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  • jblasky
    Post count: 2

    Thank you for everyone’s replys.
    I am still very confused on what we should try to do.
    I was also breastfeeding at the time when the hyperthroid was discovered. My endo put me on the Methimazole because it was safer for breastfeeding but she did say the PTU was safer for pregnancy.
    When I visited her a couple weeks ago she suggested that I read the latest published info from the American Throid Association that is now stating that you should remain on Methimazole while trying to conceive & through the first trimester – then after that switch to the PTU.
    I really don’t want to do surgery – the endo is making it sound like this is my best option if I am wanting another child soon.
    I am more worried about staying on these meds while prego though.
    My current dose of Methimazole is only 10mg once a day is that good??
    What is considered "remission"?? Having your TSH & FT4 in range for so many years??

    I am concerned about having the gland removed & then obviously having to stay on meds for life. If I don’t have it removed & stay on meds this could go into remission & be fine for some years??

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