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  • Jeramac
    Post count: 2

    Thanks for the quick replies.
    I know mom is elevating her head but maybe needs to do more so. She had said she was thinking of sleeping in the lazy boy chair to see if that helped. She is very afraid of taking prednisone and the side effects of long term use from that. She has only been on it for a week or two now for this swelling. It does seem to help a bit but the water pocket remains.

    She had her surgeries a little backwards from what I’m reading. They did the upper eye lids a year ago as she was hoping to avoid the OD surgery. (she needed OD done but was afraid of it and so put it off as long as possible). I’m pretty sure she was in a ‘stabile’ position with her eyes as they were not getting any worse in the last couple of years but the symptomatology from them did get worse i.e. itching, dryness, aggravating and touching her glasses to the point she opted for OD.

    The thing is, the right eye done just two weeks prior to the left… perfectly fine, healed great, double vision went away and it looks awesome! But the left eye is the opposite with the double vision and swelling.

    I went to every appointment with her and we were never told about this pocket of water issue that could happen and I find that disturbing that she could have this for years?

    Thank you for your offer to talk with her, I’m going to tell her about this website and board. She’s having difficulty with the computer screen glare right now so isn’t able to sit at the computer for long but she will find this helpful!

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