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  • kshapiro
    Post count: 4

    Thanks Sheracj. I’ll do that. I’ve recently started meeting with a therapist and he seems to think that I’m much harder on myself than other people are on me. I noticed you said you’re hoping you’ll be treated soon or you’ll lose your friends. I understand that feeling. But, maybe my therapist is right. Maybe we don’t realize what we bring to our friend’s lives even in our condition because we feel so abnormal. Best to you. I will definitely keep the journal as my weight is a constant concern to me and we have been changing my dosage alot it seems.

    Post count: 4

    Thank you Bobbi. I really needed to hear that. It can be hard to trust you doctor sometimes because I think that I want to be in control so badly as a result of what I’ve been though. But what you’re saying makes perfect sense. I need to trust him to do his job and check the levels of thyroid hormone rather than trying to decide myself. I’ll also work on cutting myself more slack. It’s comforting to hear you say that I will get better. I am thinking of perhaps seeing a therapist too. I’ll keep everyone informed.

    Post count: 4

    I too have been recently diagnosed. I’ve gone for 180lbs down to 150lbs. I have trouble sleeping. I sweat constantly. I’m constantly hungry. I feel like the world is coming apart and there’s no way to handle it. When I look at the issues that are causing me stress I feel a plethura of emotions… foolishness, but also fear because my physical symptoms are so great. My doctor has given me some medications to block the thyroid hormone but it seems that he’s always second guessing what I should be taking. I want to feel like I’m in control of this but I feel like my body is conspiring against me. Is this resonating with anyone? What have others done in my situation? I am told this can be treated so that my life will be "normal" again but right now it feels anything but. :oops:

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