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  • Kimberly
    Post count: 4294

    Hello – If you do a search on this site for "weight", you will see that many patients (regardless of treatment choice — ATDs, RAI, or Thyroidectomy) struggle with extra weight above and beyond what we lost when we were hyper.

    Others who have had RAI can provide more insight on that specific treatment, but here are a few general suggestions on dealing with weight issues from a nutritionist who presented at last year’s conference:

    1. Include breakfast daily within 2 hours of waking up.
    2. Don’t go longer than 5 hours in between meals
    3. Select “high volume” and “high fiber” foods such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains
    4. Limit servings of healthy fats to 1 per day
    5. Prioritize at LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night
    6. Do 150 minutes per week of physical activity, plus strength training 2 times per week. (Important note: check with your doctor before starting on an exercise program, because exercising while hypER can do more harm than good).

    She also suggested that we NOT go *below* 1150 calories/day, as it’s hard for the body to get all the nutrients it needs on extremely low-calorie food plans.

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Mant9 – I don’t have an answer for you, but just a couple of comments…

    1. I don’t know if you received hard copies of your labs, but it’s a good idea to ask for them and to get yourself familiar with the "normal" ranges. The "normal" range is fairly wide — so noting how you feel and what symptoms you have at various points will help you determine what YOUR "normal" is.

    2. I don’t know when you decided to test again (2 weeks vs. 4 weeks) — but if it’s farther out, I would pay close attention to your symptoms and ask for labs to be done sooner if you sense a shift towards hypO. The only way to confirm hypO is with a blood test, but common symptoms include fatigue, slow pulse, constipation, dry skin, and cold intolerance. Some patients respond FAST to a significant change in Anti-Thyroid Drug (ATD) dosage. Also, make sure that your doctor’s office has discussed potential side effects of the meds with you. Potential liver damage and a significant reduction in white blood cell count are rare — but serious — side effects of the ATDs. Your doctor’s office can tell you what symptoms to watch out for…be sure and contact the office ASAP if you experience any of these (such as a major sore throat with fever).

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 4294
    in reply to: the long haul #1066217
    Antony wrote: Yes, I spoke to my endo over the phone and went for labs (free T4 and TSH only) March 4th.

    Antony – Hopefully, the lab results will provide you with some answers. Also, I would talk to your doctor about your sleep issues as well as the other meds that you are taking and when you stopped/started them. Certain meds can have an impact on how our body absorbs the thyroid replacement hormone. If your doc is fully aware of the other meds you are taking, then he/she will be in a better position to help you find an optimal dose of replacement hormone.

    Post count: 4294
    in reply to: the long haul #1066216
    sbigler wrote: I too am having issues with heat intolerance, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety etc. and was confused because I thought these symptoms were more side effects of hyperthryoidism and not being hypothryoid. I am new to this disease (had the RAI on Dec 16th) and just started synthroid last Wednesday (.075). I am so exhausted that I never even got out of my p.j.’s this weekend.

    Hello – Have you had labs done recently? The symptoms you describe are often associated with hypER…but occasionally our labs and our symptoms don’t seem to match! I know that sometimes there is a "dumping" process following RAI where the thyroid’s stores of hormone are released into the body…and this can temporarily cause hypER symptoms. However, I believe this usually happens earlier in the process. Hopefully, one of the facilitators who has experienced RAI can jump in here.

    Post count: 4294

    Yes, here’s to a better day today! Sorry you had to go through that. <img decoding=” title=”Sad” /> Have you talked to your endo or pharmacist about the bp issue?

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Sharon – I attended the Foundation’s Leadership Training session in Brevard, NC a couple of weeks ago. (This program prepares patients to set up local support groups). Anyway, several of us started talking about weight issues. Some were taking Anti-Thyroid Drugs, and others had done RAI – but we ALL found that we were struggling with extra weight above and beyond what we lost when we were hyper. Many doctors will tell us that we “just can’t eat like we did when we were hyper” – but I really think there is more to it than that.

    During a panel discussion at last year’s conference in Charlotte, I asked a question about weight gain and treatment for hyperthyroidism. One of the doctors on the panel indicated that it’s possible there might be a “resetting” of one’s metabolism following thyroid issues. We also had an interesting presentation from a nutritionist. She utilizes Metabolic Testing to check the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) of her clients. This is the amount of calories that our bodies consume at rest to keep our heart, lungs, etc. working. She provided one example of an actual client who had been treated with RAI and stabilized on a dose of thyroid hormone replacement. There is a "standard" calculation based on weight, height, and activity level that many people use to determine RMR. However, the nutritionist found that this woman’s RMR was actually about 150 calories a day *less* than the standard. The nutritionist’s comment for patients trying to lose weight was, “you have to track EVERY calorie” – because our margin for error is so thin. (Personally, I track Weight Watchers POINTS, which is not as precise in terms of calories, but still a good tracking mechanism). She also noted that we should NEVER dip below 1150 calories a day, as our bodies can miss out on important nutrients that we need to continue the healing process.

    Also, here are a few other suggestions the nutritionist had regarding weight loss:

    * Include breakfast daily within 2 hours of waking up.
    * Don’t go longer than 5 hours in between meals
    * Select “high volume” and “high fiber” foods such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains
    * Limit servings of healthy fats to 1 per day
    * Prioritize at LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night
    * Do 150 minutes per week of physical activity, plus strength training 2 times per week. (NOTE: please get your doctor’s OK before starting on an exercise program, as exercising while we are still hypER can do more harm than good).

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 4294
    in reply to: the long haul #1066213

    Hi Antony – Good for you for paring down some of those extra commitments. I think that anything we can do for ourselves to keep stress levels in check is helpful.

    Have you had your thyroid levels checked recently to make sure you are still in the "normal" range? Or is there any chance that your pharmacy has changed manufacturers for your replacement hormone? (The active ingredient is the same for all manufacturers, but your body’s absorption of the hormone can vary if you start using a different manufacturer.) Perhaps this is just a temporary blip, but such a major change in how you feel 10 months post-RAI is worth discussing with your endo.

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 4294
    lynnfield wrote:My main concerns are stopping the weight loss, I was thin to begin with and I have lost 20lbs and climbing, and my eyes.

    Hello – We had a nutritionist speak at our last conference, and she had the following suggestions for people who are losing weight too quickly:

    1. Add a serving of the following healthy calorie dense foods to each meal: 12 unsalted nuts, 1/4 avocado, 1 TB olive oil, 1 ounce cheese.

    2. Include a healthy snack in between each meal.

    3. Each day, include at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight. (Multiply your weight by 0.45 to get kilograms).

    You body needs to heal right now, so it’s best to focus on whole, unprocessed foods — fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 4294

    Congrats – this must be a huge relief after two years! You have a great attitude…and it sounds like you have a wonderful support system. I’m sure this has carried you through the difficult times. Please do keep us posted!

    Post count: 4294
    Jake George wrote:I was out of work one day. I had the surgery done on a Friday and back to work on Monday. I had to use antibiotic eye drops for a week. And you will end up with the coolest red eye. I had one done at Halloween and Everybody wanted to know where I got the cool eyes. I rocked that Halloween…

    Jake – LOVE your attitude! Way to kick TED in the pants and continue to enjoy your life! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 4294
    Bobbi wrote:If you go to the American Thyroid Association’s website, for their statement about the so-called "Wilson’s Syndrome" you will find that the scientific community does not support the idea that this syndrome exists.

    This question actually came up in a Q&A session at our conference last fall, and the endocrinologist who fielded the question agreed with Bobbi’s comments above. However, he also stated that some individuals might not convert T4 to T3 as *efficiently* as others. That’s great that your doc is willing to run the test, though. Either it will help you pinpoint the problem…or it will give you some peace of mind that conversion is *not* the issue. You deserve to feel great…so definitely keep searching until you can find an answer!

    Post count: 4294
    in reply to: Heartburn.. #1066237
    kristenb wrote:Did PTU or tapazole ever give you hearburn? Did it go away? The pharmacist said it usually goes away.. ugh..

    Hello – Yes, heartburn is listed as a potential side effect for both PTU and Tapazole/Methimazole. If it persists, you might talk to the pharmacist again…or check with your doc to get his/her opinion. In the meantime, you might start paying attention to see if certain foods or beverages trigger the heartburn. Some people find that things like chocolate, citrus fruits, high-fat foods, or alcohol can bring on an episode of heartburn.

    If you have issues at night in particular, eating your largest meal at lunch and having a light early dinner can help…so can raising the level of your bed. (As a bonus, raising the head of your bed is good for patients with eye disease as well…)

    Best of luck!

    Post count: 4294
    in reply to: confused #1066255
    teacherhelper wrote: Now looking at my lab results, I’m trying to figure them out. My T3 has gone from 3.3 in Oct 09 to 9.8 now. My TSH was 0.005 in Oct and 0.006 now. The T4 was 2.05 in Oct and is 2.67 now. Would it be better to have copies of my lab work before seeing the doctor so he maybe can explain things to me.

    Hello – We can’t interpret labs on this board, as that needs to be done by a qualified medical professional. However, in general, if someone was off meds for several weeks — and not in remission — I would expect their thyroid hormone levels to increase.

    Some doctors and labs are funny about giving patients their lab results ahead of time. However, it is certainly reasonable to ask to have your labs done in advance of your visit, so that you can spend your appointment reviewing the numbers with your doc and asking any questions. Plus, I always ask for a hard copy of my labs at the time I see my doctor, so I can note any trends over time. In addition to keeping tabs on where your levels are at different points in time, it is helpful to know what reference range your lab considers to be "normal" for each of the tests. This can vary from lab to lab.

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 4294
    gatorgirly wrote:I should mention that my doctor said that since I have a small thyroid, remission is much more likely. Does that actually mean anything? His nurse called me back with my levels this morning, and until I can see him again in six weeks, I have no idea what they mean. TSH = < 0.006; T4 = 2.83; T3 = 10.2. I know levels are different from anyone, but can someone give me a broad explanation of "normal" levels?

    Hello – I’m not aware of a link between thyroid size and remission rates, so hopefully, someone else can jump in on that one. Some Graves’ patients will develop an enlarged thyroid (called a “goiter”), so it sounds like you *don’t* have that issue. “Normal” ranges will vary from lab to lab. We are not allowed to interpret test results on this board (that is your doctor’s job), but here is a rundown on the tests. It is helpful if you can ask your doc’s office for a hard copy of your lab results, instead of just getting the info over the phone. That way you can see the “normal” range for yourself…and you can track whether you labs are changing over time. Even better, if you can get on a schedule with your doc’s office where you are getting labs done *before* your appointment, then you can spend the visit reviewing the results directly with you doctor and asking questions.

    TSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. A below normal result *can* indicate hypERthyroidism and an above normal result *can* indicate hypOthyroidism. Other issues can interfere with TSH, though…for example, some Graves’ patients on Anti-Thyroid Drugs continue to have below normal TSH levels, even though their other tests are “normal”. The way this test is interpreted seems the opposite of what you would expect…but think of it this way. If the body has too much thyroid hormone, it doesn’t need any TSH to throw more fuel on the fire and make *more* hormone. On the other hand, if you don’t have *enough* thyroid hormone, TSH will increase, as the body tries to kick-start the production of more hormone.

    T4 is a thyroid hormone containing 4 atoms of iodine. When the body cleaves off one atom of iodine, this produces T3, which is the most potent and active form of thyroid hormone. T3 and T4 can circulate in the body in two ways: (1) “bound” to proteins in the body, which renders them inactive or (2) “free”, which means they are available for the body to use. So if you have a choice between “Total” or “Free” T3/T4 tests, the “Free” test is a better indicator of how much hormone is actually available to the body.

    Hope this makes things less confusing…and not MORE confusing!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Welcome to the boards! I know this is extremely frustrating to have your normal routine turned upside down…but please stick with your doctor’s advice for now. You mentioned that you have a racing heart rate and muscle wasting, and these are issues that can be *aggravated* when doing intense exercise while hyperthyroid. Your #1 priority right now is to get your thyroid levels to return to normal…which will get you started back on the path to good health.

    Sounds like you are working a crazy schedule. Is there any way you can get some relief at work, such as finding someone to help you…or working from home a couple of days a week? Anything that you can do right now to shed unneccessary commitments and focus on the healing process will definitely help you in the long run.

    Best of luck!

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