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  • joelynn
    Post count: 3
    ewmb wrote:Hi,
    Welcome to this board. There are many people here who have used antithryoids for a long time to keep things under control. I tried that and was in a sort of remission for about a year when it all came back. I had RAI about three months ago. There are many good posts here about the three choices for treatment. Look for other posts about I’m new, just diagnosed etc.. The facilitators can answer lots of questions from their experience. Glad that you found the board.


    Thank you for your swift reply! Are you happy with the results of the RAI? Would you have done it right away?

    Post count: 3

    Thank you so much for your response! Whay you said about normal ranges not necessarily meaning feeling better really stood out. Do you think you wil stay with meds or do radiation? Im feeling like meds might be the right choice for me because my disease isnt too progressed, it was caught early on by a routine physical by my family doctor. My worst symptoms are heat intolerance, tremors, heart palpatations and irregularities with my female stuff. What type of side effects do you experience while on meds, if you dont mind me asking.

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