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in reply to: What’s next #1071820
Hello everyone. I just wanted to post a quick update. Diagnosed 4/6/09, RAI 4/14/09 started Levothyroxine 6 weeks after RAI. I started at 50 mcg and have now obtained normal TSH, T3 and T4 counts on 112mcg (started this dosage on 8/20/09). I am now scheduled to see my Endo in January 2010 instead of the every six weeks for bloodwork. From the time I had found out I was sick until after the RAI I had lost 20 pounds. I gained back 10 pounds after going hypo and starting the Levothyroxine. After being on the meds I have lost 5 pounds so am still down from original starting weight by 15 pounds. My doctor always told me everytime I asked that I would never gain more than what I had lost. I found this a bit strange since most things I had read about going hypo seemed to indicate that after starting thyroid meds most people gained a lot of weight. At this point I am okay with what I have gained back and if I continue to feel as good as I do I could deal with additional gain if that is what it took to maintain good levels. The headaches, leg cramps and overall feeling yucky has pretty much disappeared. I am happy with my decision to have the RAI and since I really didn’t have a lot of time to think about it the decision was not a difficult one for me. Even after the RAI my headaches did not go away so I was put thru a battery of MRI’s, Cat Scans and diffferent tests, because of the Graves diagnosis they discovered a growth on the left side of my brain that I would never have known about until it was possibly to late. I was very lucky that my regular family doctor paid attention to what I was saying and did not dismiss me like so many doctos do to some patients. Luckily after seeing a neurosurgeon they decided not to remove the growth as the surgery can be more dangerous than leaving it in. I have been instructed what to watch for (blurred vision, slurred speech) and other new and interesting things that might not seem normal to me. So overall for me being diagnosed with the Graves might have been a blessing for me because I had just learned to live with the headaches that I had had for years because no one paid much attention to them, not even me. Please don’t be afraid to ask questions until you understand and feel comfortable with the answers you receive. No one knows your body like you do you, pay attention to it. I wish good health and happiness to all. Best wishes, Kimmer
in reply to: What’s next #1071819I have had blood work done four times since the RAI in April. The first time he started me on the 25 mcg but I knew something was wrong because I felt worse than I had without the medicine. He had me come back for more blood work two weeks later. I was then raised to 50 mcg for 2 weeks with instructions to go to 75 in another 2 weeks. The next time I had blood work I was raised to 100 mcg which was a nightmare for me because I found out I am allergic to yellow dye. I had more blood work three weeks ago and was raised to the 112 mcg where I am right now, this color does not bother me at all. I will go back in another 3 – 4 weeks to see if the 112 mcg is enough. Judging by the way I feel if it isn’t the right dosage it is really close.
I wish you luck.
in reply to: What’s next #1071817Hello everyone. It has been a while since I last posted. I had my RAI on April 14th and it has taken a while to find the right dosage of Levothyroxine to stabilize my counts. At the six week mark after the RAI my TSH was 35, not sure what my other counts were. They started me at 25, 50, 75, 100 and now I’m taking 112mcg of the Levothyroxine for the last three weeks. Within two days of this new dosage my headaches are gone, I sleep 6-7 hours per night (this is wonderful) and I finally got my period back, I know ladies why so happy about that one ” title=”Smile” /> Overall I feel wonderful. My blood pressure and heart rate are back to normal. The doctor told me I could start walking again, baby steps. I started out at 1/2 mile and now I am back up to 3 miles. Hoping to get back to my 5 mile mark by month end. The doctor told me he can’t stress enough don’t push it, take it easy. I have found that this is very sound advise. My weight seems to have stabilized. Originally prior to the RAI I had lost 20 pounds and gained back 10 once I started the Thyroid meds. I have been at the same weight now for the last three weeks and really feel pretty good. I am trying to watch what I eat because I know the weight can jump up and bite you in the butt when you least expect it. My only real issue with the meds is my complexion. My face has broken out terribly, but only my face. I never had acne or sores as a kid but boy I do now. My Endo says this will straighten it self out once my body is comfortable with the dosage of medication that I am taking. I will be going back in three weeks for more blood work to see if the 112mcg is enough or if the dosage needs to be raised.
As I said before I feel great and just wanted to let people know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it isn’t always a train. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy life.
in reply to: What’s next #1071816Hello again. I have been off the beta blockers for two days now and my pulse is very irratic. It is jumping from 65 – 139 just sitting at my desk working. Just spoke with the doctor and have to go in at 8:15 tomorrow for a EKG. I was told "not to start the beta blockers again", plus they cut me back on the Levothyroxine from 50 mcg to 25 mcg until I go for my appointment on the 24th of June. This is going to be an interesting ride . Will check in again when I have more news. Kimmer
in reply to: What’s next #1071811Thank you again. I now have another reason to get healthy and stay healthy. My first grandchild, a beautiful little girl named Angelina was born on Thursday afternoon, June 4th weighing in at a healthy 9 lbs 6.5 ounces and 21.5 inches long. Mother, Father (my son) and baby are doing wonderful. Came home on Saturday, boy they don’t stay long anymore, not like when I had my son.
Update to the beta blockers, doctor had me scale down to 1/2 pill for the last three days. Starting tomorrow off of them completely. Will be monitoring my blood pressure and pulse daily. Have been on the hormone replacement for two days now, haven’t noticed any changes good or bad.
Stay well my online friends…
in reply to: What’s next #1071806Hello all. Here is my six week update after RAI. I had blood work on Monday the 1st and today received a prescription in the mail to start taking L-Thyroxine 50mg because my Thyroid Levels are now to low. Looks like I became Hypo rather quickly. I still can’t seem to get the doctor office to give me my counts so I have to wait until next time I go in August to fill out paperwork to request it then the doctor has to approve me having copies. I’m also waiting to hear if I need to discontinue taking the Beta-Blockers or if I will be taking two prescriptions for a while. Most days I feel great, tired on occasion but actually pretty good. Thank you for all of your wisdom, I really love this site. Best of luck to everyone. Kimmer
in reply to: What’s next #1071803Hello everyone. I was finally able to get some blood counts from my original doctor (4/1/09). I have called several times to the endo asking for the counts they did but have had no luck. I go back on June 1st for the counts after the RAI that was done on April 14th so I will have something to compare. I have no idea what these numbers mean but here they are, Free T4 1.84, TSH 0.03 (prior to the RAI). That is all they gave me, no T3 level. I spoke with the endo today and they are uping my dose of beta blockers as my pulse rate is still ranging from 95-140 resting. She told me that I am still in the time frame of the "dumping" as was explained to me after I had the RAI and what I have learned from this site. I have started an excel spreadsheet to track my counts but it looks a bit empty with only one line of information. Hopefully next month there will be more. Thank you, wishing you all well. Kim
in reply to: What’s next #1071800Hello it’s me again. So it has been exactly two weeks since I had the RAI treatment and the headache has returned with a vengeance. My blood pressure has hit the roof and my heart rate is up again. I woke up at 3:00 am from something, I don’t really know what but did not feel well. I keep a blood pressure cuff on the nightstand and my heart rate was 148. The endocrinologist has cut me back on the beta blockers and is weaning me off of them over the next two weeks. I have placed a call into her to ask if this is normal but have not heard back yet. After reading thru this site it appears that this is absolutely normal. I walked to the end of my driveway to retrieve the mail and barely made it back to the house, I was so out of breath. I will be going back to the endo on June 1st for my first set of blood work since the RAI. I don’t know what my original counts were as I never thought to ask for a print out, but will not make that mistake this time. Again, I would like to thank everyone on this site, as it has been a real learning experience. Thanks again, Kim
in reply to: What’s next #1071798Thank you very much for the kind words. I don’t feel much different after the RAI accept the headaches are much milder now. I didn’t really have much time to think about what was going to happen to me since it was only one week from finding out what was wrong to actually having the RAI treatment. For some reason my doctor did not suggest the prescription drug to try first she said I should go right to the RAI. I was never given any T count numbers and didn’t even know that was something to watch until I started reading the posts on this site. My endo is very sweet but I will not be able to see her for a while as she is almost nine months pregnant and will be leaving soon. She could only stand in the doorway last week at my first appointment after the RAI as I had had it only the week before. I go back for my first blood work on June 1st and will make sure I ask for a print out of all of my numbers. I am going to start bicycle riding and walking again this week as I really miss doing that. My husband and I were riding bikes maybe 20 miles a day three days a week and I was walking 5 miles everyday. I never really stopped walking until February until I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. I had always been able to get my heart rate up to around 145 bpm when I would crest the top of a hill but a resting bpm of 145 I knew something wasn’t right. My husband has been very supportive and tell him all of the new things that I learn from this site. My son was very nervous when I told him I was ill and was a bit bummed when he couldn’t see me for a few days. He is expecting his first child (my first grandchild) next month so I was very insistent on them not visiting and I still won’t allow my daughter in law to visit. I know it has been 10 days since the RAI but the doctor said the longer I wait to see her the better it is. She did tell me that I could go to the baby shower on May 9th though. I have many things to look forward to and feel very blessed with my life. My husband is wonderful with all of this and his support makes things a lot easier. I wish everyone well and will check back again.