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in reply to: Remission on ATDs – now what????? #1169116
After my dx of Graves 4 years ago and much research too, I went “gluten free” for approx. 4 mo. and felt AWESOME. I found gluten free to be too difficult to maintain and went back to my old habits, only to feel worse than I ever have since reintroducing “gluten” back into my diet. I really think there’s some correlation, but it’s a very difficult regime to maintain. If someone finds “gluten free” easy, please, please refer me to a book or something to help me along this path. Like I said, “when” I was eating gluten free, I felt like one in a million with no issues, honestly.
in reply to: Why is RAI so controversial on the internet? #1171852I guess that my “worry” with RAI is that it sometimes has to be done more than one time, correct? It doesn’t ALWAYS shut down the thyroid with one dosage?? Thanks for the input.
in reply to: Eye Pain Question #1171493Kimberly I knew I could depend on you for some explanation and I appreciate it so much. I assumed it must be something to do with the tear production, possibly the makeup of what is in tears?? It kinda makes some sense to me, but I do notice INCREASED pain in my temple area after crying at all.
Thanks again for helping me out, but hey, further study on anything to do with this chronic/horrible disorder we sure would appreciate!!THANK YOU for sharing!! There are times I do “feel crazy” and totally UNDERSTAND why her behavior was erratic in the hyper state. I am totally erratic at times and then REGRETFUL afterwards and there’s nothing I can do except be as cognitive as possible with this disorder.
in reply to: Orbital Decompression Surgery Question #1170977THANKS Shirley…we appreciate your quick responses!!
in reply to: I can’t stop yelling…rant. Sorry. #1171035Hi Jenn: This is a WONDERFUL SITE to get all your frustrations out in writing…and WONDERFUL PEOPLE to read them too. I was dx 4 yrs. ago and LIVED ON THIS SITE for MONTHS, almost the first 2 years. Now I’m having different struggles, but the emotional stuff still “comes and goes” periodically. I find myself getting very “reactive” and I try so hard to “stop it”, but there are still times it doesn’t work and ask for forgiveness afterwards or just cry my eyes out til they hurt from the TED. It’s a constant battle for me personally. Best wishes and stay here with us through all your challenging times. Sounds like you have a wonderful family.
Hello Rory! Yes, Kimberly has given you some GREAT ADVICE as the facilitator for this site. I personally have had breast cancer and strickened with this HORRIBLE disease. I will tell you that I would take back my breast cancer tomorrow to rid myself of this horrific disease. Sad, but true. My oncologist said to me “THAT IS A VERY STRONG STATEMENT”. I said YES IT IS, but it is TRUE. Living daily with GD for me is a constant struggle, especially the TED. I hope things work out for you, your wife and your family.
in reply to: Finally good numbers after 5+ years treatment #1170854I hope your partner stays well!! Best of wishes.
in reply to: Orbital Decompression Surgery Question #1170974You have no idea how this has helped me to “feel better”. Although I DO NOT want surgery, if this saves my vision, I’m willing to whatever it takes. It does FEEL GOOD to DUMP it all here!! Thanks again!!
in reply to: Wife want divorce and family in shambles #1170266I am so sorry this is happening to you but know my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. When I read your posts, it’s like deja vu for me. Just know that this disease can make people feel very off-kilter. I’m FINALLY at the point where I “recognize”, pay attention and cognitive more of my actions when I feel this way. Although I’ve been on medication for 4 years, I can tell you that I’m very “reactive” at times and so sorry for my actions afterwards. This is a terrible time and you’re right, at some point you do need to rid yourself of the stress but it just doesn’t seem fair. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and hope for the best for you. You sound like a very patient man. I hope your wife will see the light before the darkness surrounds her, as it did for me. I’m very grateful for my husband, but after 6 mos. of divorce, he had moved on too. It was tough asking for his forgiveness, especially since at that point, I still didn’t understand what was happening to me and like I said, didn’t get dx until 4 years ago. Best wishes to you, please keep in touch with us.
in reply to: Orbital Decompression Surgery Question #1170972THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing your story with me. You are so brave and I appreciate all the information!! I am going to pursue whatever needs to be done to salvage my vision, you’re absolutely RIGHT!! Through this horrible disease, I will be the one that you have SAVED HER VISION with your testimony!! I appreciate the information more than you know. I’ve been emotionally DRAINED since this has been happening to me and to know someone else has walked my walk is so comforting. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR SHARING!!
in reply to: Orbital Decompression Surgery Question #1170970Thank you Shirley for ALL THE INFO!! What I am experiencing is transient to a point, it’s blindness AFTER all the reading so I’m wondering if it’s not optic nerve atrophy? It upsets me terribly and so I just go to bed, knowing when I wake up, I will be able to see again because it’s happened over and over the past 4 months…I just wonder now though, for “how long” this temporary or transient state will continue with the same path. I plan on seeing a neuro op dr. very soon, per my graves TED dr. locally. I feel really comfortable with my dr. because he wants me to have a second opinion with a neuro dr. too. I will definitely keep you updated, but thank you so much for being so resourceful and sharing your experience with me. Although we all walk a different path at times with this disease, we all have a common thread, it’s called Graves!! I APPRECIATE those so much that takes an interest in helping each other on this site!!
in reply to: Orbital Decompression Surgery Question #1170968Thanks so much for responding Kimberly…it’s beyond scary to have these spells when they haven’t been explained. I know I’ve heard people on the site talk about the “greying over” as possible optic nerve issues, but when the dr. runs my field vision tests and they come out normal, it’s very concerning to me. This site is so grateful to have you as a facilitator!! Thanks again!!
in reply to: Wife want divorce and family in shambles #1170261My heart goes out to you because I want to admit here, the EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED to me, except, I went through with the divorce and was NEVER DIAGNOSED with thyroid disorder. It was the WORST THING I’ve ever had happen. I was married for 13 years and divorced for only 6 months THANKFULLY. I’ve been REMARRIED to the same man AGAIN for another 20 years for a total of 33 years now, but it was a HORRIBLE time in my life. If you would like to email me personally to talk, please feel free to do so. I believe, that after my mother’s death, the stress of that took over my existence. I’m so sorry for what you and your family are currently experiencing and it is my hope that your wife seeks the appropriate medical treatment and can see the loving, wonderful family she has before it’s too late. Know you are in my thoughts.