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  • KC750
    Post count: 3

    Thanks again for responses and the continuing messages about the stuggles with Graves. I am beginning to feel like I’m pulling out of the post-surgical pit, and the good days this week were more frequent than the bad. Bad days consisted of wanting to sleep constantly and feeling very fuzzy-headed and achy. I have started on a low carb/high protein diet under dr. orders, and doing without carbs is very difficult. But as I continue to respond to Synthroid, I’m hoping the diet will get easier too.

    I can’t begin to tell everyone how much comfort I have received from reading about other’s struggles. So much of the health issues I’ve had all my life are beginning to make sense now. And just knowing what I’ve been/am feeling is not all in my head is helping the coping process. Thanks to everyone for being so willing to be open and share situations and symptoms that can sometimes be difficult to admit.


    Post count: 3

    Sherry — I had a total thyroidectomy on Dec. 1st (I also had two fairly large nodules), and found the surgery to be very easy (I’m an oldster age 58). I had very little post-op pain, and only had to be in the hospital overnight, so insurance considered it as an out-patient procedure. My scar is only about 3" long, and my surgeon placed it where I already had a fold of skin, so it is practically unnoticable. The only pain I experienced was a sore throat from being intubated, but it was managable with Tylenol and soft food for a day or so. I was walking the halls of the hospital the evening after surgery, and I was up and around a few days later, able to do some light housework, cooking, and short shopping trips. I did get tired easily the first few weeks, but would nap or rest often as needed.

    Hope your daughter does well.

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