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  • lmac99a
    Post count: 5

    Thanks Krystal,
    I had RAI 3 weeks ago. Felt like I had a little energy today, actually did some baking. Just worried about my eyes since they feel swollen and don’t look the same shape as each other anymore. I guess I will ask my doc about seeing an eye guy. Yesterday I was wallowing in the depths of dispair but today is good. I seem to be flopping back and forth. This evening my feet felt cold, hope thats a good sign.


    Post count: 5

    Hi, I live in a rural community called Hampshire which is only a 10 minute drive from Charlottetown, the capital city. You would know Charlottetown from the Anne books. The Island’s generates alot of tourism from the popularity of Anne, especially amongst the Japanese. My mother is also named Anne with an e. You know I would have to say that the hardest part of this Graves experience has been the emotional aspect. When I was diagnosed and looked for information on the internet it was such a relief to me. I had been feeling so emotional for months, over-reacting to everything, bursting into tears, I thought I was losing my marbles. I have the most wonderful understanding husband but I kept feeling sure that he would tire of me and leave, of course he didn’t, he has been right by my side.I Have had problems with muscle weakness in my legs to the point where its hard to get up off the toilet or get out of the car, I quite frankly CANNOT wait for this to get better. I have also had a really hard time the past year with my inflammatory bowel disease and my gastro doctor has told me that my thyroid was probably aggrevating my condition. Stupid thyroid! Why does one little gland control so much?! Before this, if you had asked me where in the body is the thyroid gland I wouldn’t even have known. Sorry, I know I’m rambling, thats what I do now. argh

    Post count: 5

    Hi again,
    I live on Prince Edward Island. It is a small island off the East coast and Canada’s smallest province, about 145 thousand people on the island. I see you are from North Carolina. I have been there twice as I have a sister who lives in Cary, she works as a nurse at Duke. My neice goes to UNC Chapell Hill.

    Post count: 5

    OMG, Thanks so much for your response. I live in a small town in Canada so we do not have an endocrinolist so my doctor is an internal medicine guy. He seems very competent so far. I don’t know if we have an eye doctor here but I’m sure he can find me one in another province if neccessary. I am blessed to live in a country where health care is free as I also suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Interstitial Cystitis as well. I am 42 years of age and never invisioned myself having so many health problems at this age. I feel like I’m 90 some days. I have another question: Ever since I started to have symptoms of Graves my dog, a Beagle, has become fixated with my eyes. Any time he is near he tries to sniff and lick my eyes, its so weird, and annoying. Has anyone else had this problem?

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