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  • lwddgt
    Post count: 5

    thanks for all the discussion , this foundation is fantastic and it is so good to hear so many great stories and advice from all of you out there.

    Post count: 5

    I have such bad tennis elbow and also asked if anyone else had this issue, I hope that something somes of a connection because nothing else makes any sense other than a connection to graves. Let me know if you find anything out please.

    Post count: 5

    I am also sure that I had Hyper as a child without the proof and noticed someones reply to you talked about symptoms changing when pregnant. I have vitaligo (white skin spots) which I NOW know is a symtom of graves and each time I was pregnant ( four babies later), my spots would start to fill in and my body would stop fighting itself, I told my GP that at the time but we knew nothing about thyroid or graves or vitaligo so it was looked at as just an ovbservation, now that I have graves I realize it was so plain to see if the correct doctor would have seen it. Now my only concern is that at least three of my four kids where also born with vitaligo and I have a heads up of what their future could be. The oldest has Celiac which is also one of the great autoimmune diseases out their. Hope this isn’t too negative, I just wanted imput on letting you know that you know better than anyone what your body was telling you all those years it is just sometimes frusterating getting others to believe you.

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