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  • Loulou
    Post count: 1

    Hi all. Yep, I’m another one diagnosed with Graves this week! Actually, I firstly discovered Graves disease in 2010 when I suddenly lost a huge amount of weight and had my family and friends all concerned. The weight loss was my main sympton and after a year on Neomercazole ( is this the same as Methimazole? I’m from Australia) I was in remission. This time round I am shakey and have a racing heart, palpertatins, teary etc… No weight loss though so it is totally different. My doctor wants me to research both RAI and an operation as he believes the likely hood I will go into remission, from meds again, is approx 5 percent. I have three kids 13, 10 and 7 and I am a teacher with young students 5 to 6years so thinking the op may be the way to go……
    Then again! It is so hard to know. I have a while to decide as I need to get back to some normality before we do anything. So it’s back onto Neomercazole for a while.
    Loving this site as I am learning a lot about Graves and it is so good to know we are not alone!

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