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  • jeff92
    Post count: 13
    terppsi wrote:

    Not sure if it counts as alernating doseages, but 2.5 mg per day was too much for me, i would go hypo. So now I am taking 2,5 mg mmi Monday to Friday and nothing at weekends.
    So maybe it is not that strange.

    This is the same dose my wife is on except she takes Meth. 7 days a week at 2.5mg.. Do wanted to wait six weeks before adjusting again. Curious about which lab values promptef yor do to isuue no meth. On weekends?

    Post count: 13

    My wife also had the TSI test. Levels were normal but she was hypo so doc lowered the methizole. The TSI levels are now way to high. After six weeks they may lower the methimazole again.

    Post count: 13

    Thanks, as always, Kimberly! Do you know How often do drs should check these levels? I know it is not helpful to worry but I’ve also read that high TSI levels can lead to worsening TED. And Ive read that sometimes it doesn’t.

    Post count: 13

    Thank you are so helpful. :):)

    Post count: 13

    Liz…thank you for your detailed response. It is so helpful to know more about this…

    Post count: 13

    Pataday is an antihistamine eye drop that seems to be helping when its allergy season. Probably doesn’t do much for the GO problems though.

    Post count: 13

    Thank you Augen for sharing your journey. Your summary was truly one of the best written and honest reflection on the complexity of this disease. Blessings to you…

    Post count: 13

    Such an inspiring message, as always thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. My wife was recently seen for strabismus surgery and found out that this dr had peel and stick prisms that could help with the double vision. We wished we had known about these sooner so I wanted to post this to the group. They are not perfect but do help with seeing for at least part of the day.

    snelsen wrote:
    Hi Laura,

    You’ll have to look for it, but I described my OD and my strabismus surgery. I remember that the strabismus surgery was a DREAM!!! Easy peasy! Went out for lunch. No big deal to have the adjustable sutures. Sometimes they are needed, sometimes not. I found to be LIfE CHANGING, in the most marvelous
    and positive way I can describe. Even in the operating room they woke me up to look at objects across the room, and I saw ONLY ONE OBJECT, contrary to the horrible double vision I had for a long long time. I had both done at once,that is fine.

    The hardest part of TED was waiting to have the strabismus surgery.

    I also found my one OD a very difficult post op experience. Only good thing about is, that it really did save my vision. There was a huge amount of pressure on my optic nerve. To relieve the pressure, I did have IV steroids.

    So, I have nothing negative to say, and all is enthusiastic and wonderful.

    Post count: 13

    Thank you for these incredibly generous and detailed responses. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and thoughtfulness!


    Post count: 13

    Thank you for all of the generous responses to the earlier question about surgery and TED…..for those of you who decided on the thyroidectomy would you please share what helped you make that decision. For example, does it come down to trying to manage the anti-thyroid medications, etc.

    Post count: 13

    The Kellog Eye Institute in Michigan has reported that having a thyroidectomy may help to prevent TED. It was mentioned in a video – does anyone know if this is being recommended by the docs?

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