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  • jcupcakes
    Post count: 3

    I’m sorry if you got the impression that I was asking someone to give me advice on what to do. I’m looking for others to share their experiences with these treatment options. It helps to know what other people went through in chosing a treatment and what that treatment meant for them. I’m not looking for anyone to tell me what to do. My doctor can tell me what she recommends all she wants but she herself has never had this done and its ultimately my decision. I just haven’t heard from anyone having had RAI or surgery since the majority of people I know went the medication route with greater success than I seem to be having. Thank you all for your support.

    Post count: 3

    I had the T3 drawn originally and it was 457 and 6 weeks after starting Methimazole it was 649. Sorry for leaving that out.

    My sister had anaphylactic shock from the methimazole back in 2006 and was switched to PTU. She had hives and that tight feeling in her throat like it was closing up so she went to the ER in the middle of the night after calling me. I dont have a rash or hives at all. Just the itching crawling skin.

    I should have mentioned that the Endo increased my propanolol to 120mg so my symptoms were mostly gone (except for the frequent urination and those lovely graves disease bowl movements). Although when she thought I was getting better she decreased it to 75mg and I felt terrible. I was very shakey and most of the summer I couldnt stand longer than a minute or two because of the overwhelming feeling I was going to pass out. So I’ve had the symptoms to go along with the increase in T4 and T3.

    To buy myself time, I’ve told her that I wanted to speak with people who have done all of the treatments to better understand the decision and I also told her I wanted to wait to see if this dose was going to do anything so I’m having TSH T4 and T3 drawn again in a few weeks.

    I really appreciate your responses. Thank you so much for your feedback.

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