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in reply to: Gardasil Vaccine and Graves Disease #1069573
My daughter was diagnosed with Graves Disease in January 2012 but started having symptoms in October 2011. She received her last injection of Gardasil in August 2011 and suffered from headaches and nausea post injection. I recently heard that there may be a link to the gardasil injection and Graves disease and would like to say that I have no doubt this is the case. Up until the gardasil injection, my daughter was a beautiful 13 yo girl, active and in a healthy weight range. Post injection, she went from 60kgs and 170cm tall to 46kgs, bulging eyes, goitre and heart rate of 156 bpm with a shocking tremble. My daughter was diagnosed with Graves disease with extremely high levels of toxicity. There is no known link of graves disease in our family. To say that this disease has caused so many problems is an understatement and to watch her suffer on a daily basis is difficult for any parent to watch. There were days when she could not move nor get out of bed and was taking 18 tablets of neaomertcazole a day and heart tablets as well. We finally managed to get her levels under control (but still taking 4 neomertcazole a day) after 9 months but unfortunately her eyes have continued to get worse and she has now put on a lot of weight, weighing as much as 80kgs. Her face is swollen and she suffers from severe joint pain. After many opinions, it was decided that she should have a total thyroidectomy to stop the continuing problems to the eyes. There was a significant risk that she could go blind if the pressure behind the eyes was not controlled. The operation was performed and went very well. We are now 2 weeks post op and she is back at school and the scarring is minimal. Her heart rate returned to normal post op (we have never been able to get her rate down without tablets) with a resting bpm of 70. However, the last couple of days have seen my daughter take a dive again and her heart rate has gone back up to 110bpm. Back to the Dr tomorrow to see the surgeon post op so will ask then. There has been to date no change to the eyes but they will be measured by the opthamolgist in 2 weeks to see if there is any improvement yet.
I am not allowing my other daughter to have the gardasil injection and will be discussing this with my daughters dr’s at her next appt…..
Definately think there is a link to Graves and Gardasil and will be pursuing it as I have another daughter who will NOT be having the immunisation.