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I am going to mention this to my doc as well when I see him at the end of the month. My back, hips, shoulders, and knees are so sore so often, I can hardly walk. My 82 year old grandmother gets around better than me. I have not injured myself, although I do have arthritis in my hips and knees, the chronic pain is awful. It seems like the slightest exertion causes me severe pain for 4 days..
in reply to: Leg cramps?? #1067501now, everything is cramping.. If i look down, my neck cramps, and if i look over my shoulder my back cramps.. I am going to the doc on 11/30, and i will mention this all to him..
in reply to: Eye Disease #1069731I am having my eyes checked Tuesday for the first time in years. My vision comes, and goes. Sometimes it is fine, other times, it is all a blur. My eyes leak often, where people think I am crying, and recently they have been hurting. I mentioned this to my endo last month, and he told me to go to an eye doctor. I hope she is a good one..
in reply to: Lump at side of neck….related to TT surgery? #1067332I have the same lump on the back right side. it is more prominent when I turn my head to the left. I was sick for a while with pneumonia, and a sinus infection, and while I am healthy again, the lump is still there. I am going to mention it to my endo on 11/30 when i see him again. I am aware that it is probably a lymph node, but confused as to why it is still swollen. I’ll let you know what he says to me..
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in reply to: definative tests for Graves’ ? #1067608They should have, or should draw a TSI to determine Graves.. Your symptoms are very similar to mine.. My TSH was 0, and the T3, and T4 were double high normal. I also felt exhausted, and I looked like I never slept. My weight was the opposite, I was starving all the time, and couldn’t lose weight at all. I am on the highest dose of PTU right now, and I felt better within a week, and I lost 12 pounds. My levels are not normal range yet, but they are getting better..
Good Luck.. I hope you start feeling better reply to: Hi!! New Here #1067835My previous doc wouldn’t even refer me to endo. I asked, and he told me it wasn’t necessary.
I was hospitalized twice with a rapid irregular heartrate. The most recent it was 160.. I felt like total crap all the time. I would fall asleep in the middle of the day for no apparent reason, but I couldn’t sleep at night. The biggest problem for me was the shaking my hands, legs, and sometimes my whole body would shake. My blood sugar also became high, but my new endo assured me that it is most likely due to the thyroid, and will recheck when my levels are stable. I do feel much better since I started the meds, and my doctor is fantastic. I do have one question though.. I have been sick for 5 weeks now, with upper respiratoty symptoms, and now I have a sinus infection. My kids all had a cold for 3-4 days, but I can’t seem to kick it.. Does this have anything to do with Graves, or my meds?
Thank you all for responding, and making me feel welcome” title=”Very Happy” />
in reply to: Hi!! New Here #1067831My name is Jennifer, and I was diagnosed with Graves July 08. My doc at the time didn’t want to treat me, and left me unchecked for a year. I recently switched PCP’s, and was referred to an endocrinologist immediately. I have been on PTU, and Atenolol for 7 weeks, with some improvement, but my levels are not normal yet. My initial TSH was undetectable, T3, and T4 were both more than double high normal. I have no family history of this, and don’t know what to expect. I hope to learn more here
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