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  • lam64
    Post count: 4

    Hi Whitney, Kimberly, and Naisly,

    I wanted to respond to the concerns with the robotic surgery.

    I actually received a robotic total thyroidectomy yesterday. My surgery was completed in one hour. I had absolutely no surgical complications. Both of my RLN’s and all four parathyroids are intact. My calcium levels were perfectly normal as of this morning and I am recovering at home.

    It is true that the FDA and Davinci company do not approve of the procedure. However, if you read the articles/reviews the main reason is because it is not cost effective. The cost is incurred by the hospital; not the patient. If the hospital already has the robot; I feel there is nothing wrong with utilizing their resources.

    However, the absolute ONLY benefit in having a robotic thyroidectomy is cosmetic (no neck scar).

    When it comes to complications, I feel that the skill of the surgeon is the number one factor. Which is why research is key! In my particular situation, my surgeon’s percentages of complications (he knows them; as any surgeon SHOULD) were equivalent between the robotic surgery and the traditional surgery. (Both being extremely low).

    It is true that they are cutting through more tissue and I must say I do believe that this procedure is probably more painful than the traditional method. I am having pain in my neck and collar bone area. With that being said, it is bearable and I have a full range of motion in my neck/shoulder/arm 24 hours post-op. My actual incision (on the edge of my armpit) is Not painful.

    I would be happy to update anyone on my recovery as it unfolds.

    I Also would like to stress that I do not think this surgery is ideal for everyone. I do however feel that this surgery was ideal for me. I am very pleased to have no visible scar and NO SURGICAL complications.

    I personally believe that this procedure should not be immediately thrown out as a treatment option. I feel that the absolute most important thing when considering surgery is the skill of YOUR surgeon.

    Kimberly wrote:
    As Naisly mentioned, we’ve had contact with three different thyroid surgeons in the last 18 months or so who were not fans of robotic thyroid surgery. The concern is that you are actually cutting through *more* tissue to get to the thyroid and that the process currently is associated with a higher rate of complications than traditional surgery. In 2011, the FDA actually withdrew its clearance for using the Da Vinci robot for thyroid surgery, and the manufacturer of the device stopped supporting its use for thyroid surgery. We have several members here who have been happy with their choice of surgery as a treatment option; however, I don’t think we have anyone here who had the robotic procedure done.

    Take care – hope that you can get some relief soon!

    Post count: 4


    Thanks for your input. I am going to keep trying on a new endo. Hopefully I will get an appointment soon! It appears that all the recommended Endos in my area don’t have any appointments for months!!

    Post count: 4

    Thanks, Kimberly!

    I appreciate your response. My doctor hasn’t even checked my T3 or T4 levels since my initial appointment. I’m really not happy with how she has been handling things. I am going to look for a new Endo.

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