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  • lindkanne
    Post count: 5

    Oh Amy, I pray for your son. His experience seems to parallel mine. Including the insurance company denying the Zofran, they will only allow me 15 and I too need 60. I don’t understand why they have such an issue with Zofran. I asked the pharmacist if there was something in Zofran that is narcotic or would cause anyone to want to use it recreationally. She said no, and that they have another customer who uses it and he faces the same problem. I don’t get it. I am scheduling my second RAI in May. The first RAI didn’t work. I’m still taking the same amount of Mathemazole I was taking a year ago. Please tell your son I’m sorry he’s going through the nausea. I pray him strength to continue his battle. lindkanne

    Post count: 5

    Thank you WX. This forum is awesome! I’m sorry others are experiencing the nausea, but somehow it helps to know others are experiencing it as well. It is extremely helpful hearing what others are doing to help them. I have found Zofran helps with my nausea… much to my insurance company’s frustration. For some reason, my insurance doesn’t like covering the Zofran. I had to pick up a prescription, yesterday, and they refused to cover it. Now, $48 later, I’m feeling relief. Thank you everyone!

    Post count: 5

    That’s awesome Christy. I will look into the dairy-free and gluten-free diet. At this point, I’ll do anything. My problem is that the Methemazole can’t seem to lower my T3 levels. I’ve had one dose of iodine and now we’re scheduling a second one. My doctor is going to double the dose from 15 to 30. Hopefully, that will do the trick. Cross your fingers for me. Thanks for your help!

    Post count: 5

    Thank you for your response. Yeah, it’s been a miserable year. I’m taking five 2.5mg Methmizole a day. I’m praying my levels start to go down after my second iodine treatment. I wonder what that will feel like. I can’t wait. I will keep you posted.

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