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  • KimmieSue
    Post count: 3

    Thank you Shirley and Kimberly for your responses. And Shirley I love the idea of getting the labs done first!!

    Per your questions, my resting heart rate is 70 and my blood pressure is 110/60. In the middle of the day my heart rate is 80. I feel the same way I always have. I have been slightly stressed and a get-it-done kind of person my whole life. This past year I have had marital stresses more so than normal. And the year before that I got a really bad week-long flu over Thanksgiving. But I do short triathlons in the summers and run one half marathon a year and work and take care of the kids and sleep well and exercise and mostly eat well. I used to drink diet coke a TON but after reading a book about how this one lady thought it caused her to have fake Graves disease I gave it up (oh and how I miss it!) and am trying to stay off it even though she seems kind of like a quack. Eating and drinking real food can’t be bad for me.

    I am leaning towards the anti thyroid drugs because that seems like the least drastic, least invasive option. The radioactive iodine scares me. And I do not like the idea of taking pills forever. So I was thinking try the ATDs and then if I get worse or if they don’t work perhaps my point of view will change.

    My labs are as follows:
    TSH < .03 twice
    Free T3 6.98 and 6.85 two weeks prior
    Free T 4 1.53 and 3.1 two weeks prior

    And I had a thryoid uptake scan that confirmed diagnosis.

    Thank you both for your replies. I look forward to hearing advice from others as well.

    Post count: 3

    Please keep us updated on your progress. I too am new here, 41, and hardly have any symptoms (that I can tell, at least.)
    I was diagnosed with Graves disease after my a bunch of blood tests and a thyroid uptake scan (I have almost no TSH, high T3, high T4, and antibodies). I do have a hand tremor, but I don’t notice any other symptoms. I do not meet with my endocrinologist until mid-January. Before diagnosis I stopped drinking diet coke in case that was causing my hand shake and I gained 5 lbs in a month so, unfortunately I don’t have the weight loss thing going on. I am normal weight and perhaps unreasonably paranoid about gaining weight. I am very sporty and active and I fear the possible depression, lethargy and weight gain that may come with being hypo. I do realize that I will have to treat this somehow, although it is very hard for me to get used to seeing myself as someone with a disease condition.

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