My radiation ablation was for hyperthyroid – and treatment with anti thyroid drugs brought on severe hypo. The radiation uptake scan of 51% indicated Graves. The ablation was to have brought on a hypo thyroid condition – which it did for one month – and thus the Synthroid which brought me down to a hyper state. All my numbers are out of range of the blood tests markers but are hyperthyroid – I feel I am over medicated on Synthroid – and that may be contributing to the worsening of Graves. 4 Endos, 2 Surgeons and a GP later – a year later – I am still suffering.
UPDATE: According to my GP because my T4 numbers are in the normal range and despite a hyper TSH and evidence of anti-bodies – the need for synthroid is to provide the T4. He is convinced the thyroid has t come out but the 2 surgeons I have seen refuse to operate and feel the numbers will “level out”. Upped the dose on anti depressant and beta blockers to help the symptoms. This is insane