i have had graves disease since 1981. i also take the generic tapizole. i have lived a normal life. i am now 60. i see an endocrynologyst who is very caring and knowledgeble. something that helped me was a book called the thyroid solution. it was an eye opener for me. it explained everything i was feeling and also listed all the symptoms including bipolar. now my daughter seems to have developed nodules so i am glad that i have gone through this so that i can be there for her. that is how i located this site . at any rate a normal life can be in store for you. you will feel tired at times. sometimes the disease goes into remission as it did for me. i did not need meds for 19 years. but since 2000 i have had to take a low dose. it is important to always see your doctor at least yearly if not more. i see mine 2x unless i don’t feel well. and make sure you have the blood work. i hope this has helped you a little bit