I’m newly diagnosed with Graves. I have all the typical symptoms normally listed, except for the mood altering symptoms. I have pms regularly, so I am experienced at knowing and recognizing when irrability is coming or current and I try to be open with my family to help them understand that its me and not them. Its almost impossible to control, but possible to smooth over and ask forgiveness. I say that about PMS because I feel that I would be affected horribly with the emotional symptoms if I weren’t taking these vitamins. My husband and I started taking these vitamins 6 months into a second marriage. We were both struggling emotionally. We take St. John’s Wart, 2 a day, Flax Seed capsules, 1 a day and a multivit. You can take up to 6 St. John’s Wart a day, but we benefitted after only 2 a day. I know these simple steps may not work for everyone, but they have really helped us.