Hello! I am 23 years old and was diagnosed with GD in March and had the RAI in June. I began having muscle/bone pains like you described back in May, but they told me they would likely go away post-RAI. Much to my disappointment, that has not been the case. I have been an avid runner my entire life, but that is now out of the questions as even walking long distances leaves me in excruciating pain. I too cannot stand at times, and sometimes, it is as if my legs just give out and I fall. I have been to a handful of doctors, but none can seem to determine a cause. They all end up telling me that this is a normal symptom of GD and that I’ll have to learn to live with it. I am not currently taking any meds, so I have ruled out a possible reaction to those. When I was permitted to exercise again, I "re-entered" slowly and was careful to properly train my body. I am frustrated beyond belief, so I definitely can sympathize with you on this issue. I am sorry that I can’t offer any advice, but just know that I understand your struggles!