I was diagnosed with Graves in May this year. This month i was diagnosed with TED although i have had symptoms for some months. I am now back taking Carbimazole and have been told i will need Thyroid surgery. I’m scared. Scared i will never feel well again. My heart is constantly “fluttering”. I am so fatigued i cant make it up the stairs, or lift anything. I cant eat although i have been told i should be more hungry and i’ve lost 8lbs in a week. My thyroid tests have just come back TSH = 0.01 Free T3 = 43.7 and Free T4 = over 100.
My consultant said having my Thyroid out will cure Graves but from the research i have done this is not necessarily true.
Any advice/help please – i feel so ill some days i just dont want to go on.
I now take 40mg Carbimazole daily.