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in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068709
Hey sorry all, I bet you thought I had got you all to post your weight then I did a runner. Ok drum roll please :::::::
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However, the relief is that I know I have been eating healthy and the phonecall from my GP with news about how hypo I am explains it all.
I don’t have time to read back but I remember someone saying about the type of foods hypo’s shouldn’t eat. I am going to look more into the today – possibly purchase a thyroid diet book – any recommendations?
Today I am going to try and drink more fluids and stay away from snacks…wish me luck xxx
in reply to: Gutted and fed up :( #1068488Hey thanks everyone,
Its vocal nerve damage so not sure there is much they can do poss referral to speech and language therapy.
sorry I haven’t been on just going to do my weigh in the morning as need to change the battery in my scales as been weighing daily lolxxx
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068669p.s just realised that my above weight could be within a normal BMI for someone taller than me. So I am 5ft’5inches and pre-GD my weight would be 9st 7lbs to 10st – where I would be of a healthy slim build. My heaviest would have been 10st 4lbs with me really pigging out (2 take aways a week that kinda thing and not exercising). My weight has fluxuated with GD from 8st 8lbs to 12 stone being hyper or "normal" at the time (
) which on my frame is classed as obese so agree with others that is NOT a healthy weight and either is my current weight.
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068887Hi Andros,
Welcome – I am thyroid free had TT a few weeks ago. I am aware about tofu but I am an addict and have refrained for so long so indulged the other night lol!
This weigh in is just for fun – runlacie I just thought it would be interesting to see what happens to our weight even with dieting. I am not taking any pressure from anyones weight loss – as long its natural and healthy I will be rejoicing with them as I remember how hard it was to loose weight while supposedly still hyper… I also feel although light humoured it would help me and probably others as you know how good you are trying to be to loose weight and yet it seems to creep on.
SO! I am going to use this as a motivator – to eat healthy, slow return to exercise and share (hopefully successes) and moan if the weight goes on
I think Runlacie was in the same mind frame? I think it will also be interesting as my first endo denied that I should have any weight gain when my bloods were supposedly "normal" yet I was 2 stone overweight and then it turned out I had been on the wrong meds and overdosed for over a year when I changed endo. I think if i had something like this back then it would have given me enough courage to approach the endo and say no – I am not accepting your explanation.
All in good fun xxx
in reply to: How long did it take? #1068822Runblacie – thanks so much for your support – you are always rooting me on! I really appreciate it! Yeah I am not patient with myself at all yet give out great advice that others should be lol!
Thats interesting about the vitamin D! I live in Scotland so we probably have the worlds highest Vit D deficiency in the world
” title=”Wink” /> I am trying to get my confidence up and rehab myself in thinking it can’t all be done in the one day…little by little but that doesn’t really apply with this condition as you just feel so crap some days don’t you?
However, my kids keep me going. My eldest was always very bright and alert but this wee one is making my mouth fall open. I used to have my own franchise of baby signing classes after signing with my eldest – was amazed at the results. Just started doing it with my 9 month old and he is signing already – 4 signs and has 5 words. The other day he said to me "mama’ and then done the eat sign – as I was making his lunch.. These wee things are really spurring me on and I keep thinking well 4 weeks ago you were worried you wouldn’t be here today seeing all this – be thankful for small mercies – I am trying folks but hey as you all know it ain’t easy……
I am def going to try and get out more with regards to the vit D issue! xxx
in reply to: Very frustrated today! #1068814Hi Kit,
My hubby jokes that in the morning I have one sip of tea and I am off to the toilet. Then at meal times I will take one bite and then have to go to the toilet. Have you been tested for IBS/ Coelics or the like? I did have bad IBS about 5 years for a long time…. I have actually been in shops and had to leave whatever I was ready to pay for and look for the nearest toilet.
I would def speak about it with your endo as it may not all "just" be thyroid realted.
in reply to: How long did it take? #1068819Hi,
Thanks everyone…
Nancy – I am not too worried to be honest I think more frustrated is the word. My sister and I are not alike at all – although she has thyroidism she is far healthier than me even from the onset of her condition – I think apart from having a rougher ride I was diagnosed after having kids whereas all her probs/ op etc.. were years before her children arrived. So I guess its just different health and circumstances. She admits herself that although symptomatic she never looked as or felt as ill as me so yes you are right to say I have had a rougher ride of it as such – I just feel guilty saying that
” title=”Smile” /> Definitely you are right about successes – I am so thankful to come through the op and feel very proud of myself that I did it!
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ewbm – Sorry to hear you are still not great – its so frustrating. I think for me its the fact that I REALLY need to get a move on now as I have 2 small boys and family life is demanding. However, I managed out to the swing park today with boys and hubby. He had to drive as I still have limited movement at my neck. So like Nancy said it is small successes. I am I suppose like you having good days and not so good days – but my not so good days are much better than what my "good " day would have been pre- op so hurrayyyy! I am just not used to taking things slowly and am used to pushing myself lol! Just a typical woman! I certainly hope you start to feel the benefits of your treatment. I know that I am benefiting in other ways physically especially my heart rate. However, I am having changes in temp tolerances so one min freezing the next ready to combust – lol whats new eh?
Cathy – yes my youngest is 9 months I will have had a years maternity leave come the beginning of Sept and have a med cert to cover me until the 10th of Sept therefore that is when they expect me back at work – not looking good as I know you have a midwifery past so can appreciate that I need to be fit and healthy to carry a caseload from the moving and handling rehab aspect and also physically more rebust immunity wise..However, I am not really worrying too far ahead with regards to that however, it is a practicality and therefore must be addressed… I work for the NHS therefore there is a GREAT deal of emphasis made up on keeping low sick leave rates in staff….oh the joys
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Thanks again xxx
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068881Lol! I feel so at home here! Its so funny you say about putting it away and being skinny! My sis who had the op 13 years ago was nicknamed the "horse" in our house as she never stopped eating and was so thin – her twin sister was the opposite more like humpty dumpty lol!
We had large oval shaped plates when we were growing up and she was a great cook as she got older and would cook for the 8 of us if my parents were both working in the shop – maybe running up to Xmas. Anyway her plate (large oval) was so full the spaghetti bolognese etc.. would be falling over the sides
It was a bigger portion than my dad and brothers. Then she would creep down at night and make a loaf of toast and say it was for everyone but most nights we were all bagged by the size of her dinners!
It was the family joke. This is so funny this next part. As you come down my parents stair case there is stain glass windows that look into the living room. Anyway one night we were all telling stories about things we got up to and she admitted that she would lie flat coming down that part of the stairs so my parents wouldn’t see her going in for something to eat…My parents wouldn’t have said anything but she was really mortified by the excessive eating! lol
She said she had a fat phase when I was really low one day and trying to joke about what my 1st endo had said to me. She said she had to wear elasticated waist jeans – I really don’t remember that but she recalls it vividly. She is painfully thin and for years they haven’t been able to get her level of thyroxine right and she was at the highest does poss and still losing weight. She now has regrowth of the 1/4 of her gland and its sad to say it looks like a large goiter.
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Any how I want to be her and was ( I know I know) secretly hoping that I would go slim like her but here I am starting to put the weight on….
Ok weigh- in starts MONDAY!
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068879Runlacie,
A weekly weigh in could be a good idea! Lets start next week as I just had a Chinese takeaway as hubby and I were too tired to cook tonight
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in reply to: Ava’s surgery and other off the wall stuff #1068899Hi Valerie
Firstly, HUGE HUG ((((((((((((())))))))))) As if its not a worrying job enough being a mother you have all this to cope with too. I know I worry myself sick about my kids and when I was going through my op I didn’t genuinely care about any complications in the "real"sense (obviously slightly concerned) but I just prayed that God brought me through that op alive for my 2 boys….even if i was too loose my voice for good at least they still would have a mum.
I am sorry to say how illiterate I am to your daughters condition…but just by reading your post it seems an awful lot for a family to cope with and a little girl to come through…life is funny at times isn’t it?
I think I can speak for others (who I have gotten to know well on here) that you have come to the right place in the sense that although we don’t know a lot about Ava’s condition – you have our support, time patience and sympathy. Most of us on here are mothers and I know one or two have had kids having to go for major ops – not GD related but its a similar trauma… Please don’t feel you don’t fit in…. If you want to PM me even just to get it off your chest or have a good cry while writing (gosh have I done that many times!) then please know that I am here to listen to you. I may not be able to offer you any advice but I gather you are getting so much of that from your surgeons so what you are really needing right now is a friend – I can be that person.
I will be offering up my prayers for little Ava and for your family that you find the comfort and support that you need at this very trying time…
With lots of love and hugs
M xxx
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068872I love you guys – you are all so funny! I have resisted the chocolate bar which my hubby brought along with my cup of tea and it was noodles and tofu for dinner – which I love. It is rather depressing… Sue I know what you mean – I used to be hip and happening, well now its my hips that are happening
They should change the Encourage educate empower too Graves Disease foundation, "mood swingers", "weight gainers" and "super worried folk" – Welcome
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Should we start a weekly weigh in? See how we are all getting on or would that be too depressing?
in reply to: Having a bad day- need cheering up #1068854Hi,
Sorry you are having a rubbish day
” title=”Sad” /> I haven’t had too many probs with my eyes and don’t know too much about TED. I do know after the op I had some double vision and was scared to say to any one. It was a horrible experience (seemingly a side effect of anesthetic) so to have that on a daily basis must be awful.
No wonder you were crying… You have had some good advice from George etc… hope that helps.
Maybe I can cheer you up – I know you all think me nuts anyway
” title=”Very Happy” /> My job is community based – my hubby went into fits when he heard I was applying (needless to say his laughing stopped as I stayed straight faced!) as I CANNOT read a map! Before we got married I would call him from Scotland to Oxford saying "I’m lost" can you look up AA route planner and give me directions lol I thankfully have a sat nav – but sometimes that doesn’t have the new streets and i call him at home
I turn the map in all ways and I just can’t figure out which way is which… I have such a female mind lol Anyhoo I call him at home and ask him to look up directions – he used to sometimes get so fed up as I would be sobbing down the phone….Once I ended up in a farm with cows away in the middle of nowhere about 30 miles away from my destination. The farmer guy just stared at me when he noticed the uniform and sat nav lol
Better days are ahead my friend. This disease sucks to say the least especially in the day to day things – none of us on here are looking to climb mountains (gosh not yet anyway lol) as this disease in itself is a mountain. You feel euphoric as you reach the summit then realise there is another right behind it which is much higher! Hopeful will no doubt be on to give her mantra "kick it in the ****** !
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In the meantime I am giving you a huge hug and telling you BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR ALL OF US!!!
in reply to: Weight Gain – Oh NO!!! #1068869Hi its so frustrating isn’t it!
I think you are right that if you eat three low fat meals a day then it should help but for me in the past even while being hyper (reverse symptoms – great fun) it never helped. Interesting about the meat – I am veggie but I have a friend who is trying to loose wait and is a meat eater – will pass on the tip
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Runlacie – give me some of that energy. I am managing no exercise but to be honest my scar is still healing so think it may be a while I did go for a VERY short walk today. Got out the old weight watcher diet book and you know I am a healthy eater and most of my staples are in the free core section – I think I will just need to try and stick to it and cut out all the good stuff like chocolate ( not been eating a lot – honest
) for just now and see what happens. I remember before though how frustrating and heartbreaking it is. It must be terrible for you to know that you are really exercising hard and its still going on – thats when you know this weight issue /thyroid thing is NOT in your head!
In the meantime I am thinking myself thin – will let you know how it goes
xxxin reply to: Newly diagnosed & have questions please #1069160Hey I think you and I may be related – as your sister sounds like one of mine! Seemingly I was over exagerating my thyroid issues – then she got a shock when it all kicked off and now had surgery. She is one of my other 2 sisters who has recently been diagnosed with GD – wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy but you should be very careful what you say!
My mum has heamatomachrosis which is – if left untreated a very life threatening condition. Anyway when she was diagnosed all family members including her siblings had been advised to be tested as she had both faulty genes and my grandfather had his 1st heart attack at 40 – which they now believe was most likely this condition. Well my uncle through marriage – didn’t want his wife to have this condition ( you gotta know this man boy is he hard work). Well like your sister he said oh they just give you a wee pill for that…my mum had 14 pints of blood taken over 14 weeks as her ferratin was 1088 and should only be at the highest max – 50! She could have had a massive stroke! As they took the blood (just like donating blood) it turned into like a thick jelly in the bag.
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My advice is to just ignore you sister – she will be like that with everyone and one day you should say in front of other people while she is there – since when did you qualify as a medic? If you read my first posts on here – " a pill" didn’t help me or many others – some of us have been critically ill.
You need to get yourself well and people like that just hamper that process….. just now you need to think of your recovery. We are all with you! xxx