Thank you so much! That helps very much knowing that there could be hope. I am very optimistic that I will feel better in weeks to come. I am thankful that I haven’t had the effects a lot of others have had such as salivary swelling and neck soreness. Just a little tenderness in neck, which is a surprise. I think the low dose really helped and I was put on prednisone for 3 days prior, which I think helped my ted. I will hopefully get to address my itching issue tomorrow with my endo doc. I also think it’s just my graves going really hyper right now too because i do remember back when my graves was at its worst I was itching ALOT. I am on propranolol for my bp, but i don’t take it regularly like i should. And I will probably invest in a pulse oximeter as well! I hope you continue to do well on your path to remission! And hopefully I will start feeling as well soon.