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  • Ladymarye
    Post count: 4

    I had a near total thyroidectomy in July 2009. It has been a roller coaster ride for the last 3 years as far as my Graves Disease is concerned. I would still choose the surgery over other therapies for some specific reasons. If you would like to hear more from me just send me a message and I will be happy to go into greater detail!
    Best Regards,

    Post count: 4

    I am sorry for you food issues…or should I say stomach issues….either way I feel your pain! I too, had many digestive issues and like you got to the point where I was almost afraid to eat. My gp suggested the allergy/food intolerance blood test and it came back that I should highly avoid gluten, dairy, eggs, and beef. I was almost paralyzed by that news….what would I eat!? Slowly and carefully I started eliminating those culprits and I can’t tell you how much better my digestive and elimination systems work! IT IS AMAZING!!!!
    This might not be the answer for you but I wanted to share my experiences. Please contact me if you have questions or would like to discuss this further. Good Luck!
    Best Regards,

    Post count: 4

    Congratulations on your success! Just as GD has a different capacity of how affects each person who has it….how we deal with it is also individual. You seem to have found the best mix of Drs, treatments, and attitude! Way to go! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” /> Mary

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