Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Thyroid Hair #1065713
Sorry for your troubles.
I still color my hair and I still wear my contacts. WOndering how come you’re having such troubles with hair coloring and your contacts.
” title=”Sad” />
in reply to: ~Follow up to my insurance mess~ #1065804What do you do, then? You’ve tried every conceivable route; you called whatever state and national entities and your attorney and nobody out of the entire bunch can fine these jokers or even send them a Nastygram to get them moving. That’s the only way to resolve this: get somebody bigger than they are to show them that that entity means business.
Time is money. This month is halfway done. And by rights, all of this should have been a done deal by now.
Like I said, the day after I went there, my Cobra check was returned and enclosed with the check was a printout about the Cobra subsidy from the state website. Huh? did she misunderstand me and THOUGHT I was there about the subsidy ending? NO — THree times I distinctly said what I was there for and STILL no resolution in the right direction.
This is either a game or this is just plain stupidity. I have not yet determined which it is.
And no cover letter with these 2 enclosures — what’s up with that? Are they more or less afraid to put something in writing? or did I just not merit even a short note like "Hope this is what you need; sorry about the check"? Gah.
TO me, no letter or even a note is JUST DISCOURTEOUS.
And you know what else?
NOWHERE in this mess did they even bother to say "We’re sorry"!
in reply to: ~Follow up to my insurance mess~ #1065802I would like to know why it turns into a battle and a nightmare every time I contact them about an insurance-related issue. I’ve gone through hell and high water on other occasions. These people are uncooperative and I don’t know why that is.
I don’t even think this is a case of stupidity. Nobody can be this dumb.
Somebody suggested I go there in person again and refuse to leave until they follow through and resolve the issue. And I was thinking — and this is a very very long shot and probably one that I should ditch — of getting a cop to go there with me. The only way these people are going to get it in gear is if somebody in authority who can put the strong arm on them is involved in this.
in reply to: ~Follow up to my insurance mess~ #1065800I called Oxford again today. Company has not attempted to contact them; the same information is still in their system.
What kills me too is this: nobody at Oxford is even keeping a paper trail on this one; every day when I call, I have to give them the entire backstory.
My atty wanted to know "do you think Former COmpany is playing some kind of game?" That thought crossed my mind. YOu cannot say it’s sleight of hand or they forgot or whatever — this is over 3 days they have had to take care of this mess and nobody is attempting to do so.
And notice that benefits admin did not bother to try to reach me and say, "Gee, sorry about the mix up; I’ll call Oxford and get this mess rectified; sorry for the trouble"? Nope. Not even decent enough to call here. You can bet Office Manager didn’t even MENTION this to him.
in reply to: ~Follow up to my insurance mess~ #1065798We don’t have any type of entity that will go after them via the state. ONLY if these thugs hear "sue you" or "you will be fined" will they get moving. Since this is "just me" all I get to do is make phone calls and TRY to get what I need. Great.
This isn’t working:
Whoever administered your former health insurance plan is the individual responsible for working with you about COBRA. Sometimes employers farm this out (privatize it) to a "third party administrator." Sometimes this is handled "inhouse" by an HR/Personnel employee. If you have tried this, I apologize for missing that info.
This is a very small company: an owner, her H (who is supposed to be the benefits admin), two sales guys and an office manager. The OM is the one who is in charge of any type of phone calls or communications in writing to anything insurance-related; the H that is the benefits admin is very limited in English which is why OM takes care of all the communiques regarding insurance.
I for one would like to know why the owner isn’t pissed off that her office manager dropped the ball on this: OFFICE MANAGER DID NOT DO HER JOB. SHe didn’t do her job, either, that time I did not get a Cobra offer letter after I was laid off. All I got from OM was "I didn’t know we had to do it." This is bull, like I said…and they can’t really even GET into trouble for that! THe only thing they’d get is the dept of labor telling them to send it if you complained to them. They don’t get fined they pretty much more or less just get away with it.
I am trying the attorney general’s office. This is ridiculous and a shame and personally, I think these people are playing games with me. Any and every time I have contacted the former company for anything insurance-related it’s a battle bigger than Agincourt.
in reply to: So mad I could SCREAM…. #1065826Know what dumb ExBoss said when I was there and I said stress is no good for my condition?
"Oh we all under some kind of stress…." I sure set her right on that one.
Everytime I have gone over there for something insurance related it’s liike "Oh, what’s happening?" They go completely amnesiatic — nobody can be this stupid. This is why I think this is all a little game they’re playing over there. There’s no paper trail no nothing whenever I contact them? It’s only common sense to keep a paper trail, just to cover your own glutes, you know?
The coverage ended, I think, because Cobra extension ended at the end of March — yeah, but I thought that was extended until December. This is why I’m going to call that guy from Banking and Insurance; he will know for sure.
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed — How Sick were You All? #1065835I found out I was sick about Election Day 2008. I presented with a heart rate of well over 100; my GP told me I was dehydrated and to go home and drink lots of water.
I tried this for a few days. Did not feel any better and drank enough water to fill Hef’s pools 10 times over. When my heart rate hit 150 and was climbing, I took myself to the hospital — in there, they found out I had Graves.
in reply to: So mad I could SCREAM…. #1065824I knew you would say that.
I’ll be back tomorrow for the levels, even if I pay out of pocket.
This is just bad…they have always been like this:
I had to fight them for the Cobra offer letter. I got none from them; the law is they need to send it/give it to you within 60 days of termination. They claimed "we didn’t know we had to do this."
I was down there a day after I got discharged from the hospital (where I found out I had Graves) and I had to fight them to get that letter.
Then it was fight them for the refund that was due me for the first 2 months of Cobra subsidy. I got the same song and dance: "We don’t know anything about this…" I got the same preamble every time I contacted them for my check — and that was several times. 2 months’ batle on my part went by; I finally sent them a certified mail letter telling them that if they did not ante up, I’d take my case to the Dept of Labor, the IRS, the state dept of banking and insurance, my atty and several other causes. I finally got a check after that letter arrived.
They are dreadful. I don’t know if somebody can really be that stupid or if this is just another little game they are playing or what: not necessary and not needed and total BS. Push came to shove here and I’m way tired of having to fight for something that should be a given.
in reply to: So mad I could SCREAM…. #1065822If something happens to me in the meanwhile before these cretins get this mess straightened out, I will hold them LIABLE for it.
"We can try to get you coverage…" This from the company owner.
"’TRY’????" I said. "No, this is a given. YOu people screwed this up and I want this rectified." To this her ass said ZERO.
And now it’s wait in the lurch and call them again and call Oxford and whatever have you and who KNOWS how damn long this will take????
I think it’s past due for me to lawyer up — and tomorrow I’m filing a complaint with New Jersey Insurance and Banking. The guy there knows what the history is with former company since I pretty much had an open dialog last summer with him when I was trying to get money from former company that was rightfully mine back in hand.
in reply to: Eye Floaters #1066299Nearly everybody I know who is nearsighted has floaters. I’ve had them since about 1992.
in reply to: Is there somebody who can give me advice? #1066598I’m just sick of this black cloud that is following me. All of this sh!t happened to me after I lost my job — the Graves and now this. I can’t seem to get a break (and I’m also sick of the cheap employers that are out there that expect you to jump like hell at the crap money they’re offering. Remember: YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, as my grandfather would say)
I’d sooner stay on the seasonale to see how it works out for me.
If his behavior is such that he is a danger to himself and/or others do not hesitate to call the cops and have him taken to the nearest emergency room. Sounds to me like he needs an intervention and evaluation by a doc and a shrink.
Sorry you’re having such troubles. GL.
in reply to: how do you get over the anger? #1068106For me it came at a horrific time: 3 months after I lost my job.
At that point, I was uninsured a month and the company I worked for never bothered to send me a Cobra letter — I had to fight them to get it, starting 2 days after I was discharged from the hospital: that was where they discovered the Graves.
I’m currently on the Cobra subsidy extension. It’s like a Sword of Damocles alone for me regarding that, plus I’m still trying to find a full time job — the stress is beyond awful and life’s not real great right now for me.
in reply to: 2 gripes for the day #1066889It would be even nicer if I could be hired somewhere full time and get health insurance through that employer.
Apparently everything changes once you are past a certain age: ageism exists. And apparently that’s where it’s at when I go on an interview.
Im kept anywhere from 7 to 13 minutes and am asked nothing relevant. I get what is more or less a cue card interview; they ask me one or 2 token questions like "Can you use Excel?" or "you’re fine working near a noisy shop with smokers?" and after that the interview is over.
They don’t even want to know why I am no longer employed by my last company. I am asked nothing about my skill set or what I did at each one of my jobs.
in reply to: 2 gripes for the day #1066887I updated that info, I think: they extended the subsidy so I am okay for awhile.
What a lousy night — I feel crummy and I needed a friendly voice to talk to. Positively nobody is around at all.
I still am having that problem. I can’t see my GP until Monday and I still don’t believe that a website can be that out of date for a list of physicians. I guess they don’t care about keeping it current. Or they don’t do some sort of survey to find out Is the doc still in the specialty he or she says he is?