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  • Karen1
    Post count: 3

    To the naked eye one of my eyes protrudes more than the other and have experienced more of a “pressure” feeling along with the protrusion issue. I’ve had both eyes affected at the same time, but more often it is one or the other rather than both.
    I’ve simply been taking an Adult low dose aspirin daily and the intense pressure feeling has gone away, plus the difference in appearance has lessened. I’ve been taking the aspirin daily for a little over two months now.
    I discovered the aspirin suggestion via “Googling” out of desperation for a “non surgical” solution for a pattern/stained glass issue I was having with my eyes. It not only solved that problem, but helped with the pressure issue, too. Prior to this, I was using warm compresses several times a day for the pressure and had begun wearing an eye patch at night to sleep.
    This suggestion came from the WebMD website, even though when I was entering the problem of “stained glass pattern vision” directly in the WebMD site there was nothing that came up directly. I started entering “stained glass, patterned vision”, etc. via “Google” and was sent back to a WebMD link.
    I have not discussed this with any medical doctors. I have an extremely high deductible on my health insurance and the area in which I live has no one specializing in Graves Disease or the eye issues associated with it. I do suggest that you discuss this idea with your own Doctor.
    I take Synthroid daily and had the Radioactive Iodine treatment several years ago to destroy my Thyroid gland.

    Post count: 3

    Referring back to my geometric type/stained glass vision issue, I researched further and found a similar type issue via Googling which sent me into the WebMD website. The recommendation for this was to take an aspirin daily.
    I started taking the Adult low dose version daily and, after a few days, the geometric type/stained glass vision issue I was experiencing has not been any further problem.
    My protruding left eye has, also, improved in appearance. It does not feel constantly irritated, as was the situation a month ago. I’ve not had an episode of the eye lid flipping back again, either.
    Since my regular Doctor had, previously, recommended that I start the low dose aspirin for heart health anyway, I am very pleased to find that this simple remedy is working well.
    A “keep it simple” solution has worked well, for me, in this instance and I am very relieved. Thank you all for your comments.

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