Thanks you all for all your support – thats the reason I googled looking for some support group as you really feel as though you are going off your head..most people think its just weight gain or loss!
I can laugh back to 4 years ago when just before being diagnosed and I calmly asked my husband to hand over the baby to me (this baby is now 4) he thought I was tired and harrassed and said no just you do what you have to do. WELLL red rag to a bull – I could see him calmly walking around the garden showing baba the trees and the birds and it just somehow enraged me that he thought (in my mind he did) I couldn’t care for my baby well I chased him around the garden in bare feet shouting…. After which I collapsed in tears and he gently said he thought I had some kind of mental illness. My friends will often ask me to tell that story if we get together as I am a very placid person (even if do say so myself). Hubby said I was like Jack Nicholson from the Shinning and that I would go hunting for him – I feel so guilty now about it all and just now I am all over the place.
At work I got to a high position rather young as I worked hard and just got on with and always seemed to take the crap parts of the job that no one else wanted. WELL when MRS THYROID went out of control the staff meetings were certainly different
In one sense it was a good thing as I stood up for myseslf but when people were seeing me in the corriders they were jumping into doors and alleyways
Oh dear! Even when it all calmed down and I could explain I still see a weariness in their eyes – which I hate as I am not that person this thyroid has made me.
I know someone mentioned my babies – well yes I am still grieving terribly and I am desperate for more kids but am so scared of any more Mc so yes I want the op.
Anyone else have similar experiences? I know Laurel you said that your had mood swings too.
M xxx