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in reply to: Having a hard time dealing with Graves. #1065671
Thanks to everyone that replied. I went to the ER the other day. They took and checked my blood. The funny thing is everything (other then my thyroid) is working perfectly. I was shocked when they came back with the results and everything was right in the middle of the ranges. Now on to the thyroid. It was totally out of wack. My T4 was 20.2, they said the range should have been 4.7 – 13.3. So its very high. For some reason my T3 isnt on the print out. My TSH is no existent its .010 and they said the range should be .358 – 3.740. The Dr’s didnt say much and didnt really help me. The one said my T4 level wasnt that bad, wow! I think they just wanted to get me out of the ER since I didnt have insurance. They actually told me to contact another hospital in Newark,NJ because it was a teaching hospital and because those hospitals have more "charity" care. I felt like they couldnt get me out of there quick enough. But anyway so Im going to go to the other hospital and take it from there.
Im a little nervous because I feel like crap. My legs are very weak, my eyes always seems to hurt after short periods of time in front of the computer and because my T4 is so high. I have about 100 – 5 mg Methimazole pills here. I was thinking of going back on them. When I first started on the methimazole over a year ago I was on 60 mg a day but my body was real sensitve to the meds (meaning they kicked in pretty quick not sensitve that I was allergic) that they lowered me to 10-15 mg a day within 2 months. Actually I was hypo after 2 months and was taken off the meds for 1 month then put back on methimazole about 10 – 15 mg a day.
What do you think? I was thinking of taking the 5 mg tablets. I was thinking of taking 5 mg 3 times a day so a total of 15mg. I figured its not too much, but atleast it something until I see an endo. Maybe I should take 30 mgs a day to start or only 5mgs a day? Any input would be apprecitated. Im thinking 5mg 3 times a day might be best? But Im open to suggestions!
Thanks again and I hope to get this fixed so I can get my life back to what it used to be. 1 thing I do know is once my levels are normal or the thyroid is removed and once Im back to making money again Im going to help others fight this awful disease. There needs to be more help and there needs to be more resources. I cant believe how little information there is and how little help there is for a disease that effects the entire body?!
in reply to: Having a hard time dealing with Graves. #1065667Thanks to both of you for writing back so quickly. Some more information. I live in Northern NJ about 10 minutes from NYC so not a small town by any means. What could happen by not treating this? I know my levels have got to be sky high right now. I can just feel it. My left eye is hurting and bulging. I have a friend who has Graves too but shes insured. She thinks I have Graves Eye. She also is the only person understanding what Im going through. I think its even tougher for me because Im a man and much much fewer men get Graves the woman.
I have been told I can go to the emrgency room and get some kind of charity care. I know they can check my levels but how will they be able to treat me like my endo did? The funny thing is my GP was my Uncle. I have an Uncle who is a Dr and is no help. He referred me to my endo, I went to her for a 8, 9 months then my insurace didnt want to pay her. So she kind of wouldnt see me anymore. Then when my insurance was up for renewal I couldnt afford it. Im so broke and out of work. The one thing Im lucky with is my mother, she is the best mother anyone could ask for. I moved back home. She is out of work herself and looking for work but she is the one person who is here for me right now.
Im so cunfused and depressed. I have every side effect of graves disease.(except for weight loss I now have weight gain) If you knew me personally you would know how much this has changed me. I have always been shallow and cared about my looks. I also have been the most outgoing person you could meet. But now I dont want to leave the house nor do I have any ambition. I used to have all the ambition one could want.
My father was diabetic and later had kidney issues. I watched him dies for 30 years. He died at only 57. I never had any health problems. Now Im falling apart. I always thought taking a shot and checking his sugar levels were so hard. I wish graves had a daily tested like diabetes does. There is no way to get our levels right and know they are. Even when I was on the meds I felt great some days but other days I could tell my levels were elevated but wouldnt know until I went for blood work. I heard its easier to control your levels when you dont have a thyroid and use sythroid? Im affraid of Radiation. Does anyone have any knowledge of the side effects? I heard radiation could cause cancer?
I wouldnt wish graves on my worst enemy. ts like a job that you dont get paid for.