Thank you for putting up with my typos. I was typing on an iPad and autocorrect changes things all the time. My TSH level will not stabilize. I think my Free t4 was elevated above normal range but not by much. Free t3 I do not think was checked. My TSH has fluctuated between unmeasurable and twelve on the same exact dose of medicine over a small window of time. I have seen all Endocrinologists in my area and now I supposedly am seeing the best. I just want to feel better. I have felt like crap ever since RAI.
I also take a bunch of chronic pain meds so it is possible they interfere although unlikely according to Endo.
At next appt I will ask for all things to be measured again, and hopefully the doctor will do the appropriate testing.
My sister had to have orbital decompression surgery. My mother and myself have eyes that bulge a little when we are stressed out I.e. Can see entire iris of eye, but nothing like what my sister had.