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in reply to: new to the disease, and still lost #1075072
For starters thank you so much everyone for all of your input, and wise advice. Although more children may bless my life later down the road, I already had the intention of getting my health "crisis" so to speak in order before hand. Now, I am not sure if this is relevant, since we cannot exactly pin point when the disease reared its ugly head in my life, since there have been thyroid storm occurrences throughout my life at various points. When I was pregnant with my daughter 7 years ago I had a great many complications. I was high risk and at six months along I was put on strict bed rest, thus leading me to drop out of school. (a bit hard to rest properly and attend scheduled classes) This alleviated many of the symptoms. Upon labor, it was a whirlwind of elements that seemed to go wrong. I stopped breathing, my blood pressure sky rocketed, and my daughters plummeted. I actually passed out, but could hear everything around me. Could this also be connected, seeing as I had no health issues during pregnancy except weight. I was a strict eater, no junk, water and milk, and only the best, and small portions several times a day. Yet I gained 65 pounds, and the doctors could not figure out why.
When my daughter was born she had the largest appetite, and yet wouldn’t gain much weight at all, until I switched her to formula. More like had no choice, I dried up in the second month.” title=”Smile” /> Is this what you meant Bobbi, about them being born possibly hyper thyroid?
After much thought these things came to my mind, as I must say this damn illness has wiped much of my memory out. I was like an elephant, and I could remember everything, and yet it is hard to be confronted with memories by those involved in them, and no longer recollect them.
Perhaps this also may be related to my petite stature from birth… don’t know
I will say that we do not have a history of it in our family, or well we didn’t. Upon my diagnosis, many family members who have similar symptoms are being tested. Thank God for small favors right? However, those being tested, fit the hypo-thyroid after many years of what now seems to be hyper thyroid. Oh yes, and if that isn’t strange enough,my 15 year old cat was almost two months ago with hyper thyroid. LMAO!!!! I didn’t even know cats could have that. Poor baby. Thankfully it is just a digestive disorder, and easily fixed by a diet change. Things get weirder and weirder everyday.
Does this mean that I may become Hypo-thyroid? There is still so much to learn and absorb. As strange as this sounds, I took an Anatomy and Physiology course in college this semester, and we had a whole section on endocrine gland dysfunctions. So I was earning much from that as well. Strange, but very reply to: new to the disease, and still lost #1075070I am still taking the PTU and a beta blocker, I was able to have a very flexible doctor that would still supply my meds an under Walmarts $4 plan too. Personally I hate taking the meds, because they irritate an already existing ulcer, which started acting up again upon getting sick.
I am just a jumbled mess so to speak. I also found out that I have the protruding eyes (bug eye as my mom likes to call it) only to find out that it has always been there since birth, it just became more prominent since June 2008. I know that three years ago I was scarfing own pizza at work, I always had a spare pizza in my car while delivering because I was always starving. I didn’t notice the weight loss then, until a family member I hadn’t seen in years freaked out because I was skeletal. So, perhaps this issue has been there for quite sometime but happened in small storms. THe panic attacks I was diagnosed with many years ago could have been the start of it. Out of nowhere in 5th grade I began the panic attacks. It is scary what may have happened if I took the ER doctor’s words this june and didn’t worry about it, because I was healthy, sent me on my way with vicodin for a 2 week long migraine. My mother begged me to get a second opinion that same day, and I did. Immediately my normal doctor knew what it was in the first 10 minutes.
I do know what caused the start of the thyroid storm….STRESS!!!! I was very stressed due to my daughter’s bio factor after 7 years of no show, pops in and starts threatening. So yes that can do it. Plus working a physically stressful job did help I am sure.
Overall I am gad to finally put a name to my symptoms, and yes I do have plenty of good days. If I have a bad day, and my stress level is high, my tremors are severe. So, during finals week (this week) I have been taking my happy calm meds. I never use them any other time. However its take it or endup in the er with a heart attack.
Oh yes, for those that are experiencing pregnancy with this disease: I am truly terrified. I want more kids, and I am with a great guy, who I will in time marry. We want a brood of children. If anyone could give me some advice on this, and chill my nerves on possible scary events please talk to me. I found numerous issues that arise with Graves + pregnancy, and it is frightening. What safe avenues can be taken to ensure a healthy baby, and will the child be affected by this ailment from me?
Thank you everyone that responded to me. It feels good to know I am not reply to: So many questions #1075076I as well had an increase in acne…. I never even had a pimple my entire life, until I was diagnosed. Then it was like puberty all over again… I am always breaking out, an many of them quite painful under the skin pimples. The only plus side, I have so many freckles that they blend right in among them. Thank God for that, or I would never leave the house.
My hair growth didn’t decrease…. it increased. However, my hair went from being hair model potential to dry an brittle. I am shedding hair left an right. I guess it is a good thing I have enough hair to supply an army of bald men, because you certainly can’t tell. However, when I shower there is a whole animal in the shower drain when I am done.
One thing I did notice with me, is my skin is sensitive, an dry. I always have a rash in addition to acne on my face, colorless but still there.
I also developed an inflammation on my cornea as a result of my already chronic dry eye becoming even drier do to graves disease. So yeah this sucks!
My eyes are progressively getting worse, and I am unable to focus my eyes when trying to read. Not a good thing when you are a college student, and spend most of your time with your nose stuck in a book. -