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  • Kaeljia
    Post count: 27

    Hi Vinny, I hope you are feeling better.. as a person with Graves Disease, and on medication to help level it off you are sensitive to the sun. You may burn easier it is the medicine that makes you sun sensitive. Just wear proper clothing and a higher sunscreen, don’t forget your eyes are sensitive to light as well and wear good sunglasses.

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: Thyroid Hair #1065723

    I go through stages, extreme hair loss, where it seems handfulls or brushfulls come out during shampooing and brushing to the point where the front of my scalp starts to recede, Then all of a sudden I get all these little hairs growing… since I’ve had Graves I’ve started to get grey hairsm hair though grows long very easily but the texture and look feels different ( I’m 44) my nails still have not recovered but do the same thing, they will grow really fast and long then seem to stop and get all wonky warbly ridges in them. Crack and are always thin.
    My skin is dry, and my hands look very old.

    Post count: 27

    I’ve been wondering if I’ve been going insane lately, the simplest thought takes so much to process, I recently did a IQ test which 10 years ago I scored high on… I couldn’t even make 100. My head feels like it’s always in a fog, and for someone who at one time never needed a list… well if it’s not on the list, or on the calendar I promptly forget it.

    So to read other’s having similar symptoms well I don’t feel so alone. My husband hasn’t been supportive or doesn’t know what to make of my disease, sometimes I don’t think he even remembers I have a disease.
    My dosage is no where near as high on synthroid, I’m at 75mcg, and have been for almost 6 months now. A year ago I felt fine, then I had to deal with TED double orbital reduction, I didn’t go back to work, I honestly don’t know how people do work with TED, I didn’t drive for 6 months then was pretty much forced to. So after a year of eye surgeries (3 in all) my eyes are done, but my body and my heart don’t feel right.
    I’ve been lacking energy, motivation, I’ve been down right depressed where I cry at the drop of a hat, and get frustrated and mad at myself for being so overly sensitive. I’ve also lacked appetite drinking and eating, and find if I don’t eat within half hour of getting up I’ll go all day without eating. I wake up famished and that will disappear within the hour. I am so thirsty at night my sinus’ and throat dry up and I can never get enough water to drink, but I can’t force myself to even drink water during the day I almost feel sick doing so. I’m seriously thinking it’s all psychological.
    I go for walks with my son before school every morning, come home and lack even the motivation or want to go out and do work in the gardens. I’ve been looking for work and am scared that I won’t be able to do the easiest jobs I once was fully capable of. I constantly feel like I’m letting my family down, we are struggling to make ends meet, and I can’t seem to get it together.
    The weight has been steady since I was radiated, it doesn’t go up, nor does it go down… even after eating Easter dinner I weighed the same. I’m at a constant 215lbs and desperately want to lose 65lbs. I’ve been pushing myself to work in the garden and fifteen minutes of weeding in the garden makes me feel like I’ve run a marathon, my heart is pounding so hard.
    I’m getting my blood work done today and going to see my Endocrinologist tomorrow, but thus far all my tests have supposedly been normal.
    Has anyone else experienced loss of voice, when I told my Dr’s I was losing my voice and it didn’t matter how little I talked, and I felt it was due to my thyroid… they both said they’ve never heard of such a thing and that the voice box is not directly related to the thyroid. Although your voice box is close to it, why wouldn’t it be affected by it?
    I can honestly say I don’t feel as bad as when I was first diagnosed with Graves Disease four years ago, but I don’t feel much better either.
    I just wanted to thank you for letting me vent, and I know I had nothing to add… except to acknowledge that I too have similar symptoms as you with the nausea and loss of appetite. Just thinking of food makes me ill.
    I wish all a trouble free day.

    Post count: 27

    I don’t know about anyone else… but after last year taking the year off due to eye surgeries..and my final one just last week.. the depression and eye sight changes has caused me to not be overly active. I’ve found that it wasn’t all just my lack of motivation but I had to relearn certain things.
    The best way to describe my eye sight now is like you are watching some one walk with a video camera and the scene bounces… I used to call it bobble head effect.
    I’m just looking forward to a year of stabilization so that my body starts to work with me now instead of against me… I’m not as tired as I used to be, and my energy level still fluctuates, I realize I won’t be able to do cross country running, or rollerblading.. at least not right now. I can ride my bike, but find riding on dirt roads with pot holes are not for me.. so it’s city riding for me, you know pavement riding.
    Walking isn’t so bad although just recently I did miss a step tripped, and sometimes I don’t notice dips or think shadows are holes.
    I so want to lose this weight and had considered the acacia berry but was warned against it by my GP,and told to be patient and to walk .

    What I"m tired of the most is my own personnel lack of motivation. I hope that changes as well.

    Post count: 27

    Hi Guys, its been some times since I was on last. The summer has gone by, and I can tell you.. the process was not a joy.
    So I’ve had the Bilateral orbital 3 wall decompression done, in January. In June I had the the Bilateral Upperlids Mulletectomy. That one was oh so much fun. Being awake for that was stressfull to me, not to mention the left eye was more severe than the right. So I’ve not only gained excess weight this year,but I found I didn’t want to drive and did not go back to work. I got so depressed that I stopped going out, I just couldn’t stand to look at myself in the mirror. Thats just not me lookin back at me any more. My left eye lid droops, the right eye looks much better. I still have numbness in my upper jaw, my teeth feel wooden, and I can’t stretch my upper face to smile still. Its like I have two toothpicks going straight down from the nerve under each eye keeping my face imobile. So I have good days and I have bad days. My next operation is for my left eye, Ptosis Repair, Blepharoplasty, Extropin/Entropion Repair. I’m having my left eye lid repaired, the muscle needs to be reattached to the lid so it doesn’t droop as much and the large patch of fat removed in the corner of the eye lid. I’m on call right now for this one, or it won’t be till January. I’ll be awake for this one as well, and it is going to be another half hour operation.

    Post count: 27

    On June 1st I had the upper eye lid operation done… for which you stay awake. The smell and knowing that they are burning away tissue from around your eyes was freaky to say the least. THe left eye perusual was done in an hour, the right eye was another matter.. it took an hour an half to complete and it was worse off. They removed more muscle tissue and scar tissue from around that eye and I could feel it when they were burning away down near the side of the eye they had to add more freezing.. felt like a pinching cutting.. but I lived through it. I was miserable though. my eyes hurt, light bothered them even more and I wasn’t at home, and wouldn’t be going home for a day an half. I was not a happy girl.
    I still have what I consider paralysis of parts of my upper lips, and my upper teeth still feel strange to me.I can move my eyes better after having the operation, and my eyes do feel better although at the follow up Dr’s appointment he was not happy with the left eye, the crease in the lid is still too high and it is still swollen badly.. and the lid is droopy. That was on the 9th of June, the lid since then is still droopy, although the clrease seems to have fallen a bit more what with the swelling coming down some. I still have pouches of fat that will be removed six months from now. My Dr, figures there maybe another operation to balance the eyes, since I still have problems with vision, but in September when I go in, that may change if the operation was a success, meaning the muslces released my eyes enough that I no longer see blurry or double or triply vision in the left eye in my peripheral.
    Overal , I never realized how much time this would take, I was so positive I’d be back at work after the first one… I have made plans to not expect too much, maybe the fall… since walking on uneven ground seems to be a challenge for me. Now all I want is to get rid of all this excess weight.. I"m tired of carrying around two people. And it looks horrible not to mention that I can’t seem to find clothes to fit, I neither fit the plus size nor do I fit the larg to xlarge size.. I’m right in the middle… sucks. I’ve been battling depression and lack of motivation, but I"m working on that.
    I hope everyone is doing good.. Happy Father’s Day guys. Take care. Moi

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: TED #1071301

    Hi Jake…
    yes I agree I should have gone to the Dr… does it count that I saved the misery that had afflicted my eye? LOL
    I recently did some research on my upcoming operation, and found a book online… yes an entire book that we can peruse.
    Please check it out.
    I know its a long book well over 195 pages.. I was looking for information, before and after pics of Bilateral Upper Lids Mullerectomy and found this among all the other urls.

    I think one of the reasons why I don’t and didn’t go the hospital or see my Dr.. was inconvienence… for more than just myself but for those that are driving me around. Its not just the 45 minute drive there..but its the 2 – 4 hour wait just to get to see a Dr.
    So I took a risk that it was not urgent since the other eye was fine after wards.
    My eye does have more movement so I think it was a good thing it came off.Guess I’ll find out. It does appear to be all blood..with a darker I’m sure the Dr will tell me when I see him in two weeks.

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: TED #1071299

    well you guys… during my sleep it fell off. It must have popped up and it got stuck to my pillow. yuck I know. I woke up not sure why, and felt something on my face. Man it looks like a red leach. about the size of my baby finger. It also felt like I’d been punched in the eye after that. I did save the little sac bean leachy l ooking thing. LOL I"m going to take it to my Dr. When I see him. I’m now wondering if the other one from the right eye also fell off during my sleep but I didn’t notice.
    Hmm my husband wanted to pluck it off the first time he saw it, he thought it was a blood blister of sorts.. wonder if he was right. I still don’t know what it was from. I think it may have been caused from rubbing my eye. My lower lid is swollen now, but if I recall correctly the lower lid on the right eye was also swollen for a day or so afterwards.
    ANyways thanks for letting me rant. Have a great weekend.

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: TED #1071298

    Ok you guys I need some help.
    I know I should have tried to see my Dr about my eyes but I didn’t have a ride. plus its a ferry ride. But here is my issue. I had the "BIlateral Orbital 3 wall decompression. Full name of my operation.
    My right eye at one time had this thing pop out of the bottom of my eye, it’s attached some how somewhere… I’ve looked and looked and all we can come to the conclusion of is that it has to be some sort of muscle. But we have no idea. NO amount of googling has solved this question. So my right eye settled down within a few days to a week. Now my left eye which is worse than my right eye, and the surgery was worse. matter of fact they even stiched the right eye closed (everything leads me to believe its part of a muscle its attached at the bottom and pops up from the bottom) I can feel it when I squint which is hard to do, I also feel a pinch almost like a bite where the eye socket was enlarged. About two weeks ago this thing when it would pop out was whiteish to pale pink, and had sticky whitish yellow stuff that would come off like a gooey… anyways.. it cleared up but I could still feel it just under the bottom eye. its hard. Yesterday everytime I laughed or stretched my face too much this thing would pinch again, and I could feel it riding up. TOday has been worse.. I could feel it wanting to pop out, every time I laughed there it would be.. I went to look at it, and could see it peeking up from the bottom lid.. when I went to investigate it popped right out its bloody and it took a few efforts for me to get it to pop back down. The qtip was lightly covered in blood by the time I managed to get it back down. I cried I was so scared, and showed my husband… all he can do is comfort me. As he goes off to work. My daughter trying hard to find help only made her self ill looking at all the eye disease and now she’s worried. Poor girl. She came into the room cringing and crying and it was all I could do not to cry and laugh with her.. and out it popped again making the poor girl squeel. I had my husband take a picture of it. I finally got to the point that it had to be done, and am sending it to my eye specialist. after my daughter gets back with the camera..she just went out.
    As I read other’s accounts I have yet to read of anyone having had this happen to them. I’m beginning to wonder if this is normal and knowing the right side had the same thing happen and it went back into place in time will the left eye also go back into place or was this something that I really need be concerend about?
    My Medical Employment INusrance has run its course… and now I don’t know what I"m suppose to do… I don’t feel comfortable going back to work, I am not even driving a car still cause I don’t feel safe doing so. Or am I just being rediculouse? thanks for all your listening, reading and help. K

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: TED #1071297

    Wow, Jake that sounds scary. I’m going in June 1st for the upper lids, and was to told I"m going to be awake for this. THat scares me, I hate the idea of being awake and knowing they are near my eyes. And I thought the dentist was bad. Does anyone know if they remove the fat that was displaced from the Disease. I’ve heard that for some ungodly reason its considered cosmetic? What are they nuts? The fat feels heavy on my eye lids and looks horrible. I can honestly say Im not looking forward to this operation.

    Post count: 27

    I am one of those fortunate people who gaines weight with Graves DIsease. Oh I can also lose it really fast like in three weeks… *look at self and think I look fab.. * then its all back within three months again.
    So I choose to eat real food, I make. I don’t eat out. I DON"T eat chinese food, it makes me serioulsy ill, like I have food poisoning. Peanut butter, as well as some yogurts also make me feel ill. SO I stay away from those foods.
    Right now, I have no motivation to do anything.. I know it will change, so I eat more smaller meals throughout the day.
    Eat Healthy get lots of fresh air, and do what makes you feel good.

    Post count: 27

    Hey Jake, thanks for answering that one. I was baffled as to why the DR still related my blood work to Graves Disease. now I know.

    Post count: 27
    in reply to: quivering #1071289

    I still get quivering when I’m tired. Recently I did a 42 hour day… only because I could not sleep then it got to be too late to go to sleep if I wanted to get things done and make dinner for the family. SO here I am, eyes are bad, and gooey,and there is slight tremor in my hands. THough this could be due to may lack of ability latley to take my meds ontime as well. I get so forgetful when I’m tired, more so than normal. See I can’t remember what I was going to type now.

    Post count: 27

    RE: dentist
    I had an oral operation nothing major, atleast thats what I thought at the time. I had hurt my gum and damaged the bone under the tooth. So had to have a root canal. My dentist new I had Graves Disease. When they administered the first needle for freezing I started to feeling this weird falling feeling. I had the impression that if I wasn’t careful I’d not wake up. Seemed silly at the time, and I fought to keep conscious. Now I"m wondering if the freezing had anything to do with it? I was asked once by my Motherinlaw if I’d had a bonescan done, I figured since I seen an Encologist he’s refer me if I needed it. Would this explain why my spine cracks when I twist in bed at night… the entire spine cracks not one but like those little wooden snakes that kids like to play with.
    Sheesh all the things you don’t think about.

    Post count: 27

    OH boy how could I forget… SUNGLASSES AND A BALL CAP
    it is a must have… for sure after before the operation. I cannot go outside with out good dark sunglasses and a ball cap. THe light bothers my eyes pretty good. Make sure when you are coming home from the operation that the sunglasses are larger than you normally wear.

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