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in reply to: Congratulations Nancy and Ski #1067524
Nancy that is a lovely thought… But don’t be frightened to take the credit…if you hadn’t lit that torch we wouldn’t have been able to see any light at all some days….
Hi Michelle how are you? Haven’t had a catch up with you in ages on the board.
I know what you mean. I am one of 6 children and 3 of my sisters and myself have GD. My sister (the super thin skinny one which I am hoping happens to me lol) then me then her twin was diagnosed this year and then our elder sister. I think my parents are feeling a little out of sorts. I just pray my kids don’t have it – I have been thinking that a lot recently.
in reply to: DESPERATE!!! (please help me) #1067440Hi how are you feeling today?
I was so frustrated for you when I read your post. I remember that overwhelming feeling so well. This disease has a lot to answer for. Not only does it mess you up physically and make you feel awful on a "good" day but it is just a rollercoaster ride emotionally and I think all of us on here are shouting with the one voice "STOP AND LET ME OFF!!" Like Ski said there are so many posts like yours on here (sure half are mine when I was going off my head) so please please please know you are not alone – we are all here for you and I can completely sympathise. I felt like I was the worlds worst mum as I was too unwell to care for my kids and I was an emotional wreck and to be honest a complete fiend with regards to my husband – mamabear was constantly trying to settle me down
” title=”Wink” /> You know sometimes I would be posting on here and I couldn’t type fast enough to get all my frustration and venom out
I’m not going to say that it gets better that there is sunshine all the time. I thought after my op I would return to being Doris Day – nope! But I am alot better and never thought I would get to this place.
Do you think perhaps your treatment needs to be reassessed? Have you gave any consideration to longer term treatment e.g RAI /TT? My marriage was under a terrible strain after I had the TS and it was an awful time for both my husband and I. My endo was fantastic and spoke with my husband about how GD impacts upon relationships etc..
I can honestly say that the people on this board carried me through my hard times and it was heartwarming to see them (who are unwell themselves) pull together to help someone who was having a bad day or a right rotten time of it. Please hang in there – vent and get it out. PM me if you need extra support.
With a huge wrap around hug which is lifting you off that bathroom floor………
M xxx
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068777Go lacie! Well done you!
ach I am just getting fat! But my levels are way up there 32 TSH reading so I knew that I was not in control of the weight gain the last few weeks. I am not weighing myself at the moment as I will just start to panic
. I am going on – well the jeans still fit so that is a good sign
” title=”Wink” /> . They have increased my thyroxine to 150mcg so here is hoping it will make a difference.
Healthy eating all the way – have been making my meals in the slow cooker the days I am working so that the dinner is ready when I come home hence no snacking before hand!
M xxxxxxx
in reply to: Am I making a big mistake?? #1067557Deep breaths its normal to be so anxious. Only you can make that decision. However, I had the op in July and now in hindsight I wish I had done it 4 years ago instead of going through everything I have to finally make that decision.
I am sure you will be absolutely fine and feel the benefits soon enough! There are lots of people on here who have had RAI and will give you a better answer. Best of luck tomorrow xxxxxxx
in reply to: Scared high TSH #1067576Hey all thanks so much for your support!
Nikki Thanks for looking all the info up
” title=”Smile” />
Ski I am hearing you and see what you are saying so basically my body is asking my thyroid for some replacement but since I no longer have a thyroid (thank God says me
” title=”Very Happy” /> ) then that’s why it has went so high. This hair loss is awful Ski it was just settling after the TS and now its falling out again – arrghghgh
ewbm you are so right about hypo being better than hyper – so much better! I am able to do things with the boys etc.. and its a different type of tiredness.. Thanks so much for your prayers I do mention everyone on the board who needs prayers every night
” title=”Smile” /> I am sorry you are feeling low. My boys have had the swine flu- although not confirmed diagnosis as the clinics etc don’t want you attending with suspected symptoms to try and stop the infection spreading. As I am high risk (asthmatic) and work in the health sectore I should be getting my vaccination very soon. Its very frightening. But as you say we need to just keep praying.
I am sorry I haven’t been on here a lot to offer support but with the boys being unwell and then back at work I am shattered by the time I get to bed. I do check my facebook account so if anyone is on there PM me and I will give you my log on – I keep in touch more in that respect xxxxx
in reply to: Scared high TSH #1067571Thanks guys.
ewbm you are right that I need to keep remembering (also my GP pointed out too) that I am by the really dangerous part now and they can cope and deal better with hypo rather than my hyper levels.. I am just so fed up and scared… Bobbi I do keep remembering it isn’t cancer and you are right I have a lot to be thankful for.. I guess I am just at the end of my tether with this disease, I really thought by now I would be on my way to feeling well and settled and I guess I am just one of these people where that is going to take much longer.
ewbm I am not sure about the differences in ranges but I remember when my GP called 8 weeks ago and said that my TSH was 18. something and not to worry too much as she had people who were int eh 30 ranges. So I guess when I got the call I thought about the previous conversation and panicked and sobbed
I knew that I was more hypo as I am so fatigued and the weight gain without excessive eating and being constantly on the go.
I am feeling calmer now – I have to for my boys…. I suppose its just another turn in the road for me before I get a smooth run… Just need to say what my bloods say in 8 weeks…..
M xxx
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068774HI all,
How is everyone? Lacie sorry to hear you aren’t great! Can you go hyper so quickly after RAI – my knowledge is very limited. Gosh that would be awful if you had the treatment but there is a possibility of going hyper the same way again.
I am not weighing myself this week as its too depressing and also the time of the month coming up so not even going there!
My hair has started falling out again! Anyone know if that is also a sign of hypo? That had all settled down after the TS and I noticed it was coming in thicker now the sink is full as I wash and the brush too (just gently brushing).
M xxxxx
in reply to: Thyroid Storm #1067657Hi Country Princes,
I had a TS early this year post partum. I was feeling very ill….much worse than what you would say as symptomatic of hyperthyroidism.. I listed my symptoms leading up to and as I went into a TS on a thread so if you check the archives you will see it all there, to be honest I try not to think of that period of my life anymore as I still have flash backs and mentally and emotionally I find it really distressing.
M xx
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068763Hey all
Ach this weight thing is real killer isn’t it? I am just going up and up and actually am getting more fatigued. Have to wait to get my bloods done on the 23rd to see if they should increase thyroxine! Oh please say yes so I can loose like 14lbs at least – so depressing and I feel horrible physically never mind emotionally with this excess blubber!
I really want to leave the car where possible but I am so tired. Can someone recommend the foods you are NOT supposed to eat if you are hypo? Baring in mind if chocolate is on that list I will be glossing over it ! ha ha
Take care everyone – looking forward to a catch up xxxxx
in reply to: So tired of this… :( #1067768HI,
Firsty, you have came to the right place. With regards to the meds you really need to try and get into a way of taking them or else all your good intentions and hard work will go to waste- these meds are your gold dust and means to trying to get well. How long since you have been diagnosed? You could ask the pharmacist to organise your meds into a weekly blister pack and therefore you will be able to see if you have taken the days meds or not…Enough has given you some great advice so I won’t repeat all that but what she says could be repeated 100x over by the people on this board….
Ok this disease is a real pain and has a huge impact upon family life. I bet if you read back older posts of mine and others on here we all said that our kids were the only thing keeping us going. I have been at the stage of a break down with this disease and medically very ill.. It wasn’t an easy ride.. far from it infact if I hadn’t had the people on here to advise me, listen and even show me love and concern I don’t know where I would be… Could your endo speak with your hubby? My endo was fantastic and I must admit although we have a lot of probs my hubby was good in most respects but at the time of being unwell I couldn’t see that. Now I look back and see a man who was at the end of his teather with a sick wife whose personality had completely changed and who would wail like a banshee if he even looked at me the wrong way..
” title=”Wink” /> It took sometime but once the meds kicked in the hormonal rages and emotions started to subside and settle. I had to learn to cope in a different way which was very hard for me but I had to let go of the housework (gosh think that may have taken about 10posts on here to get to that stage
), take time out when I needed it – hard when you have kids but I would jump in the car in a rage and come home calmer. Be easy on yourself and love yourself therefore be gentle and caring the way you would with a friend.
It does get better! If I can come through what I have with this condition any one can.. Please try to work a way of remembering to take your meds its the only way forward at the moment. In the meantime please hang in there and keep posting we are all here to support you.
in reply to: New to Grave’s and think I’m losing my mind! #1067848Hi,
I am so sorry you have been so unwell.. I am a fellow survivor of a TS and believe me I appreciate everything you are going through. If you look at my posts you will see that you are "normal"… I really thought I was going off my head too and I was so aggitated – I was a monster! I had a great endo who was very sympathetic but realistic with me and told me yes I was going off my head as my levels were sky high and out of control.
It did take some time for my levels to come down and also the aggitation/anger/confusion/emotions to settle. My life line was this forum! I couldn’t have got through it without the people on here. I also was on a high dose of valium.
I can’t write too much today and yet I want to offer you so much support having been in your shoes but my kids are unwell at the moment. Please PM me if you need to vent/cry or just ask questions…it hasn’t been an easy journey for me but I have survived and came through it… I had the op at the end of July as meds were no longer controlling my GD. Best decision I ever made.
In the meantime try to rest and use any support channel you have.
Lots of love, hugs and prayers
M xx
Thanks everyone!
Ok maybe I was too premature in my celebrations
” title=”Wink” /> I was exhausted on Tuesday night and was on the verge of fainting with fatigue – I was really frightened at how tired I was…. I was scared that I had returned to work too quickly. However, I did mange back in on Thursday and went with one of the other girls on the wards…I really felt the pace and very weak. but she was walking so fast and trying to throw patients on me and I was like to myself Wow you are so not ready for this. I wish I had taken another couple of weeks off.
My bloods are going more hypo even with the 100mcg thyroxine. My GP called to say hold fire with increasing the meds (my surgeon’s recommendation after blood test) as it take 8 weeks for a TFT to reflect the thyroxine ??? I am really tired…. and Lacie I can’t even bare to weigh myself! I am so puffed up its depressing BUT I am staying focused and trying to think that by Xmas hopefully they will have corrected my dose enough to stop the weight gain.
Thanks again everyone I really appreciate your support! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068755Hey all sorry its been a while
Ok here goes 163lb!
” title=”Sad” />
Fed up – Am wearing Magi-fit trousers which conceal and hold in your stomach now!
Gutted and fed up! My bloods are not good but GP advising me against surgeon to weight until endo of October until I increase my thyroxine as it should take around 8 weeks for TFT to reflect the medications effect on my TFT post surgery. Until then and probably much later I will become like a "pure wee bloater" as they would say in Glasgow. uggghhhh!
Here’s to be better a week for all. xxxx
p.s sure the trip to Pizza hut tonight won’t help with weight loss for next week
Ok went to see my surgeon today for post op app. I mentioned the probs I am having with my eyes. She floored me with her response – don’t worry she was lovely. Anyway she said well that was one of the reasons we didn’t give you RAI because your eyes were "dodgy to begin with"! I was like eh? Its seems when I was first ever seen by the horrible endo and highlighted the watery/gritty eyes etc.. he had noticed a deterioration etc.. of my eyes then and GED. He never once mentioned it to me and I just always thought that when they were checking my eyes (me following his finger etc..) that it was protocol. She said well we will give it 3 months and if it hasn’t settled down we will need to do something with your eyes. I am sick with worry. What does she mean? What can they do? Does it always end in surgery? I don’t want surgery on my eyes. They are not bulging and its not that bad but has there been a report that can indicate that things will get worse?
Oh I am sorry to always have to come back to you my friends who are coping with so much in your own lives for reassurance.
From a very scared hyperm
xxx -