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in reply to: Having Surgery in two weeks, and am nervous!! #1073416
Snap with the ups and downs and like you after 4 years and a thryoid storm I have agreed that I am having a partial removal. Like you I am petrified as I have 2 little boys. But please stay calm – my sis and friend had the op they were fine and many people I know too.
I am a very anxious person and the graves doesn’t help. Surgeons (in the UK anyway) must tell you about fatalities by law – but you are a young healthy woman (except the graves). I lost 2 babies due to graves – well my m/c rate was much higher and I was petrified going into have d&c’s and they had to tell me about the risk on aneasthesia. I can truly appreciate your concern as when my endo suggested it last year – there was no way I was going for that op but now I feel so ill and its effecting my quality of life so I know its the right decision. You will have a large team around you and an aneathistis watching your every move so you will be fine.
Maybe in the meantime you should ask for a sedative to keep you calm in your day to day until the op comes then they will give you a pre-op and you will be floating.
We are all here to help you through the time ahead and I am sure there are many people on here who will have had the op and have more supportive stories – I just really understand your concern.
in reply to: Feeling awful #1073717Thank you Nancy that is very kind of you – this board is fantastic I have posted into a local netmums site as I am sure there are lots of women and men out there who need support.
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in reply to: Hereditary? #1073458p.s I have read many people say that RAI doesn’t cause infertility yet my endo ruled that out when I said I wanted more children why is that????
in reply to: Hereditary? #1073457Yes it is hereditary – my sis has it. My first little boy wasn’t tested as the disease never kicked off until after I had him, however with my 2nd little boy – he had to be tested on day five after birth because it is autoimmune and can effect growth etc.. thankfully he was fine and no further treatment is required for him – however, its not to say that my first little boy won’t develop it. My mum was tested for thryoidsim for years while pregnant with all 6 kids and nothing yet both my sis and I have it. Strangely enough my sis is a twin and her twin is fine!
I am not sure if its risky if its the female who has the disease rather than the male. Your endo will know more.
Good luck and happy baby making
M x
in reply to: Graves and weight gain, also alt treatment #1073467Where’s my rapid weight loss??? Not that I really want that because, imo, it would be terrible for your body if it was acting that way … but I probably have actually GAINED 10 pounds over the last year. What’s up with that? Has anyone else experienced this?
I was put on blocking treatment (carbimazole and thyroxine) felt awful and was going to endo monthly ( I worked with him on the wards) anyway I was piling on the weight yet as a young mum walked everywhere the buggy , at baby classes and working so very little time to sit and as my husband noticed ate very little.reduced my carbo intake and never ate after 6pm. I joined 2 dieting clubs and was following them so strictly but was putting on weight .The Endo very rudely asked "are you sure its not what is going between the teeth?" well by then I had enough a
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s he was saying my bloods were fine yet I felt awful all the time etc,,,, some days my mum and husband would say my face was so swollen and I had to go up a size in shoes etc… never mind the jeans.
I changed Endo’s as I was pregnant and the new one specialised in thyroidism in pregnancy. He was shocked I was on this treatment as it wasn’t for menstrating women seemingly and as my bloods had been stable for so long why not try to come off it. Within a week I Iost 9lbs!!!!
It was mainly fluid.
My bloods were still great and not going overactive at all. He agreed the meds were wrong for me and I had been overdosed for over a year! I was so angry as I knew myself that I was never that weight (always slim built) my work uniforms were bursting etc… Also I knew that although my bloods were seemingly "normal" I felt awful. My new endo also explained that some meds don’t agree with some patients and its a trial and error.
I would question it as I over reacted to the carbimazole and had to be put on thyroxine, however now my new endo said he would never to that again but play about with the levels of PTU (now off carbim as WBC los).
I can’t wait to get a partial removal (petrified) but I want it out so I can feel well again.
Good luck
Hey whymythyroid believe it or not I do appreciate your prayers and thank you so much that you would think of me – it seems its that divine intervention is the only thing carrying me through all of this.
Also I suppose electricblue as a man you must feel like a minority on this board but thank you so much for your support. I was lucky that i didn’t need any meds while pregnant
” title=”Wink” /> so I think that is why I took the storm – however my endo did predict that but my GP was very poor in contacting him quick enough when she got my results which seemingly made her "heart stop"
My hubby went out and bought me the GodFather trilogy last night as I love it and also Al pacino so now that my eldest is at nursery and my angel of a mum has taken baba out in the fresh air I have my self settled for an afternoon of rest and give into this fatigue for a little while…
I can’t believe the amount of support I have had on here and I am so sorry if I sounded like moaning mertyl…its not like me so I guess thats why I am taking it hard out…
Just can’t wait to have partial removal and then convince hubby that another baby next year is a great idea
Thanks again.
m xxxx
in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074544I lost the baby because the Grave’s was so bad and I didn’t know I had it …and the umbilical cord was around his neck.
i am truly sorry for your loss I m/c with 2 babies with graves disease. If you ever need to chat pm me at any time
M x
in reply to: Doctor Recommendations #1073518erobinson219 wrote:Wow – thats’ very interesting. My son, who is 22, is suffering from a lost of gastrointestinal distress and is looking for help. He thinks it may be something like Crohn’s but has not been diagnosed with that yet. I wonder if it is related to the thyroid. I was pregnant with him when I first wad diagnosed with graves. Thanks for the Mayo recommendation.HI
I had IBS for years and on several occassions had repeat tests for cealiac disease which is commonly found in thyroid cases
Good luck
,m x
in reply to: Had Thyroidectomy Feb 5th-still not well #1073521sorry you are not feeling great. My sis had hers removed and she was great afterwards and back at work (also a nurse) very quickly. However, my friends aunt is like you and they are saying its down to "parathyroid" le which has kicked due to the op and results in low calcium levels etc which as you will know can make you feel awful. Have they done your bloods?
I suppose everyones recovery rate is different. After my babies it has always taken me sometime to get on my feet whereas 3 of my sisters were up and hanging washing out to dry and away walks around the park….
I would ask for further blood tests and mention how ill you are feeling. Is there any sign of menopausal symptoms?
HOpe you get better soon
in reply to: need some questions answered…new to this!!! #1073921MrsC wrote:Hi, my name is Laureen and my just turned 13 year old daughter was just diagnosed today, with Graves disease. The doctor says that she also has an overactive Thyroid Gland… I have been reading on this disease and it is said that it usually occurs in women 20 and older. I was wondering what is going to happen and what I can do to help my little girl, she was only 101lbs, @ 5ft 3 in, but in 2 and 1/2 weeks she has lost 9 1/2 lbs. She is not sleeping well and is very agitated. Is this normal? If anyone could give us some advice and also if there are certain foods that may help I would greatly appreciate any type of response… Thank you in advance” title=”Smile” />
Yours Truly
Hello Mrs C,
I am sorry to hear about your daughter. My sister was diagnosed around the same age as your daughter and like yours was exceptionally thin (she was a twin who is fine), very aggitated and was very physically aggressive in a household where we never were exposed to violence – it was a terrible experience for us all and her. She had hers removed some 10 years ago now. It is genetic and therefore I was diagnosed at 24 however my condition is much worse than hers perhaps because I have had children.
I lost nearly 2 stone when I was first diagnosed (28lbs) in the space of 2 months – I thought it was baby weight but my eyes were pin point and i was very aggitated. Once the meds kick in she should start to feel better and also may start to gain weight.
Please keep us updated on how she is keeping.
M x
in reply to: DENIED!!!! #1073479EXACTLY!
that is awful – I am wondering after my mat leave whether I will be able to return to work. I am an OT and in the UK its normally them that screen for DLA. Most people think with thyroidism its weight loss or gain. I would advise you to ask your GP to write a letter stating the debilitation of your condition.
Let us know how you get on
M x
in reply to: My Story- Babies and PTU #1074224Hi I am so sorry to hear about your babies – I lost 2 due to thyroidism but recently delivered a very healthy little boy.
I hope you get some good advice here.
m xxx
Thank you thank you to all of you who have posted and also privately mailed me I will reply privately too. I have had depression in the past as I was attacked so I have a very good counsellor who i have contacted again as she knows me from before. She has treated some women through thryoidism so I am so lucky that she won’t just put it down to depression. She and my mum also think I am now grieving the miscarriages and that mixed with an untreated thyroid has made me go off the scale..
after I came home I thought I was calm and then went to look on the baby and spilt my glass of water on his blanket well it seems so stupid but it just set it off and my husband came down stairs in time as I really was going to hang myself
” title=”Sad” /> I don’t feel much better this morning but I am so thankful that there are people out there who know this condition and don’t just think I am crazy.
I am on heart meds and they are working to a point but I still have a heart beat of 120 at rest and when I come out the shower its beating so fast I am loosing my breath. Hopefully my endo will call tomorrow. Last night I just couldn’t handle the thought that it could take (like last time) a full year to start to feel better and in the meantime I can do nothing but sit and not help my children. I am a very maternal person so I think this is why I feel so guilty for not being able to care for them. My Endo has prescribed diazepam and I am taking that but I don’t think it is helping.
I know I am panicking as because before I wasn’t as ill as this (although was ill if you know what I mean) and it took over a year for me to star feeling I can cope and then lost the 2 babies because of it. I think it has all been a shock to the system as I had the crash team around me etc.. in hospital and as I am an OT a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
However while I have been writing this my eldest little boy has came over and gave me a big cuddle and told me I am his guardian angel
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” title=”Smile” /> so I know i need to go on.
I am sorry this has all been so low and I am sure there are many people out there who are much worse than me and I shouldn’t complain. Once again thank you so much for all your kind words.
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M x
HI Amy,
thanks for your reply – I have been out a drive in the car in the hope that all settles for the evening but no I am not feeling good at all. I have a very supportive mum and hubby for how much longer? My husband works from home and ins now having to work through the night to help me throughout the day and my mum is taking the kids.
When I came home he asked me if i was ok and I told him that neither will tomorrow will be ok or the following -all I hear is once the meds kick in but I don;t think they realise that i am not sure if i can hold on that long.
I adore my kids but tonight was the first night I have really thought I should never have had them as what kind of mother am I to them? I used to have my eldest to 5 baby classes a week and now even the thought of getting him dressed has me breaking out in sweats and crying. I am trying to hide it but can’t any more as I can do nothing. I tremor all over if I try to do something and feel on the verge of collapse, i can’t think straight, i can’t clean my house, I can’t prepare any food, i offer no wifely support to my husband and just give my parents worry
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Please has anyone else felt this with this condition I never felt the first time I was diagnosed.
M xxx
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed Today #1073770Hey I read the last thread and yes you need to get your bloods done straight away – I am just after experiencing a thryoid storm and had a FBC upon leaving hospital I got a call the next day to stop all meds immediately even though I had been so unwell as my WBC was at danger levels – try not to worry too much (like me) as they can start to improve in over a week and they can try some other kind of med.
Good luck
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