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in reply to: On MMI and I am concerned I am going Hypo #1064291
I can’t reply for everyone else, but yes I did have a quick reaction to MMI as well. Went from 20mg starting on 6/11/2010 to being taken off it 8/5/2010, so that is oly 8 weeks. my levels reaacted very quickly and some on the board stated i was overmedicated
” title=”Sad” /> this could very well be the case because they weren’t really sure what dosage to start me on 10mg or 20mg. So I go back to see the endo on 9/8/2010, we will see where the levels are then.
On a side note, i can tell the levels are going up because the symptoms are slowly, one by one returning
…oh my poor husband!
in reply to: HELP…Not understanding the Labs! #1064580Finally I have an answer to the TSI question…I emailed the doc and he replied the TSI was >600%. FINALLY!!! I don’t have a copy of the labs yet, and will assume he is mailing them to me.
” title=”Razz” />
On a side note…I started Lexapro for the depression, and will see the GP again in 3 weeks, and the Endo again in 4 weeks. going to ask for bloodwork to be done prior so as I have numbers to work with when I see him…
in reply to: Urine flow…5 yr old-Potty talk =) #1064468Just an FYI for everyone with UTI…
My daughter and I have NO symptoms other than frequent urination when we get UTI…makes it very difficult to get treated early on, and generally is severe by the time the fever rolls in…better to be safe than sorry and have a stick test done at the doctor or local urgent care center….my daughter atually went into fever convulsions once, very scary.
Steph, I was not a big sweets eater, and still really am not, but when the HypER phase set in…I craved Ice Cream and cookies like crazy!!! Every night I had to have a big bowl before bed. Now that the HypO phase has started, I do not crave any sweets at all. And this week i am starting my monthly cycle, where i should be desiring chocolate, and it hasn’t happened as of yet…
As for the coffee…I was also a person who could drink a pot a day…probably stil could…but currently am down to 1-2 big cups a day as well…maybe one before dinner. I never had the problem with drinking coffee and having any side effects from the caffeine, and i do love my coffee…
” title=”Very Happy” />
Update, the Endo told me to stop my MMI as my Tsh levels keep increasing and are now well above normal. We will see how this goes…Now that I have seen and experience BOTH sides of the fence, I honestly can not tell anyone which is worse! They both are HORRIBLE…and both are extremely taxing on other members of our families, and both are extremely taxing on our own emotional and physical health. I know this is still the beginning of the journey. I am sure my doctor has some kind of idea of what is going on…me on the other hand – have no absolute clue. since i have a history of major depression from years ago…who knows for sure, it could have been thyroid problems then…i don’t know…i can’t get my medical records. What I do know: since June I have been dx Hyper, and now in August I am Hypo from being on the MMI. You may get another update from me in 4 week saying it is hyper again…or not who knows…i feel for my family…Please just pray for me and my family….I will still be very mucha presence around here…trying to learn from others as I go. Thanks everyone for much needed inputs and spts…..
in reply to: HELP…Not understanding the Labs! #1064578Kim…..received an email from the Dr today to STOP the MMI…I went into depression crisis on Thursday, and hubby wanted to commit me. I aactually stopped the MMI that night. this has been one horrible ride since diagnosis. i am so terribly confused, everything is happening so fast! Have you heard of this happening before?
I am wondering…the Dr said it was Graves from bloodwork….I remember reading somewhere, you can have both Graves and Hashi? i am not understanding any of this…I am reading info on Graves’ and Hashi’s now……
in reply to: HELP…Not understanding the Labs! #1064575Kim…I don’t actually have a dr apt until September…all the lab work is due to feeling crappy, and talking with them on the phone when the TSH went way up the first time…then they reduced the MMI to 5mg…they have reduced every 4 weeks or so, since the TSH levels started coming back up, and as you guys have said before, it looked like I was rebonding into hypO. I feel pretty good, other than some insomnia and waking up early on some days…see the Rheumatologist for the joint aches and pains Thurs. I guess if I feel pretty good, I shouldn’t worry…too much anyway. Thanks everyone. I hope I don’t have to get pricked again until September now.
No not attending the conference…I am in Upstate NY (Albany)…
Thanks Shirley…my mom also had Thyroid Disease, and leg cramps were common with her. Funny you mention quinine, her Rheumatologist told hjer about that, and she used to drink tonic with quinine every night. Unfortunately the last time her graves came out of remission they ablated her, and then she passed from lung cancer 2 yrs later. I am finding as my mind is starting to clear I am putting things together better, and a look at my numbers appears as I was borderline hypo back in 2008…it all makes sense to why the PA, who is working with my endo, was somewhat confused when the tests in May all came back as Graves’…i’m still trying to put all the pieces together, and when the fog lifts a little more I should be able to get a grasp of it pretty good.
I wish I could decipher whether or not it is the meds giving me legs cramps as I have had them off and on for many many years…Had one bad episode on Thursday night, I tend to stretch in my sleep and it produces them very quickly…This one was so bad, my leg is still sore today, but thankfully I’ve had no more cramping. Still haven’t gotten the phone call from the endo about labs on Friday…hopefully Mon or tues.
in reply to: Just found out I have Graves 3 weeks ago – Help #1064779thanks Kim, that was quick…i do have nodules, and even though the uptake was considered normal, though i don’t recall the numbers off the top of my head, i do recall him stating he was surprised the numbers weren’t higher based on the blood test results showing Graves’. I assumed he did all those tests, but when I received the copies, there were nothing listed. Anyway…i trust them, as my Dr. is listed as one of the top-notch in this area of medicine. thankful for that! adn thankful for this board!
in reply to: Methimazole and Liver Enzymes #1064640I use MedHelp to track the mediations/symptoms I am on, and to see if there are various effects…One thing I used to dois take lots of Ibuprofen/Motrin for joint aches and pains…THIS IS A NO-NO for people taking beta blockers as it will cause liver malfunction. Please advise everyone to READ the pamphlets that come with the prescriptions. Over the past 2 days I have read so many inquiries about side effects it is not funny…All this should be listed in the pamphlets, if not, a simple web query of the name of the medicine will produce the information. Also, very important to know…people who take Blood thinners SHOULD NOT take MMI…people on MMI can not take Clozapine!
this is a good place to start…also Yahoo has one.
My Medication Record, by is an app you can put right on your My Yahoo page. this is what it says:
atenolol ⇔ ibuprofen
Applies to: atenolol, ibuprofenModerate Drug Interaction
MONITOR: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may attenuate the antihypertensive effect of beta-blockers. The proposed mechanism is NSAID-induced inhibition of renal prostaglandin synthesis, which results in unopposed pressor activity producing hypertension. In addition, NSAIDs can cause fluid retention, which also affects blood pressure. Indomethacin and piroxicam have been reported to have greater attenuating effects than other NSAIDs, and indomethacin effects may be significant in patients with eclampsia.
MANAGEMENT: Patients receiving a beta-blocker who require prolonged (greater than 1 week) concomitant therapy with an NSAID should have blood pressure monitored more closely following initiation, discontinuation, or change of dosage of the NSAID. The interaction is not expected to occur with low doses (e.g., low-dose aspirin) or intermittent short-term administration of NSAIDs.
Read more: … z0vBOMZSYU
I hope all this helps some…
in reply to: Just found out I have Graves 3 weeks ago – Help #1064777I just want to add my experience with just starting out on MMI…I also has a sore throat for a couple of days off and on when I first started taking it. i had no fever, though I DID feel like crap and thought for sure I was sick…called the Endo office and they ran Stat blood work, it came back normal…I did this twice…since my diagnosis on June 11, I have had blood taken every 10-14 days for something. I have also had my MMI lowered twice in that time because my body had reacted so quickly. I also do not store iodine (per the uptake scan). Yesterday I questioned why I have not had anti-body testing done or Thyroglobulin levels done…I was told it is because there is no suspect of cancer, and these tests are only done for a diagnosis or suspicion of cancer.
Had blood work done today, since reduction of MMI to 5mg on the 21st to see where the levels are. Physicaly i feel prety good, the fatigue is still there, but I’m not lethargic as I was a couple weeks ago. Newest complaint is the leg cramps…OMy…never felt pain like this before.
Thanks for the replies…Lauri