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in reply to: Had a melt down tonight…. #1068535
Sorry to hear about your meltdown. I have them too. People who do not have GD or any other form of thyroid disease do not understand what it’s like. Since being diagnosed three years ago, my two sisters have been tested for thyroid disorders. One has Hashimoto’s and the other had a non-cancerous node removed. They didn’t understand my rantings before I was diagnosed with GD, but now they certainly do. My one sister and her two children live with me (the one with the Hashimoto’s), and she’s very helpful with "letting me know" when she thinks my levels are a bit "off". She’ll tell me when I’m having mood swings, tremors, sleeping too much or too little, etc. Maybe you could ask your husband to read the posts on here with you so he will have a better understanding of what you are living with. I had the RAI-131 done shortly after I was diagnosed; it took a good three months before I started to feel better. The issue with GD is that if the Synthroid (that’s what I take, as the levothyroxine did not work on me) is that the dosage has to be exact. Another great source of information on the internet is Maybe your husband can do some research on that site as well. Dont’ worry about the meltdowns. They are normal with GD. Two week ago, I was ready to give up and apply for disability; today I feel a little better and am looking forward to going back to work next week. That’s part of the mood swings. Keep reading/posting on this site. We’re all in this fight together and truly support one another. Hope you are having a better day today and that the lights stayed on.
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in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068837Hi ewmb,
The preparations for going back to work are proceeding nicely. I just received the letter today from the school superintendant regarding opening day. I truly cannot wait to go back. As lousy as I feel, it will be great to be back with the children and co-workers. Somehow, children have a way of making me feel better. I can be having the worst day, and something as simple as a big smile from one of the kids, makes the day brighter. I can’t forget to mention the wonderful group of people I work with. We’re a small staff of about 75 employees and consider ourselves to be "family". When one of us is having a "bad" day, everyone else pulls together to "get the job done". One co-worker has MS, another has fibromyalgia, another Hasimoto’s, not to mention those with back problems, migraines, etc. I know I’m fortunate as a GD sufferer, in that I do get a lot of time off from work, i.e. summer, long weekends, holiday breaks, etc. Without these benefits, I don’t think I’d be able to work. How are things with you going? How have you been feeling lately? Talk soon!
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068835Hi ewmb — Thanks for the advice on the coconut cookies for the intestinal issues. They worked great and were delicious also. Hope things are good for you and that you are feeling well. Talk soon! Kit
Nancy Patterson has been addressing the situation of the unrelated and inappropriate posts since mid-June of this year. Hopefully, this issue can be resolved soon. There’s nothing more frustrating than signing on to this site for support and having to deal with the "junk". Kit
So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I just posted a question a few minutes ago. In addition to GD, I also have TMJD. My oral/maxillofacial surgeon has had me on Tylenol w/Codiene for a few month now to control the pain. However, after doing some research last night on the internet, I found out that this medication shouldn’t be taken long term, as it can affect persons with an underactive thyroid. I think this might explain why my last set of labs showed that my levels were low. My endo had to increase my daily dosage of Synthroid. I also discovered that muscle relaxers such as Flexeril are not good for people with overactive thyroids. It’s such a vicious cycle. Just wanted to pass this info on to you in case your doc wants to put you on prescription pain meds. Opiate based pain relievers are okay for short term use, such as after surgery, but should not be used long term, like I was doing. I truly feel for you and hope you get some relief soon. Kit
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068833Hi ewmb – We live on the North Shore of Long Island, approximately 2 hours away from Astoria. However, my mom grew up in Astoria and my dad in Jackson Heights, so I’m very familiar with that area. My son is interested in attending UTI/NASCAR Tech, so we will see how that goes. Thank you for all the info you provided regarding the Charlotte area. I will check out those websites you mentioned. Right now, I’m having some Graves’ Disease related "intestinal issues", so it hasn’t been a great day. Still not quite ready to give up and apply for SSI though. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are coping. Kit
in reply to: Very frustrated today! #1068812Cathy – Thanks for the advice. I do use immodium (my endo is aware of this). I took two immediately following the first "bout", but am still having some "issues". While I’m not a teacher, I do understand the stress that we are all under right now. I’m the security monitor in the elementary school, so my primary function is dealing with custody agreements between divorced parents and their children, visitors to the school, etc. I truly love my job and cannot wait to go back on September 1. Again, thank you so much for your advice. Kit
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068831Hi Nancy,
Thank you so much for responding to my post. While my endocrinologist doesn’t feel that the femoral nerve entrapment or periformis syndrome are symptoms or causes of Graves’ Disease, she does feel there is a "link". She referred me to an orthopedist, who ordered an MRI and EMG. The MRI came back clear; however, the EMG did show nerve damage. The orthopedist then referred me to a neurologist, who diagnosed the femoral nerve entrapment and periformis syndrome. He, in turn, agreed with the endocrinologist that, while neither condition is a cause or symptom of Graves’ Disease, it is related to it. The neurologist told me that it is probably due to the fact I gained 20 pounds after the RAI-131 treatment. Please note, I was not overweight to begin with. I’m 5 feet tall and weighed 115 pounds when my Graves’ Disease symptoms began. My weight did go up to 135 pounds, but has since gone back down to 120 pounds. The neuro wanted to put me on Neurontin or Lyrica, but I declined. We decided on lidocaine patches and a muscle relaxer. Each take the edge off the pain, but neither stop it completely.
As far as the TMJ goes, my maxillofacial surgeon feels there is a direct relation between the Graves’ Disease and the breakdown of the tmj. He recommended that both joints be replaced; however, he uses bone grafts from the hip. Due to the relationship between Graves’ Disease and osteo conditions, he suggested artificial replacement. He does not perform artificial replacements and is sending me to another surgeon in NYC next month. He’s not certain that I’m a candidate for the artificial joints though.
As far as my employment goes, I’m not ready to give it up yet. I plan to continue my fight against this disease! The disability questions are a ‘"just in case" measure. I work for my local school district as a security monitor, so working from home is not an option. I am fortunate, in that the school is 5 minutes away from home. I truly love my job and would miss the students if I left. The principal has been wonderful, as her mother had Graves’ Disease, so she is very understanding about "good days" and "bad days". Any guidance you can provide me with how to cope with this disease would be greatly appreciated.
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068828Hi again ewmb — In re-reading your reply to me, I noticed that you reside in North Carolina. It’s truly funny how things work out. I just visited the Charlotte area last week (the week of August 3, 2009) to tour a technical school for my adult son. We fell in love with the area and did not want to return to New York, where we currently reside. We are considering relocating to the Charlotte area in the near future. We stayed at the Doubletree Suites in the Southpark section of Charlotte. Would you happen to know of the availability of townhome communities and employment opportunities in and around that area? One of my concerns in relocating was the fact that I have Graves’ Disease and worried about finding the proper doctors to treat this disorder. Finding out there’s a support group in Charlotte is like a gift from God! Any information you can send me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068827Hi ewmb — Thanks for the info. I will try the search engine. I’ve only been on this site for a few hours and already feel like I’ve made some friends that truly understand what it’s like to live with this disease. Please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing. Thanks again for your advice.
in reply to: How do I cope with Graves’ Disease? #1068825ewmb,
Thanks for your reply. I work in a clerical position in an elementary school. I truly love my job, especially working with the children and would be so sad to give it up. However, it is becoming a daily struggle just to function with Graves’ Disease. I never knew a thyroid condition could be so life altering. Hopefully, a few other sufferers on this site can assist me in navigating the SSI process. I hope all works out for you too.
in reply to: Unemployed, no insurance – meds running low… #1069504Try contacting your endocrinologist’s office. While this would be a temporary solution to your problem, they sometimes have a 28-day supply sample package provided to them by the drug manufacturer of Synthroid. Also, if you do run out of meds, go to the nearest ER if you develop symptoms of Thyroid Storm or Thyrotoxicosis. The Mayo Clinic website, is a great resource for locating info on Graves’ Disease and related symptoms. The ER has to treat you whether or not you have insurance. Hope this info helps and best of luck to you.