I waited that length of time last month, what do I do re: my next appt? Pack 5 pc luggage and hope for the best? Man.
The endos that are covered under my plan are fairly limited. The one I really wanted was not seeing any more new pts and the other one in the immediate area isn’t easily accessed — in November when I was still trying to find an endo after my dx, he had no appts available until January of this year.
When I was there last month, a new patient was there, filling out paperwork. When he found out there’d be a very long wait for his 2:30 appointment did he get upset. Evidently he’d taken time off during his lunch hour to see the doc and thought he’d be in and out in an hour.
He was still waiting when I left the office at about quarter of 5.
in reply to: Wow, updates…. very positive :) #1068513Enjoy the good life, my friend!
Glad to hear things are going so well for you. ” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: Heart damage? #1068552I presented with the same thing: very elevated heartbeat.
A cardiologist in house when I was in hospital told me "you’d be suprised how many people ignore the elevated heartbeat and burn out their hearts."
If you’re in doubt, see a cardiologist on your own and get an evaluation. They could probably order an echocardiogram and/or put you on a heart monitor; that would rule out whether or not there’s any problem you may have.
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068685Lacie — I’d like to sign up for salsa or hustle lessons; there is a pretty good school of ballroom dancing that’s about 14 miles from here. They also have other dance-related group activities (free Friday night dance party if you take lessons there), Halloween parties and a slew of other social deals.
They’re also pretty active in dance competitions for students. Pretty much everybody who is a student competes. Maybe we all can’t be professional level, but it’s for the fun of it. I don’t expect to be a bloody Rockette. hehe
The daily Graves log helps.
in reply to: Depressed 13 year old #1068594carla wrote:Hi guys, boy have I had the afternoon from hell with my daughter. All began in last period of school today when she had sport. The phys ed teacher said that the class had to run 400 m and if they stopped, they would have to do it again. Carla ran the 400m, came up near the top of the field, but she was unable to do any sport after this and wanted to vomit, felt dizzy and sick. She came to the car after school in tears because, as she put it, she can’t do anything properly anymore and she wants her old life back. She says she has no friends, which is total poo, but she feels like she is a complete failure at everything now. It has taken about 4 hours for her to calm down and be happy again. As Graves disease sufferers, I hear you on the forum and realize that this happens, but can you help me help her. You know what she is feeling, what should I say? She is absolutely determined she is running the 200 m and 100 m in the athletics carnival in 2 weeks time, do I let her or not? Help needed from all mums and GD sufferers please. Thanks, ValWow, would I have had an issue with this teacher.
What do you mean "they have to do it again" if they stop?
And did this teacher not see the student was in physical distress?
I recommend a meeting with this poor excuse of a teacher and I’d give the teacher the lowdown of what my daughter’s condition entails (and I imagine she’s probably on leave from phys ed due to her condition — I’m a full grown adult and my endo told me no exercise or a gym or anything until maybe October)
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068683I have been keeping a daily log since I’ve been diagnosed.
Maybe I haven’t lost any weight but since my dx in November, I’ve been daily charting what I’ve been eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner — on the opposite page is info about the amount of meds I am taking and any physical/mental/medical issues that happened that day/night before.
I note insomnia, if there was fatigue, amount of leg pain, etc.
I would like to weigh about 140. I did about 10 years ago when I meticuously went to my kickbox class. (That is out for me now; the sifu has moved a considerable distance from me and there are not many kickbox dojos in this area anymore). It was pretty happening; I was about a size 4 when all was said and done.
I started a diet in May — I swore I was careful with what I ate but somehow I never lost any weight. Is it really this difficult to lose weight with GD? My levels are nearly at normal now but I am not having any success.
in reply to: intermittent heat/hot flashes in my leg? #1070355I had something like that in January.
I was in a store at the mall and the heat was on ultra-high; evidently the heat malfunctioned and they were not able to shut it down (the employees in there were all clad in shell tops and short sleeves).
I walked out of there, broke out into a sweat and my legs got weird — the best that I can describe it is that it felt like sparks were jumping out of them.
It happened once; it didn’t happen again after that incident.
in reply to: How long do you wait for your endo appt… #1069229I got kind of pissed — he only kept me for 15 minutes and I had a slew of things I needed to discuss — I still need more info from him for that DVRS rehab program I want to sign up for.
I also want to know when the memory loss, the insomnia and the muscle weakness will go away — I told him the insomnia is getting worse (probably related to other things happening in my life, like trying to find a job. I had the horrible luck of being laid off about 3 months before the GD mess began — I still have not found another job and I’m way up the creek without a paddle on that one) and I’m also having more migraine headaches. Also the fatique is horrible in the afternoon — by the time 4:30 rolls around, lots of times I need to take a nap. Not real good for your sleep pattern when you retire for good for the evening.
in reply to: New Blood test- High Liver Enzymes #1069266My memory loss is still prevalent and I was dx back in November; the levels are near normal but I still have the memory loss, the insomnia at night, the dizziness upon lying down and the muscle weakness. Doc keeps telling me it will all go back to normal.
YEs, but when?
I am not medically cleared to return to work. I am unemployed but if I was still working for the company I was at when I was dx, you mean to tell me I’d be sitting home because of the GD for just about an entire year??? I go back to the doc at the end of September.
in reply to: I dropped in on my local DVRS office today #1069532Ocular migraines are a pain in the tush.
Mine start out with a blind spot in my left eye. That lasts about 20 minutes.
After that, the zig zaggy wavy lines start up. They’ll start at the bottom of my vision range and then march their way up ot the top of the eye. That’s another 15 minutes.
Then my vision will get all funky — the only way I can describe it is like going into a room that is hugely brightly lit — that’s another 10 minutes or so. It’s almost like the sensation of having your eyes dilated.
Then I’ll feel lousy for the rest of the day. Sometimes it’s followed by a bad headache, sometimes it’s not.