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in reply to: RAI treatment #1170020
Update: my primary doc ordered a ferritin test thinking low iron might contributing to the hair loss and low libido (the blood’s ability to store iron – different test from CBC) and low and behold, I am very low on all levels! It might also explain why my pulse is still somewhat high. So, I just began iron supplements. Boodwork will be done again in 4 weeks. I’m thankful my primary doc listens to me and doesn’t just look at lab numbers! Better than my endo. Keeping fingers crossed! What a journey!
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170017I am now 4 1/2 months post RAI and 2 months since the beginning of medication. The hardest symptom for me to deal with has been tremendous hair loss. My endo and I thought it might be the thyroxine and switched to synthriod (both 100mg) but no change. After I wash my hair,I literally have handfulls of hair and my brush is matted each time I run it though my hair. One can see my scalp and it looks llike the beginning of male pattern baldness. I am NOT a happy camper. My endo was less than helpful when she said it might be my shampoo as she didn’t think my thyriod had anything to do with the hair loss. I had a wonderful conversation with my primary doc. She felt that it is a result of the radiation and I am right in the middle of the timeline for the body to react to that particular assult/major medical event to my body. She felt that soon, the hair loss should slowly cease. Also, that it usually takes about 1 year for the body to adjust to not having a thyriod and finding the “sweet spot” of medication. Also, the vague symptoms I’m having of aches/pains, dry skin/hair, peeling nails, and zero libido (my poor hubby) is also part of the process.
I am now taking biotin, evening primrose oil and fish oil and keeping my fingers crossed that I won’t go bald! (primary doc said that won’t happen even though that is exactly how I’m feeling!) AND, I’m off to my hairdresser for a new “do” and a bit of pampering!in reply to: Anyone NOT gain weight after RAI? and VENT #1064906I did NOT gain weight. I, too, was scared about gaining and joined Weight Watchers 2weeks after RAI. I watch every, single bit of food that I eat. I eat a ton more vegies/fruit and cut way down of breads/sugar/fats. I did not lose weight when I was hyper and while on WW, I’ve actually lost the 10lbs I’ve been wanting to lose. I’m 4 mo post RAI and 2 months into thyroid replacement and so far, so good! In fact, much better than when hyper!
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170015For Luwa1,
I’ve been on l-thyroxine 100 mcg for about 10 days now. I’m not quite as tired but if I have a busy day I’m wiped out the next day and become one with my couch! I’ll have my labs checked again soon. I haven’t noticed any weight gain but then I’m being as careful as I can. I’m wondering if my face is a bit rounder as it seems different when I put make-up on.” title=”Sad” /> Onward…….
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170013For luwa1: regarding 10 day labs etc…once blood is drawn at my general doc’s office, it takes about 1 week for results to return and then she faxes it to my endo who is 1 1/2 hrs away and the I coordinate over the phone PLUS it was over Christmas. I find I have to be very proactive with my endo ie: "suggesting" things like lab work. She didn’t have labs ordered until 2 1/2 months AFTER radiation! By that time I would have been so far into the couch with tiredness, I might never have been found! I began to feel hypo symptoms at 6 weeks and at 8 requested labs to find that TSH, T3 and T4 had all bottomed out. I’m to have labs again in 4 weeks but only have meds for 30 days. If it takes 10 days, I will be w/o meds for 10 days…..steps in the wrong direction. I have some investigating to do so this won’t happen.
Sorry about the weight gain….it seems to happen to most people. Weight Watchers has given me some good nutrition tools so I’m hoping to keep any gain to a minimum.Good luck to you, too! This is quite the journey, isn’t it?
in reply to: thyroxine absorbtion #1169673Re: pharmacist: If having dairy for breakfast such as yogurt – take thyroxine on empty stomach, wait 1 hour and enjoy the yogurt. If I’m not eating yogurt, waiting 1/2 hour is sufficient. I figure if I keep the meds and a glass of water next to the bed, I can take the pill the moment I wake up and any waiting doesn’t seem that long.
” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170011Here I am 2 months post RAI and am I TIRED or what!! Other symptoms: so very cold, dry skin with some breakouts, dry hair, some hair loss and virtually no appetite. My endo didn’t want to see me until Jan but I requested labs done 10 days ago and TSH, T3 and T4 are all at rock bottom. I’m now waiting to get replacement meds. Weight Watchers is a great help to me as I do not want to gain weight (I didn’t lose any while hyper) so, when I do feel like eating, it is lots of vegies sans fat, lean protein, fruit and limited bread/starch. (no, I certainly didn’t eat like this over Christmas! I enjoyed every fattening bite!!)
I hope my posts help others as they navigate their own path with Graves’.” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170009It’s been 2 weeks and 2 days since RAI and I have virtually NO tremors!! Now, I can actually take a pen in hand and write legibly, drink without my teeth rattling against the glass and put on mascara without fear of blinding myself. I still need the beta blocker for my high pulse and probably will for a while as that is my first symptom. I didn’t lose weight like I did 8yrs ago but over the past few years have gained a bit. Since joining Weight Watchers 10 days ago, I’ve dropped a couple pounds in preperation for the probable gain when I go hypo. Onward…..
in reply to: RAI treatment #1170006It’s been 1 week today and I’m feeling fine with limited effects. The first couple of days I was tired. Day 3 my throat and salivary glands were a bit sore. My stomach was a bit off. Morning of day 6, I woke up in the middle of the night with a pulse of 120 so took one of my beta blockers and all was fine. Was that hormone "dumping"? Not sure but not a big issue. That’s about it. I did drink a LOT to flush out the radiation- ginger-lemon tea when my stomach was off – and sucked on sour licorace to keep the salivary glands going to flush those as well. So, now I sit and wait for my levels to fall. I’ve read other postings about weight gain as one works through the process of going hypo and adjusting the meds. So, I joined Weight Watchers as I DO NOT want to gain weight – seems a good, sensible program. So, I’m keeping fingers crossed!
Thanks for all the info – it was a BIG help last week!!” title=”Wink” />
in reply to: New and have many questions #1062178Hi All,
I have so appreciated all the previous posts. I am 3 days post RAI and was happy to begin the laundry and cleanup process and after 3 hrs of not doing too much, I’m ready for a nap. In this world of most everything being instant, it seems we who have Grave’s must work at being patient. Thank you Ski for your informative posts as they are very reply to: RAI treatment #1170003It’s been 24hrs after RAI and so far so good. I had 12 mci which I understand isn’t a large dose. The radiologist said that the digestive tract and salivary glands absorb some of the RAI. So, I’m drinking lots of ginger tea to ward of possible nausea and sucking on sour candy to flush out the saliva glands. I feel a bit tired and my vocal cords are a bit hoarse. I worked myself up into a worried mess prior……now I feel more matter-of-fact about it all. Thanks for the support!
in reply to: RAI treatment #1169999Bobbi – thank you for your quick reply! Between you and other posts on this forum, I have more info than any doctor is giving me.
in reply to: Success stories with RadioIodine treatment? #1169604I’m scheduled for RAI (12mci) on Wed (Oct 26) and I’m somewhat nervous. Unfortunately, my endo hasn’t given me ANY info as what to expect. From reading posts on this site, it seems many things may happen. If any of you out there would take a few moments to share your experiences/knowledge, I would be very grateful! Many thanks.