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  • kareng
    Post count: 6

    I myself haven’t noticed any difference in times of day. I do know that it took over six months to get my levels regulated after my thyroidectomy but I never got into too high of levels – only too low until the labs came back in a normal range. Hope you feel better soon.

    Post count: 6
    in reply to: Oh Happy Day #1066815

    Good luck and God bless. Good advice to be especially good to yourself – rest, good food, etc. to support your system.
    All the best.

    Post count: 6

    Hi again. Question: I had a fellow Graves contact once whose doc had her taking different strengths every other day. For example, a .75 one day, the a .5 the next in order to get at an in between dose. Anyone else had this experience or heard of it. That was the only case I’d heard of.

    Post count: 6
    in reply to: question on labs #1066819

    I’m not sure how I was changed to the generic -have to admit I didn’t notice. I think I was just happy to be paying so little.
    The last time my levels were checked it reads TSH, 3rd generation with reflex to FT4. That is the first time I’ve seen this. It would be nice if there was a standardized test – it would be easier to monitor levels. I notice that on a lower dosage of 1mg (compared to 112.5mg) I feel less anxious and don’t have fast heart rate but get restless legs at night. Doc says can’t go by how I feel, have to go by levels and so insists I stay at the higher dose.
    He is willing to get me on a "brand" name and I’ll try that – I need to let the pharmacy know so now I need to decide which "brand". Do some people notice a difference between "brands"?

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