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  • love2cook
    Post count: 7

    Hi. i would like to let you all know that I had my surgery this past Monday and all went well. I am home resting and wanted to say thanks to everyone for their kind words.

    My diagnosis was a relief as it explained many things to me. I can look back at pictures and events and see that I was suffering from a hyper thyroid for a long time. My surgery was another step to my recovery. I feel much calmer as this is now behind me.

    To Krystal who wondered why I chose surgery. My Endo explained my options. He did not favor one over another, said all were options and that I would most likely have strong feelings about what would be best for me. After considering my choices I would have to agree with him.

    I had very strong feelings that radiation was not for me. I have friends that have had cancer and then years later had another kind of cancer due to the radiation that they had had. I also have a strong risk of colon cancer in my family.
    I know it is a small dose and for many it may be a great option. It was out for me.

    For some the antithyroid meds make sense as they may help you get back to a balanced thyroid. Remission would be great but for most it last for a while and then you are back at square one. Also the possible yet rare side affect of harming you white blood cells would be a constant thought in the back of my head. I believe this is very rare and usually will happen in the first few weeks of use, but it can and has happened out of the blue to people that have been on them for some time. Every cold would make me wonder if this med. is harming me more than helping me.

    Surgery has a very small risk if you have an experienced surgeon. I felt it was giving me some control. I believe I have had Graves for some time and I am looking forward to getting my levels in the normal range.

    I hope this helps you. This is a great sight. I also like There is interesting reading on radiation there.

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: After Surgery #1063260

    Hi. I had surgery on Monday Nov 29th. I feel good for all that I have been thru. I had excellent care. I spent one night in the hospital to monitor calcium. Mine is low at the moment, not unusual. I am taking Calcium +Vitamin D and tums. I have a sore throat, a little pain at the incision sight, a little swelling. Overall it was not bad. I was a bit shocked at the pain when I woke up…a little worse than I had expected. My throat was very sore but feels much better today.

    I hope that all goes well for you.

    This is a great sight. I would like to thank all the people that have responded to my posts and offered encouragement.

    Post count: 7

    Thanks. Sorry about the three posts. oops! I did talk to the Surgeons Nurse. I am taking SSKI to avoid Thyroid Storm and to quit down the Thyroid. Thanks Again.

    Post count: 7

    Thanks for the Tips. I have been drinking Tonic water but still have cramps. Maybe I need to drink more.

    Post count: 7

    Hi I am a new to Graves and am having severe leg cramps. We called the Drs. office and were told it could be an electrolye issue. Any suggestions.? I drank some Gatorade today, but still hurt.I feel like I call the Dr. everyday with a new question. Feel a bit like a pest. My endo is out sick this week and seems like many different Docs. are advising me, don’t really feel that any of them know me. My reg. Endo is in the Hospital. Ugh. Only met him 2 weeks ago.
    I am scheduled for surgery at the end of the month but my levels are high right now. Hoping for the best.
    I like this site alot. Many friends mean well, but don’t get how I am feeling. I keep telling them I am just not myself. I keep telling myself that it will get better eventually.

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: Eye Disease #1063398

    Hi I am a newbie to Graves. I have surgery scheduled at the end of this month. I was hoping that total removal of my Thyroid would protect my eyes. Found out today that it really isn’t a factor in eye problems from Graves. You can develope
    eye issues from Graves or TED anytime. Only thing I read was that smokers with Graves are more likely to have eye issues than non smokers.

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