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  • llevierge1012
    Post count: 2

    Kim, I understand you are not doctors I just needed to explain my current situation to someone who would actually be sympathetic, needed to sound off, as I stated have been in remission for several years now and to think I may be active again is so frustrating.. It’s been almost 10 yrs now,,

    Not really wanting to go back down that path, when I had the uptake my levels went through the roof. Even my doctor at the time said, well we are just going to have to wait and see what happens next. I went from 200% above normal to 500% then we went to beta blockers etc. the tremors the loss of sleep, I had almost forgotten how awful it can be. It took almost a year for things to get to “normal” which for me is so not the norm I am told. Regular MD’s have no clue they have no idea how I can function with such low T levels, I think the most frustrating part of it all is the whole attitude people have when you try to explain it to them, I have heard those infamous words “WOW you can’t gain weight, wish I had that disease” they have no idea.

    Currently have lost approx. 10 pounds this month without dieting and I am now also experiencing alot of joint pain and aches but not sure if that’s related or not in addition to the other issues things are not sounding good to me at the moment

    Tried to find a doc on healthcare website but the closest one according to them is 25 miles away. My original Endo moved out of state so I have to start all over again………

    I have never had any of the eye issues so I guess I should consider myself lucky..

    Post count: 2

    Hello All, it has been a few years since I have been here, mainly because I had radiation uptake and although it took a year and it wasn’t a fun year I might add, we (my thyroid & me) finally went into remission. Well, now 6 yrs later I have some concerns, I have noticed in the past few months some side affects that have me concerned I may be active again. I try not to run to the doctor for every ache and pain but am thinking it’s time to get back in and get levels checked. Have noticed an enlarged bulging in throat not the typical noticable goiter but looking like a large adams apple type bulge. The increase in BM’s, s well as sweats mood swings, heat intollerence all similar to the typical issues we women deal with as we age have had me in denial. But as I stated I try not to run to the doc for each and every ache. Obviously I am going to get myself in and have a profile done but can anyone confirm whether or not this sounds like I am truly active again. ??

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