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    Post count: 6
    "j_rush" wrote:
    i mean, this canister was bigger than a pop can, had a 1 inch gap between the outer plastic wall and the inner lead liner, and in the lead liner was a plastic vial with 3 pills in it. this much caution just to transport something, and I’m supposed to eat it?

    :lol: Too Funny! I just had RAI Treatment on Tuesday and I couldn’t agree with you more!

    Post count: 6

    Rhonda – I tested negative in november on an ana screen but I had a test positive prior for another antibody test I don’t have a copy of that one. Do you think I should request this before doing the RAI? I think she is basing this on the TSH, T4,enlarged thyroid and uptake 2times first one was at 90% on day two this weeks was at 78% on day 2. I do trust her diagnosis she is one of the most reputable endo’s in our area. Also I do have Pernicious anemia which is another autoimmune disease and I have read in the book "living well with graves & hyperthyroidism" that if you have this you are at risk for Graves. Has anyone heard of this?

    Post count: 6

    Nancy – Thank you very much for your response. Definately makes me more comfortable with my road trip! The infant was what I was most concerned with.
    I am keeping my fingers crossed that the RAI will go well and it will hopefully be an end to the long & difficult journey for a diagnosis I have been on. I am hoping that all along it was the Thyroid causing the wide range of symptoms and after treatment I will begin to feel normal again (not that I know what "normal" is anymore!).

    Thank you again! Have a wonderful weekend!

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