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in reply to: mini update & question #1170795
Hi everyone, so I recently had my blood work done
Thyroxine, Free 1.06 (0.76-1.46)
TSH 1.59 (.358-3.800)That was two months on 1.25mg of methimazole. Starting on monday i will be taking 1.25 every other day. Next blood work in November. I have a TSI test in two weeks. If everything comes out normal with next blood work then I can come off. After I will get tested every six to eight weeks for the next six months to make sure my thyroid levels are normal w/o methimazole. looks as if remission is possible for me. I hoping so. I have not been feeling any symptoms of graves for about a good three months now. No pain or pressure around or behind the eyes. although yesterday i felt twinging around my left eye,but i think it was because i had salt in a food i ate. It also looks like its returning close to normal. my neuro opth says everything looks good, so instead of seeing him every three months ill see him every six months.
I made an appt. with the dentist since it was that time for cleaning and my ND recommend a holistic dentist. I went and she put me in this cone shape and took pics of my head. She then showed me a pic of my skull and my teeth, zoomed in on my left side and found this black circle turns out to be inflammation sitting on two teeth that is connected to my thyroid as well as sinus. I told her that’s crazy because i have thyroid issues and i’m congested. I know that the inflammation could not have cause my hyperthyroid, but I thought it was a little weird. Has anyone heard this before?in reply to: Question about Selenium&Remission #1172195Thank you for your response. I’m starting to rethink my decision about not doing the uptake. Should I get my antibodies retested before I do the uptake? I had my TSH receptor tested last June came back positive. My TSI tested in march came back negative. My thyroid levels have been normal the last four times it’s been tested. My eye doc say it’s very, very mild. My 2nd Endo recommended the selenium to help with my mild TED.
I have an appt with 1st Endo next week and with my new lab results he will determine whether I’ll stay on 2.5 or 1.25mg. Hoping for the best. : )in reply to: Question about Selenium&Remission #1172190Thank you for your responses : )
I decided not to do the uptake scan even though my second Endo thinks it’s thyroditis and ND thinks it’s a good idea. My first Endo says it’s graves, so I’ll stick with that. Besides if you have TED that right there confirm graves, right?
I started E & Selenium 100mcg three days ago, so hopefully that helps even if it’s a reply to: Mild TED to normal? #1170647I’m still here… Yeah my eye doc wanted me to take this specific brand because it’s free of omega 6 which is pro inflammation. Free of mercury,PCBs and Dioxin. I’ve been on it for almost two months now and feel good. Haven’t felt any eye pain a week after I started taking it. Also I haven’t had any headache since taking them and I usually have one sometimes two a week. I started noticing these headache November last year and late December is when I notice puffy eyes a week after that both eyes bulged a little. January is when I was diagnosed with graves. It was terrible two worst things I experienced where palpitations and pain around my eyes. I also had anxiety, nervousness, fine hand tremors, dry hair & skin and weight loss. I was on 5mg Methimazole now 2.5mg. I’m also taking alternative medicine as well as my vitamins. I no longer experience palpitations, hand tremors, eye pain, headaches, anxiety, nervousness, dry hair or skin. My weight is slowly going back up. People say they don’t Notice any bulging with my eyes, but I know it’s there. And I know it takes time for eyes to heal. My co worker experienced this ten years ago and told me his eyes were really bulging he said within a year they went back to somewhat normal. Had he not told me I would have never guessed his eyes were affected because they look normal now. My eye doc also has me wearing these tinted glasses he prescribed to me. I have perfect vision, so it’s not prescription glasses. The tint helps to hide the bulge and helps with computer screen and light. Also the tint is great for people with migrane headaches. I just wear it cause I’m self conscious with my eyes even though my family, friends and co workers well I have bloodwork coming up soon and appt. With my eye doc and ND. I will be back to post those labs as well as stuff I’m taking. I was wondering if I can post websites on here? I would like to share the omega 3 I’m taking?
Lots of fruits and veggies. Protein like chicken and fish. I had a food allergy panel done to see what I was allergic to. I eliminated those foods from my diet even though it was mild. Hope this helps a little. : )
in reply to: mini update & question #1170793I forgot to mention the Natrum Muriaticum my ND gave me helped alot with my anxiety,nervousness just all around my emotional well being. It was a five day supplement I took. That in combination with my Methimazole I felt a difference like I was back to my normal self. : ) I don’t know if it will work for everyone,but one should look it up to see if maybe it might help. It did for me.
in reply to: mini update & question #1170792I had a thyroid stimulating immunoglobin done couple days ago and received my results yesterday.
TSI 106 Range <=110
Negative-110% or less
Positive-111% or moreI guess I’m negative since my results are 106. Does that mean I’m in remission? I have endo appt. In two weeks so I’ll find out soon. Also what brings the antibodies down? I’m on Methimazole 2.5 and taking alternative medicine from my ND.
in reply to: Graves Disease &TED difficult time : ( #1170316Thank you Bobbi! : ) I’m trying not to stress over it, it’s hard, but I’m trying
I have loads of Dr. Appt coming up. I feel like it’s my second home- used to be the mall.. Haha.
I know the eyes are different for everyone, but I was wondering if stress triggers it more? I’m doing things to help calm me down yet I still feel the pain and pressure. I do have appt at Shiley eye center next month and with neuro eye dr soon. I know I’m in this for a looong time 1,2 or 3 years?? UGH!!
Barb- I will definitely keep you posted with my experience at Shiley. : )in reply to: Graves Disease &TED difficult time : ( #1170314Thank you Kimberly for the info : )
The eye doctor called saying there’s not much they can do except eye drops in morning, through out the day if needed and night. I have to keep my thyroid levels in normal range and keep taking my meds. So they had to let me go and said if eye drops don’t work call them. Well I have a doctors appt coming up and I’m going to ask her to refer me to Shiley Eye clinic in San Diego since I’m only 30min away. I Also have have endo appt at end of this month to see where my levels are. I have question if you have headache what do you guys take? I’m scared to take anything because I feel it will worsen the eye condition? Also, do you guys take meds and vitamins at same time or meds first then vita later? I will keep you guys posted. Thank you for this message board. : D -