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  • JoyC
    Post count: 11
    in reply to: TSI question #1069244

    Thank you for passing my questions along, Nancy. Any more information I can gather will be helpful. We are short of endocrinologists in our area- so I want to be on good terms with the office staff, and I really do like my doctor. But, I know I will have to let them know that I feel like they should be able to get an answer (if there is one!) to my questions. In addition, I get the impression that even the endocrinologist has been a bit confused by the paths my Graves has chosen. (Leave it to me to get an unusual disease, and then have an unusual presentation to boot!)
    In the meantime, I will continue to learn as much as I can. Hopefully I can put all the pieces together sometime.
    Thanks again for any information that can be sent my way!

    Post count: 11

    Thank you for the responses and encouragement.

    Post count: 11

    Thank you all for your posts. It is very frustrating to hear doctors dismiss what we are feeling. (Which is why it took months to get my diagnosis to start with). I appreciate hearing about others with heartburn as a symptom, because I truly feel mine is related. I have been better for a few days, but heartburn came back again today. It will be interesting to see what my levels are next time I am checked and if I have heartburn then.

    Post count: 11

    Thank you for your help, Bobbi. That is information that makes some sense to me, and just being taken seriously helps. I appreciate this site so much!

    Post count: 11

    Funny thing. I was not a marathoner- I am really proud to be able to run 5Ks. When I started feeling bad, one of the first things I noticed was that I didn’t have energy to run. After I got diagnosed, I asked the endocrinologist if I could run. (For me, running was 2 miles or so, about 5 times a week.) He laughed and said, "Oh, you won’t feel like running for awhile." Well, being persistent, I said asked if it would be OK. He told me to monitor my heartrate and do what I felt up to , since I had already been regularly excercising. I am NOT on beta blockers because I also have asthma and beta blockers can exacerbate that. While you need to do what your doctor says- I know I feel better when I run, even if I can’t go as far or as fast as I used to. Hyperthyroidism can really weaken your muscles, and I have learned not to expect what I used to be able to do, but feel so much better when I can at least maintain some running time. Definitely discuss with your doctor what YOU feel up to. But, don’t place too high expectations on yourself. Training for a marathon when you are trying to get your Graves in control is probably asking way too much of yourself. Your body is going through a lot, and it may take awhile to get things regulated.

    Post count: 11
    in reply to: Touch #1074948

    Hi, Kam. I am sorry things are difficult. I know when my doctor gave me my Graves diagnosis, he told me not "to make any life changing decisions for awhile", and that more than one marriage has dissolved over this disease. I didn’t like hearing that (and am still not sure it was his place to offer that advice), but I can understand the obstacles it places in any relationship. I also had very sensitive skin when I was in the hyper levels and did not like to be touched. The disease can also leave you feeling a little isolated- it is pretty uncommon, and the symptoms can be so all encompassing. My husband and I had already been marrried 20 years when I got this disease, and I think our relationship is pretty good, but sometimes it is still hard for him to understand that I often feel REALLY bad, and can’t just take an aspirin and get over it. So, try to be understanding that she is sick, probably scared and confused as well. Also, going to some of her endocrinologist appointments to try to understand what she is dealing with might be helpful (if she wants you to). I hope you can work things out.

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