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  • joe_182
    Post count: 2

    That is interesting, when I was first diagnosed I was at .004 too, which really is extremely low, but my symptoms were never as bad as the things I have read about. I got tested 2 months later and my TSH was at 4.0%. This was within the normal range which allowed me to be off PTU for almost a year when symptoms started coming back and just got tested and TSH at .44%. I guess my point is these numbers can really fluctuate, I don’t think I am in a position to give medical advice, but personally I think it is important to pay attention to your symptoms and not do anything drastic based on TSH results, unless you are being tested every month or so and it stays that low. Once you decide to go with RAI there is no turning back, I think, if you are experiencing very bad symptoms that are making your life difficult it might be a good idea to do it, but if you haven’t had much difficulty since the panic attack, try and relax and go with the wait and see approach and try to get more opinions from a few endocronoligists before you make a final decision.

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