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  • lyn
    Post count: 6
    in reply to: Need Help!! #1068502

    Hang in there!
    From the little I know, treatment helps and this will only be temporary.
    Perhaps you should contact her doctor and discuss your immediate concerns as her mood is bound to turn again.
    I have young children myself. Getting her any extra outside help with childcare to eleviate extra stress on her end would be helpful. Whatever you can do additionally to help w/ your child and household responsibilities will go far. And make sure your precious 1 1/2 year old is safe.
    Hang in there and it will be allright <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 6

    It’s been a few months since I was seen by my opthalmologist following my Graves disease. My right eye is showing a slight bulge, with relatively little change.
    When I was last seen, I commented that I thought I may be experiencing double vision when reading or watching tv. I told the optha. that I tend to close one eye and then I can clearly see. I tend to see a line of text and then other lines of text appear blurred above/below the line I’m trying to focus on. As for the tv, I generally see it and see a blurred tv below the "real" tv. The optha. told me I am not experiencing double vision associated w/ Graves. When I asked why this is happening, he responded that it must be my age. I’d agree if I were elderly, but at 40, I find my age an unlikely cause! Not many 40 year olds have to close one eye to read.
    I am following up w/ my primary care physician this week so we can take it from here. I’ve also got a follow-up scheduled w/ the optha in Sept.
    Any thoughts as to what I’m describing/experiencing?

    Post count: 6

    I have read a tiny bit on pretibial myxedema. And now I’m wondering if this is something I may have.
    I have been on methimazole for a few months now. I have had swollen ankles/lower legs/feet since this summer, prior to starting the meds. The swelling has gone down quite a bit but is still present. My endocrinologist has examined me and said it is not related to hyperthyroidism/graves. My primary care doctor has also examined me and did bloodwork (checking for kidney functions).Results came back normal, he concluded there is no need to worry about the leg/ankle swelling. (The eye swelling I noted on a separte board started more recently and my endocrinologist said this is because of the graves.)
    At 39 years old, it just doesn’t seem to me that swollen ankles is normal and I believe there must be something causing this. I feel like a hypocondriac to keep addressing my swelling concerns. Yet I’m striking out at the doctor’s. I’m wondering if my endocrinologist may be incorrect and that it could be pretibial myxedema. Any thoughts?

    Post count: 6

    This site is great. Thank you for the responses.
    I was in for my usual eye exam around September, but did not have the swelling at that time. I will make an appointment so the puffyness can now be followed, and can be further evaluated by the opthamologist.
    I tried elevating my head with pillows last night. That lasted for a short time before my neck was sore, I’m a side sleeper. Great idea to put boards under the feet at the headboard. I’ll give that a try.

    Post count: 6

    It’s my first time to this site. It’s nice to hear other experiences. I was diagnosed w/ graves disease a few months ago. For the past month or so, I have been waking up with puffy eyes. There is so much fluid near the bridge of my nose/eye that my husband said I look like a battered woman. The puffyness goes down some after standing with my eyes running in hot water in the shower.
    I’m confused with what I’m reading here. Do you think my eyes are swollen or are they being pushed out?
    My endocrinologist doesn’t think my eye situation is severe. He didn’t think it is urgent to be seen by an opthamologist. Any opinions from those of you who have experiences similar issues?

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